Broad World

Chapter 362 Maiwa

Maiwa's union is very close to the pier, less than a kilometer away, and not far away is the sailors' paradise, the Gift of the Sea Tavern. There are rumors that it seems to be a secret stronghold of pirates, and there is a lot of loot hidden in it. Occupying such a prosperous location, the protection fee alone brings in a large amount of money every year, not to mention such a convenient smuggling environment.

It is the sufficient financial resources that make Maiwa have undue ambitions, and has been longing to get all the territory of Askatla. However, he was also deceived to a certain extent, because the other party claimed to be the Night Blade Guild when they first contacted, and when they found out that they were vampires, they couldn't turn back. Especially the kidnapping of Baal's son in private, if found out, it will definitely be a dead end.

In order to ensure that the entire organization will not suffer a devastating blow, the Shadow Council once issued a strict order prohibiting direct participation in all actions related to gods, sons of gods, and even voters. Violators will immediately form a trade union and be sentenced to death. It was this one that made Maiwa determined to go on with Bodhi, and even wrote a letter directly asking the vampire to kill Renault Bloodhead.

He is now discussing countermeasures with several cronies in the basement of the trade union. Suddenly, a fat man ran down from the stairs, panting and shouting in a low voice: "Boss...boss, just now four people came to the door with orders from the...headquarters, saying that they were assigned to us deal with vampires. They are in the lobby now, what should we do?"

"Who are they?" Maiwa asked, frowning. In order to keep it secret, he never mentioned the mutiny to ordinary subordinates, so most of them thought that they were still under the shadow thief's control. This is an unstable factor, and the bloodhead is likely to seize control here by infiltration.

"They are all new faces, at least they have never appeared at the union headquarters before." The fat man thought for a while before answering. He knew that his boss was a bit at odds with his superiors, so he carefully tried not to say some sensitive words. After all, the name Shadow Thief can scare a lot of people, and if they get caught up in a battle between the bosses, they will probably die and not even the dregs are left.

Maiwa lowered his head and considered for a while, and felt that it was not time to turn his face directly, at least not before Renault Bloodhead died, otherwise it would directly lead to the direct intervention of the Shadow Council and Askatra's army. He sneered and ordered: "Go and bring these people here. I want to see what tricks they are up to."

"Understood." Fatty nodded slightly and turned to leave immediately. He didn't want to stay for a minute longer, because the prisoners in the cages on both sides of the place were screaming all the time, and if they heard too much, they would definitely have nightmares.

Sitting on a stool at the bar in the hall, Henry quietly observed everyone coming and going. He needs to find a breakthrough point. Win some people over before killing people. Suddenly, Fei De quietly leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Uh... there is something I need to mention to you, Maiwa knows me."

"It's nothing, put on this transformation ring, change your appearance and features a little, and make sure everyone recognizes you." Henry said and handed over a ring. He has adjusted his face with spells in order to prevent him from being recognized.

Just when Fei De had just turned himself into a human being, the big fat man came out from the back door. He wiped the sweat off his face and said to the four of them with a smile, "Boss said he wants to meet you. Be careful, he's not in a good mood recently. Go in through the back door and go down the stairs. Don't run around, or you may step into a trap."

"Don't worry, we understand the rules." Henry stood up and put a gold coin on the table and waved his hand. After seeing it, Corgan drained the wine in the glass in one go, wiped his mouth and jumped off the chair. Viconia pulled her hood and stood up. The prying eyes around her made her uncomfortable.

A group of people walked up the stairs and came to the huge basement. It was obvious that this was a place where lynching was used. Generally speaking, there were only two kinds of people who could stay in this kind of place for a long time without going crazy. One is the psychopath who is not very normal. They regard torture as an art, so no matter how much they torture the prisoner, they will not feel guilt or the like. The other is those absolutely cold-blooded guys who see their victims as domestic animals like pigs or sheep.

Maiwa obviously belongs to the latter, otherwise it would be impossible to manage such a large trade union well. He is now standing where he is, staring at the four people walking towards him with cold eyes. He didn't even look at the old man who was moaning in pain, but just gestured for his subordinates to continue.

Even a fool could see that this was an attack, but it was obviously the wrong target. Among the four people, the most kind-hearted camp belongs to Henry, who is absolutely neutral, but he always has a faint smile on his face. Fei De is chaotic and neutral, and she does things completely according to her mood, but unfortunately, her sympathy has not yet awakened.

As for the guys from the other two evil camps, they don't care even more. Viconia's even has a kind of hands-on, let these superficial humans see what real torture is. You must know that the dark elves are masters in this area, and even the demons in the bottomless abyss have to learn from them.

"Good evening! Now let's clarify the purpose of coming here, what secret mission did the bloodhead give you. You'd better be smart, otherwise you won't be able to get out of here alive." Maiwa couldn't frighten these people. He began to try to intimidate with words, and secretly cast a detection spell. As a thief and mage, he has many ways to know whether the other party is lying.

Henry saw this little move at a glance, but he wasn't surprised. He has long discovered that people in this world seem to trust spells such as "detect lies", but few people know that there are actually many loopholes. As long as you skip the parts that need to lie, or use another explanation, you can pass the test smoothly. After all, what is detected is whether someone is lying, not the truth of the facts.

"We are just a group of people who have just been hired by Shadow Thief, and the bloodhead has not assigned any tasks. Of course, if you can pay enough, we don't mind changing employers."

Everything Henry said was true. He had only received the benefits of Shadow Thief a few hours ago, and he really didn't have any tasks on him. As for changing employers, I'm not lying, but whether I can pay "enough" is another matter.

"Well, it seems that you are not lying. But I will not increase the price at will before confirming the value." Maiwa's face eased a lot after seeing the result of the detection spell. He picked up a dagger and threw it out, directly piercing the heart of the old man who was still being tortured.

"It's understandable, no one would be stupid enough to spend a lot of money to hire a few trash, but you're going to start raising the price soon, because our strength is very strong." Henry deliberately pretended to be full of confidence. In fact, if it wasn't for getting more experience points and recruiting people, he would have controlled everyone with a few level 7 magic "group charm", and then slowly looked for evidence.

Maiwa wiped the blood on the dagger, showing a playful smile. "Well... I'll give you a test first, and if you perform well, the price will increase little by little." As he spoke, he took out a note from his trouser pocket. "The task is written on it. Remember, you only have one chance."

Henry opened it and saw that it was exactly the same as he remembered. The higher authorities asked them to steal from the temple of Talos, the God of Storms, and the target was the necklace worn by the Lady of the Storm. Obviously, this is not an ordinary task, but similar to voting for a certificate. But fortunately, he had already prepared and found someone to pretend to be a believer to donate a large amount of gold coins in advance, so the necklace was already lying in the dimensional bag.

"Small, this kind of work is too easy for us." As he spoke, Henry lit the note in his hand with a magic flame, turned around and left. He wouldn't be so stupid as to take it out directly, it would be too easy to make people suspicious.

Looking at the backs of several people going away, Maiwa whispered to a subordinate beside him: "Send someone to check the background of these people immediately, especially the guy in the lead. I can feel that he is very dangerous."

"It will take some time, but there will be a detailed document on your desk before dawn." After speaking, the thief sneaked into the shadows. Judging by his extremely proficient movements and quiet footsteps, he is at least a fifteenth-level master thief.

As soon as she left Maiwa's union, Viconia immediately yelled at Henry: "Are you crazy? How dare you go to the temple to steal!"

"No, I just agree to get a Storm Maiden's necklace, and don't necessarily need to steal it. Let's see what it is..."

I saw Henry took out a necklace composed of heavy discs from the dimension bag, each disc was engraved with symbols of chaos, and a steel wire was pierced through the middle. This is a gift from Talos, the body of the storm, to the devout believers, and only a very few people can get it. As long as you wear this necklace, you will not encounter natural disasters such as storms. It is a pretty good magic item for businessmen.

Viconia showed a surprised expression on her face and hurriedly asked: "Damn! Where did you get this thing? If it's stolen goods, you'd better put it back quickly, otherwise we will all face the wrath of a powerful god."

"Don't worry, the origin of this little thing is absolutely legal. You know, it cost me tens of thousands of gold coins, but it seems to come in handy."

Henry felt that these so-called holy objects were nothing at all. As long as the gods still need to maintain their own churches and believers, there will be no shortage of similar transactions. Basically, no matter if you donate more than 2,000 gold coins to the temple of a good god or an evil god, you will be given a blessing immediately. This has become a common practice in Faerun.

Although it is not necessarily bestowed by the gods in person, it also shows that the gods acquiesce to this kind of transaction. In his opinion, the gods in this world are not so lofty, they also have their own desires, ambitions, and ideals, and can be imprisoned or even killed by mortals. Of course, the premise is that you must be strong enough, at least to the level of Grand Arcanist Karthus.


Bow down and thank the two book friends, Odyssow Fank and Deep Sea Mud Beast, for their monthly votes.

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