Broad World

Chapter 294 Shadow Thief's Counterattack

As night fell, vampires and shadow thieves, as always, began to vie for control of the underworld in the streets of Askatla. Due to the harassment of vampires, many people who are afraid of death have quietly surrendered to vampires. Renault Bloodhead couldn't help frowning as he watched the bad news come back one by one. He knew very well that if the mole was not dug out, the entire guild would be dismembered in a month or two.

It has to be said that Badi's tactics were very successful. While the vampires were killing the shadow thieves, they absorbed the defectors. This is also one of the reasons why the Temple and the Knights did not really intervene even though they began to investigate. They wanted to wait until the shadow thieves fell before taking action, eradicating the city's underground forces in one fell swoop.

Just when Lei Nuo was considering whether to ask the "Shadow Parliament" for help, suddenly, a thief quietly appeared in front of him.

"Boss, I have already investigated clearly. Maiwa has completely betrayed the trade union. He secretly helped vampires with a big deal more than a month ago without telling us."

Renault couldn't wait to stand up from his chair and asked: "Tell me the specific situation! You must know the current situation of the union and how it is not doing well. We lose a lot of manpower every night."

"Maiwa, the son of a bitch, helped a mage named Joan Irenicus capture a group of adventurers from Baldur's Gate a month ago. According to the information from Taoism, one of them is a descendant of Baal, the God of Slaughter. And the person who was in charge of contacting Maiwa at that time was a vampire. I think there must be many secrets between them." The thief said everything he found out.

After getting the name of the betrayer, Renault did not lose his temper as others imagined, but sat back on his chair and showed a playful smile. A few minutes passed. He ordered the thieves: "Let's find out for the power in the mobilization station now. Where are these captured adventurers locked up. As for Maiwa, don't act rashly. We don't have any extra power to launch an internal cleansing."

"Okay, boss. I promise to find them tomorrow morning." The thief quickly left the Shadow Thief headquarters.

"Son of Baal, hehe, this is really an unexpected good helper." Lei Nuo muttered to himself. As the ruler of the underground world, he is very aware of the power the Son of God possesses. These guys were born with divine power, whether it is learning magic or martial arts, they are a hundred times faster than ordinary people. The most important thing is that they have huge potential. Once oppressed by the external environment, they are likely to explode ten times or even a hundred times the destructive power.

After more than three hours. The thief who was in charge of inquiring about the news returned to the shadow thief headquarters with a piece of parchment. He came to the leader's desk and immediately spread out the map.

"Boss, I have already found the other party's lair. The brothers near the shopping mall said that they could often hear screams coming from the sewer inside. They tried to investigate, but all of them died in the hands of magic traps without exception."

Renault glanced at the map and nodded in satisfaction. "It's done very well. Now organize the manpower immediately, and launch a surprise attack here at dawn. Remember, as long as the enemies inside are drawn out, the rest will be a headache for those masked mages."

"Hehe, I understand. Don't worry. I will definitely drag the Masked Mage Guild into trouble." The thief smiled sinisterly, and immediately carried out the leader's order.

Looking at the back of his men leaving. A smug smile appeared on Renault's face. He felt that his plan was perfect. Not only could he sell a favor to the Son of Baal, but he could also get this mage named Joan Irenicas arrested. Although I don't know what the relationship between him and the vampire is, it doesn't matter anymore. There is no precedent for prisoners sent to the Arcatraz by masked mages.

The next morning, it was just dawn. The shadow thief guild assassins who had finished fighting all night did not return to their residences to rest, but were transferred directly to the sewer entrance in the northern part of the shopping mall. After the person in charge of the operation made a few gestures, the assassins hid in the shadows and hid themselves. They entered the sewer quietly, but within a few steps they heard a "click", followed by a fireball bouncing off the ground and exploding.

The high-temperature flames and air waves instantly killed three people, and another four or five people were affected to varying degrees. The face of the person in charge turned ugly, because none of the elite thieves discovered the trap just now. This means that the enemy's methods are very sophisticated, and the way to the inside is estimated to cost human lives.

At the same time, Henry, who had just woken up, received an anonymous letter in front of the counter in the lobby on the first floor. He carefully took it apart with the "Mage's Hand", and felt relieved when he saw Robert's unique mark. What the letter said was nothing else, it was the Shadow Thieves Guild that launched the raid against Joan Irenicus.

Hearing this news, Henry immediately packed up his equipment, and went straight to the mall without even notifying Hina and Sandy. He didn't want to miss this wonderful opening, and he was also a little worried about Imen's recent situation. You must know that transforming into a killer is a heavy burden on the body, so I hope there will be no accidents.

Going from the city gate to the shopping mall requires passing through a large area of ​​slums in the middle. Walking on the street, Henry suddenly heard passers-by talking about the west of this area, and suddenly a huge sphere appeared out of thin air. It is said that the Masked Mage Union has begun to intervene, and I believe this matter will be resolved soon. Hearing these people's discussions, a slight smile appeared on his face, and it seemed that the dimensional ball had also returned to the main material plane. Now all the stage has been set, just waiting for the Son of Baal to appear to start a vigorous adventure.

As soon as he entered the shopping mall, Henry noticed the commotion in the distance. A large number of thieves are fighting with golems, goblins, and duergars, and they have messed up all the shops in the northwest region. Due to the large number of shadow thieves, the monsters are retreating steadily, and it seems that they will be wiped out in a short time. At this moment, suddenly a golem gave up the fight, turned around and ran towards the sewer. This move opened the eyes of the thieves. Generally speaking, alchemy creatures are always fighting to the death, and this is the first time I've seen one that can run away like this.

Only Henry knew that this guy ran back to report to Joan Irenicus. In order to avoid direct contact with this powerful mage, he directly blessed himself with an "invisibility technique" and followed him far away. After all, the sewers here extend in all directions. If there is no one to lead the way, it is impossible to find the underground laboratory without spending a few hours.

Along the way, he saw quite a few bodies, brains, arms, arms and legs, etc. soaked in jars. What is surprising is that these organs and limbs are still alive, and many of them retain their independent thoughts and personalities.

When following the golem through a garbage disposal room, Henry almost threw up. Hundreds of corpses and stumps were dropped here, and a huge rotting dung monster was devouring things on the ground that would make one's stomach sick at a glance. The smell of rancid blood combined with the unbearable picture was simply beyond the reach of normal people.

Soon, the golem came to a room full of cages. Henry saw from a distance that a man with a strong figure and a bruised face was performing magical experiments on the people in the cage. You don't need to guess and you know it must be Joan Irenicas, because he has an obvious feature that he has no ears. As an outcast sinner, all elven traits were stripped from him. As the iconic pointed ears of the elf race, of course, there is no exception.

After listening to the golem's report, Joan angrily opened a portal to get rid of these nasty little mice. The moment he had just left, a thief suddenly jumped out of the shadows and ran straight to the cage where the captives were held. But this guy was obviously unlucky and touched a magic trap. A human face suddenly appeared on the ground, and it was blown to pieces by powerful magic energy.

In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of thieves, Henry directly activated the magic "detection trap". I saw dense red lights everywhere around the cage, and there were more than fifty magic traps placed in a place less than four hundred square meters. It seems that Joan doesn't attach great importance to the Son of Baal. Just setting up so many traps will cost a lot of alchemy materials.

Henry had no time to waste, and directly blessed himself with a "flying technique", flying forward from mid-air. Soon, around the corner, he found the golden cage where Imoon was imprisoned. Due to not being able to see the sun for a long time, the girl's face looked very pale, and the clothes on her body were also tattered, barely covering important parts. But her positive spirit was not lost, and she was now flicking the lock with a small wire.

"Hey, charming girl, don't waste your efforts. This is a magic lock, and you can't break it with a wire." Henry greeted with a smile. He could see that although the girl had suffered some torture, fortunately, the thing she was most worried about did not happen.

Startled by the sudden sound, Aimon quickly put the wire between his thighs and hid it. But when she saw that it was Henry, she jumped up happily. "My God! You're finally here. Open the damn lock, I can't wait to get out and bask in the sun."

After Henry performed the "dispelling magic" and "knocking techniques", only a "click" was heard, and the cell door opened automatically. The girl rushed out of the cage and gave him a passionate kiss without saying a word. The two kissed each other greedily and caressed each other. After a while, they reluctantly parted ways.

I don't know if it was because of fear, or because of excitement, Aimeng's whole body kept shaking. Henry stroked her hair gently and comforted, "Don't be afraid, I'm here. You're safe now." (To be continued...)

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