Broad World

Chapter 369 Business

After taking a bath, Henry returned to his original appearance and sat on a chair in his room while eating breakfast while checking the contents of the parchment. Although I am a little tired mentally now, it is not the time to rest. He will go back to Eratan's mansion soon to let Su Li take over the shady business, and he also has to go to the intelligence point in the city to send a message for Robert to come in person.

Geweila stood quietly aside, waiting for his boss to ask questions. After more than a month of training, her appearance and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes. The original girl who was full of sunshine and enthusiasm has disappeared, replaced by a beautiful woman full of maturity, reason and calm temperament.

I have to say that the environment can really change a person. Since the Garden Hotel was built, it has been defined as a high-end consumer place, and the people who come and go here are either wealthy businessmen or nobles with high status. In the process of dealing with them, the girl from the slums felt the huge gap between the two worlds.

This distance is not only the amount of wealth and rights, but more importantly, education, knowledge, and vision. She never even dared to imagine that someone could eat hundreds of gold coins for a meal before, and she never used silver coins to tip the service staff. These people behave politely and speak elegantly, and within a few words, they can seal a deal of thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins.

Looking at the daily turnover, Gu Weila deeply knows how lucky he is. In order to keep this job, she spends more than half of her salary on studying and buying books. It is this positive and progressive spirit that allowed this girl, who is less than 20 years old, to complete her first transformation in life. Already an excellent manager.

"Good job, the net profit has almost reached 5,000 gold coins. It's just right. I have another job here. I wonder if you are interested?" Henry asked after swallowing what was in his mouth.

Ge Weila was slightly stunned, and immediately asked a series of questions: "What job? If I leave, who will take over this hotel?"

Seeing the nervous girl, Henry smiled and waved his hands. "Don't get excited, come one by one. I need someone to take care of several shops in the city, and three large sea ships. As for this hotel, you will still be in charge. In short, all businesses in Askatla will be managed by you in the future. I will send someone to check the accounts every once in a while."

"So I've been promoted! It's great!" Ge Weila almost jumped up excitedly.

"That's right, you can get five thousandths of the annual net profit as a bonus every year. Here. Here is the address of the store, the name and berth of the cargo ship, and I will leave it all to you now." Henry wrote down the address at the bottom of the parchment and handed it over. Of course, these are just the legitimate parts of the Ronoll family business.

Gavila ran over excitedly and kissed her boss fiercely, and then said loudly: "Thank you for your trust and generosity, I promise that I will manage these stores well." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left the room, looking impatient to take over these places.

Henry wiped the lip marks on his face, shook his head with a smile and continued to eat. The food on the plate was quickly eaten up. After he wiped his mouth, he used "teleportation" to return to Eratan's house. Since there is no butler hired, all the servants are now on their own, looking a little scattered.

Suddenly, a maid who was cleaning the table walked up quickly and bowed. "My lord, a man named Su Li visited last night and said it was your order. But we didn't dare to make decisions on our own. We had to let him wait in the living room all night." When she was speaking, she deliberately leaned her body forward slightly to make certain parts of herself look more round and attractive.

"Let him come to the study, and tell the kitchen to prepare a delicious breakfast." After speaking, Henry turned and went upstairs without even looking at it. He knew very well that the maid was seducing him just now, probably for the vacant butler position. But unfortunately, this woman made a wrong calculation. Not everyone can be a housekeeper.

In the next half an hour, Henry made some deletions and integrations of the previous illegal businesses of the Ronoll family in the study. Then it was all handed over to Su Li. All narcotics and gambling establishments were shut down and replaced by those with special services for rich men and women.

As for the arms and slave trade, it has not only been preserved, but also expanded, but the trade routes have been adjusted on a large scale. According to the new route, the fleet will be fully loaded with weapons and armor in the northern Baldur's Gate area directly to Calimshan, where they will be replaced with slaves, pearls, gems and other goods. The slaves will all be quietly transported to the principality as important labor, while things like jewelry will be sent to the commercial capital for sale.

Henry gave a stern warning at the end of his speech: "Remember, to the outside world, you are the biggest boss, and these businesses have nothing to do with me. If you plan to betray one day, just imagine your own wife and daughter. You must know that for a mage, no matter where they hide, they can be found out."

"I swear in the name of the god of death, if one day I die, I will be nailed to the wall of the unbelievers and suffer forever." Su Li held his heart and swore a poisonous oath. He knew very well that he had to do this for the safety of his wife and daughter, otherwise it would be impossible to gain trust.

Henry nodded in satisfaction. "Go, try to run a few times according to the previous line before the sahuagin withdraw, and try to keep all the former customers of the Ronoel family."

"Understood, if there is no other order, I will leave first." Su Li bowed and left with five thousand gold coins as the start-up capital. He still has a series of things to do, including recruiting sailors, captains, hiring thugs, etc. Illegal business is not so easy to do, and if you are not careful, you will die without a burial.

Then Henry went to the intelligence point in the city to send a letter to Robert, and then went back to his room at the Garden Hotel and fell asleep. After all, no one knows how big the underground labyrinth in the cemetery area is, and they might spend a day or two wandering inside. At that time, I will basically forget about sleeping, so let's take more rest now. Not long after he lay down, he started snoring. Perhaps because of being too tired, I slept until two o'clock in the afternoon.

In a haze, Henry vaguely felt that there was a hot woman lying in his arms, and she was still touching and kissing him constantly. At first he thought it was just a dream, but suddenly the little brother on the lower body was wrapped in a warm and humid cave, followed by bursts of high-pitched groans (groans).

If this is still a dream, it is all too real. Henry opened his eyes abruptly, and found that Viconia was sitting on his straddle, twisting her slender waist wildly, and the dark skin on her body shone with a strange luster. Although the dark elf is very skilled in this area, he even feels a high (desire) now, but the problem is that he seems to have been slept (raped).

The Queen of Poison Tongue quickly sent herself up to the clouds. She panted violently and smiled and said to Henry: "How about it, do you feel my enthusiasm? Maybe next time I can consider letting you be on top, although that does not conform to the tradition of the dark elves."

"I think the next time you do something like this, it's best to say hello in advance, otherwise it is very likely to trigger the pre-set "surprise technique". In addition, I don't like your ideas in this regard, so let's talk about when you completely abandon the tradition of the dark elves." After speaking, Henry stood up and began to dress. This incident reminded him that no matter where he sleeps in the future, he must set up protection, and don't wait until the enemy touches the bed without knowing it.

"The tradition of the dark elves? Are you referring to Yu Huan's body position during the process, or the attitude towards men?" Viconia asked while pouring herself a glass of water.

Henry sighed slightly and replied: "All of them! But the latter is especially important. On the surface, men with a little social status will not tolerate their women having sex with another man."

"Ha! This is simply a copy of the dark elves, except that the female is replaced by a male. Tell me, what would a man do if this happened? Kill the woman in the most cruel way?" Viconia proudly raised her chin and sarcastically. Since she has not been wandering on the surface for a long time, she does not have a special understanding of the entire human society.

Henry shook his head and explained patiently: "On the contrary, generally speaking, the spearhead will be directed at another man, and women are mostly just abandoned. After all, this involves dignity. If you want to survive in human society for a long time, you'd better keep this in mind."

"What a bunch of hypocrites. Do you know how the mistresses deal with those stealing servants? They will be killed in the most painful way, and then their souls will be sacrificed to the Spider Goddess." When Viconia mentioned these things, her eyes shone with a strange brilliance.

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. You'd better put on your armor quickly and gather in the hall on the first floor in ten minutes. Exploring the underground labyrinth in the cemetery area is not an easy task. The endless traps and undead creatures are enough to bury any adventurers who are not careful."

Henry turned around and left the room after speaking. After a while, he was really afraid that he would not be able to bear it, and he would give this woman with a severely distorted view a lesson. Although Viconia's current personality is related to a series of tragic experiences, the most important thing is that she has never put herself in the right place.

In the case of Drizzt, he abandoned all parts of being a dark elf on the first day he came to the surface. For decades, he has adhered to the moral bottom line and never hurt any innocent person. It is this persistence that has made him famous today. Even a small child knew that all dark elves were no good unless his name was Drizzt.

It can be seen that if a person wants to get something, he needs to give first. If Viconia wants to gain status in human society, she must change herself, otherwise the burning in the administrative region will be staged sooner or later. (To be continued.)

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