Broad World

Chapter 332: Induction

From Nalia's words, Henry could feel the helplessness of Sir Deanis. After all, the two invariable points among the nobles are marriage and the exchange of interests, as long as they are in this circle, there is no way to escape. If you break certain unspoken rules rashly, you will be excluded from the whole circle at the least, and will be jointly suppressed at the worst. Although the Deanis family has a long history, there is no way to fight against the entire class.

But Nalia obviously didn't care too much about whether the family would decline, especially after her father died, the last layer of restraint disappeared. Henry could feel that the aristocratic girl in front of him was eager for adventure and excitement, eager to help others, eager to break those rules, eager to change the whole country. But she has not realized that there is no bloodless change in this world. If you want to get something, you need to pay first, so everything is doomed to become a vision and fantasy.

"Before I tell you about the Ronaldo family, I need to ask you a question. What do you think of Amn's current political system? Or what do you think this country is short of?" Henry asked with a serious face. He needs to test whether this girl has political acumen, and then decide whether it is worth long-term investment.

Nalia obviously did not expect such a question to arise, but fortunately, more than ten years of aristocratic education gave her a wealth of theoretical knowledge, and after a few minutes of consideration, she answered.

"I think the nobles and merchants in Amn occupy too much wealth. Although the lives of ordinary people can still go on, there are always huge hidden dangers. You must know that there are conflicts between nobles and peasants in the central region every year. If it weren't for the mediation of the Holy Knights of the Heart, there may have been large-scale riots. If I were a member of the six-member council, I would definitely actively fight for the interests of ordinary people and restrain those unscrupulous privileged classes."

Hearing these remarks, Henry almost clapped his hands. If Nalia really entered the Council of Six. Within two years the whole of Amn would be in chaos. Because what she did directly touched the foundation of this country, that is, merchants and nobles. As one of the most commercially prosperous areas in the whole continent, if the interests of businessmen are weakened, the result can be imagined.

But that's exactly what Henry needs. If Amn falls. Then the economic center of the West Coast will be shifted. Waterdeep City in the north is obviously too far away. And Baldur's Gate is just right. Not only has many natural good ports, but also has a large production area. With his rich business knowledge. Rise is almost a certainty.

Thinking of this, he once again pretended to be sympathetic. "That's right. The ordinary people living here have always been the targets of oppression. I'm very pleased that you have this idea. Now I can tell you that the Ronoel family has actually been engaged in the slave and drug trade. Their private boats have been traveling between Calimport and Askatla, and the profits they earn every year are frighteningly high."

"What!!! But... But Amn's laws expressly prohibit any form of slavery and drug dealing. Aren't they afraid of being caught by patrols when they do this?"

Seeing Nalia's angry face, Henry knew it was time for some strong medicine. There was a sarcastic smile on his face and he whispered: "Don't you understand? Money can settle everything in the capital of gold coins. A leader of the Shadow Thieves Guild once said that if you bribe an official and get rejected, the only possibility is that you don't have enough gold coins. To a certain extent, merchants even send it around as a gift.”

"This... This is unbelievable! Could it be that so many temples and paladins in the city are watching like this? The Council of Six doesn't care?" Nalia, who had no social experience, only felt chills all over her body, and felt that the whole country was shrouded in a dark cloud.

"Of course the paladins want to take care of it. But after all, they are few in number, and they are bound by laws and regulations, so they can't let go. As for the six-member council, most of them come from big nobles or big merchants. How many of them do you think will stand on the side of ordinary people? So this time we must completely eradicate the Ronoel family and give a warning to those who are still secretly trafficking in slaves."

Henry's words hit Nalia hard. She suddenly remembered that after her father was trapped in the castle, none of the nobles who had close contacts in the past offered a helping hand. They are probably hiding in the basement of their home and laughing, planning to divide up the land belonging to the Deanis family after the monster recedes by itself.

A wave of anger rose from the noble girl's heart, and quickly burned all over her body. She said to Henry solemnly: "I have decided that since these people want to seize the land of the Deanis family, then they must not be allowed to succeed. According to the law of Amn, after the death of the lord of the fortress, the heroes who fought will inherit the property of the castle, not to mention that you have killed an ancient red dragon that harmed the entire country.

"Are you sure? I am the ruler of another country. If you inherit this land, your family will lose it forever. According to the tradition of Faerun, this place has been part of the prince's royal property ever since. Even if I agree, my subjects cannot easily return it."

You must know that Henry is not an idiot like Apodel who is played around by others. As a ruler, if he gives away a piece of land for no reason, it will definitely disappoint all the people. Although Faerun has no tradition of not giving up an inch of land, at least there must be a reason. Just like when Amn ceded the land in the north, the reason was to deal with the rebellion in the south. Otherwise, if you send one piece today and another piece tomorrow, everyone will feel insecure.

Nalia gritted her teeth and nodded. "That's right, it's decided. If you get this castle, you can intervene in this matter openly, and I will get rid of this disgusting engagement under shelter."

"Well, from now on, I am the master of Fort D'Anis. Now I need to tell you about the plan to deal with the Ronoel family. First, don't disclose my identity and what happened last night. Second, wait until you see Isaiah and his father. Be impatient, let them think you are just bluffing. When these two guys force you to fulfill the marriage contract, directly submit the nobleman's private fight to the Council. If I remember correctly, there seems to be such a rule in Amn's law that if two When the nobles have disputes that cannot be resolved, the two sides can send private soldiers to enter a state of war, and the winner can get everything from the loser."

It can be said that Henry's plan is quite insidious. If the Ronaldo family is fooled, not only will their hundreds of years of inheritance become other people's wedding dresses, but even their immediate family members will be slaughtered. You must know that there are no good people in this family, so there is no pressure to kill them. Ever since he became a legendary mage, his mind is full of money! money! money! No way, who wants the ridiculously high research and development costs of legendary spells?

In the past, Nalia would never have agreed to such an obviously evil plan. But now she is burning with anger, her mind is full of thoughts of revenge, and she is also a little disappointed with this country, so she agreed without thinking.

"No problem, I will follow the plan. These scumbags should disappear completely from this world, but you have to be nice to the farmers on those lands. If the tax is too high, they won't be able to bear it."

"Haha, you definitely don't know that in my country, farmers only need to pay 40% of their total annual income at one time during the autumn harvest." Henry smiled and said the agricultural tax he set. Although in the eyes of most modern people, 40% is already an insane quota, but in Faerun Continent, this can be said to be extremely low.

You must know that even in the Silver Moon Alliance, Neverwinter City, Waterdeep City, these cities with the sign of kindness, in order to ensure sufficient food reserves, the general agricultural tax will receive about 50%. Not to mention other places, many places can even reach more than 80%. Fortunately, the land here is fertile enough, and there are many edible animals and plants. Unless there is a large-scale natural disaster, you can basically find food in the forest. Of course, whether it will be killed by monsters or wild beasts is another matter.

"My father treated the peasants very well. Generally speaking, he only collected 50% of the tax. But you obviously did better. I believe that the peasants will live very well under your rule." Nalia showed a gratified smile on her face. She now feels that she has finally entrusted her family's land to a good person.

Henry accepted the other party's compliment with peace of mind, then looked into her eyes and asked, "Have you thought about what you will do in the future? Do you still go to the slums to help the poor like before? Or travel around and take risks?"

Nalia thought about it for a few minutes, raised her head and asked, "Can't I travel with you? I plan to study with you for a while, and I will talk about other things later."

"I'm afraid not. I believe you should also know the identity of Imoen. As a descendant of Baal, the God of Slaughter, she must embrace her own destiny. Do you know what this means? This means that unimaginable enemies such as gods, demons, and devils may be involved in the end. With your current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to survive." Henry refused without hesitation.

He doesn't like to bring oil bottles, even beautiful women are useless. The journey is fraught with danger, and just one carelessness could cost your life. In particular, the appearance of the plot has been destroyed, and there may be changes in many places. He must be careful in every move, otherwise, once he falls into the trick of Joan Irenicas, he might not even be able to commit suicide.


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