Broad World

Chapter 276 Spellcaster No. 2

At noon, a large area of ​​the collapsed part had been cleared. The workers chopped up all the planks and beams and piled them up in the open space on one side. It can be seen that they have indeed done work such as building houses, and the speed is ridiculous. Foreman Stuko yelled slogans and dragged out a thick wooden post in a short while.

"Boss, what should we do with the chopped firewood? The open space is almost full." A worker asked loudly.

Steko glanced at the mountain of firewood and pointed to the kitchen. "Send some more to the kitchen and see how our lunch is. Damn, I'm starving."

"Haha, don't worry about it. Lunch will be ready soon. Geweila made delicious onion and beef soup and a large pot of mashed potatoes for lunch today, and of course there is enough fragrant and soft white bread." A guy who just ran out of the kitchen laughed and shouted.

Steko couldn't help but licked his lips and shouted at the workers: "Did you hear me! Give me some energy! Mr. Employer is a generous and good man, and the collapsed parts must be cleaned up before this evening."

The workers put down their painful work, wiped their sweat and replied, "Don't worry! Head. This job can be finished in three hours after eating, and there is no need to wait until night."

Ten minutes later, Geweila came out pushing a wheelbarrow. On it were two huge pots, and a large basket of bread. As soon as she came out of the kitchen, the workers immediately surrounded her. The girl waved the spoon vigorously a few times to drive these dirty guys away.

"Back! Back off! Mr. Employer and his female companion haven't eaten yet. And you dirty guys, go to the well and wash them off."

Hearing Geweila's words, the workers rushed to the well and began to wash their faces and hands. They have been hungry for days. Can't wait to fill my stomach. The girl turned around but didn't see Henry. He shouted at Steco who was washing his face, "Hey! Where is our employer? I don't seem to see him."

"I don't know. I haven't seen it since this morning. Maybe it was somewhere else to discuss business, but it's more likely that I went to play with that beautiful lady." The foreman replied, wiping the drops of water on his face. He was amazed when he saw Sandy for the first time, and at the same time he was very envious of Henry's beauty.

"In this case, let's start the meal. Line up for me and come one by one. Today's food is sufficient to ensure that each of you can eat enough." Geweila kept order while beating the pot with a spoon, while serving meals to the workers.

The girl distributes the food very quickly. It took only ten minutes to serve lunch for everyone. The workers sat on the ground casually, stuffing food into their mouths quickly. Steco sat next to Geweila and ate, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know who Mr. Employer is? You must know that the lady next to him is not ordinary. Just a look made me lose control."

Ge Weila glanced at the foreman beside him, then sneered. "It's a good thing you got it under control, otherwise I'd probably lose sight of you. Know about the riot that happened here the night before?"

"Of course! I heard that many people have had their ears cut off by a cruel witch. Oh my God, could it be this unbelievably beautiful lady?" Stuko was so frightened that he almost stopped holding the plate in his hand.

Geweila looked around. Then he leaned over and whispered, "That's right, it's the fiery red-haired lady. I saw with my own eyes that she used only one spell to immobilize the entire hotel. And I overheard that this lady called our employer, Mr. Master."

The foreman's throat moved twice involuntarily, and it took a while before he let out a wry smile. "So our employer is likely to be a more powerful wizard? No wonder he was so generous when he gave the gold coins. But that's good, at least he won't default on his salary, right?"

"So show respect to those rude workers under your command. Don't peek at Mr. Employer's girlfriend. I don't want to see someone's ear cut off." Geweila issued a serious warning.

Steco nodded solemnly. "Don't worry, I will tell them to be honest. If anyone is disobedient, they will be kicked out of the team immediately."

The two people hiding in the underground hall didn't know what the workers above were talking about, and they were concentrating on making the golem. After a busy morning, their entire body parts are now considered complete. Henry took the first to ninth level spells he had prepared yesterday. Store them in the body of the golem one by one.

The first-level spell "Electric Claw".

The second-level spell "Fear".

The third-level spell "Slowness".

The fourth-level spell "Fire Shield".

The fifth-level spell "Sun Flame".

The sixth-level spell "Advanced Acceleration". (an upgraded version of the third-level magic acceleration technique, without the aftereffect of fatigue that has been used)

The seventh-level spell "Chaotic Barrier" (a chaotic magic field is generated within a ten-meter range. All enemies within its influence range will randomly be berserk, confused, paralyzed, comatose, or turn around and run away, etc.).

The eighth-level spell "Shock and Awe" (draw a huge seal on the ground, and it will be triggered when the enemy approaches. Enemies with a radius of about ten meters will stay in place with powerful magic energy for half a minute).

Ninth-level spell "Bigby Crush Palm"

It can be said that this scroll golem is specially prepared to deal with powerful individuals. According to the tactical design, after the start of the battle, the golem first puts the "advanced acceleration technique" on itself, and then uses the "electric claw technique" to rush up to fight melee. If the opponent is a melee class, then use "flame shield" and "slowness". If it is a spell-casting class, use "Chaotic Barrier" and "Shock and Awe" to interrupt. As for the last "Bigby Crush Palm", it was specially prepared for those legendary mages.

From this battle with the Lich, Henry found that although the damage of the Bigby series of magic is not too high, it is very useful for gaining time and interrupting spellcasting. The next step is to engrave the explosion magic pattern on the phylactery, and then seal it in. Finally, release the necessary seven magics again, and the entire production process is complete.

He activated the central system, and after brilliant magical auras flashed, the scroll golem stood up unsteadily. And made a hoarse sound. "Master, please give the order."

Henry looked at his second work and nodded in satisfaction. "From today on, you are called Spellcaster Two. You are not allowed to leave this basement without my order."

"Yes, Spellcaster No. 2 understands." After the golem replied, it stood silently by the side without moving.

After tidying up the things on the ground, the two quietly opened the secret door and got out from inside. It is now around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the workers are sitting and resting after cleaning up the collapsed half of the hotel. After seeing Henry coming out, the foreman Steko hurriedly stood up and bowed. "Sir, we've done all the work. Those broken planks and posts have been chopped for firewood, and the other side is in the clearing over there."

Glancing at the pile of firewood, Henry nodded with a smile on his face. "It's a good job. Your actions are faster than I thought. Let's do this, come tomorrow and demolish the other half of the hotel. All the beds and decorations will be removed, and they will all be cleaned up. The day after tomorrow, I will bring a blueprint, and then you will rebuild according to the requirements of the above."

"You mean you don't want everything? My God, there are quite a few beds and cabinets that are intact. Even if you don't need them, you can sell them in the second-hand market, and you can sell them for a lot of money. This is too wasteful." Ge Weila asked with wide-eyed surprise. In her opinion, Mr. Employer is a little too generous, and as a competent employee, she is obliged to make necessary reminders.

Taking a look at the wooden furniture with peeling paint, Henry felt that these things together might not be worth as much as a bottle of low-level magic potion. He looked at the girl's long skirt full of patches and said, "Then I will leave these second-hand goods to you. As for the payment, you don't need to give me the money, just go and buy yourself a new suit."

"Really! That's really great! You are the most generous employer I have ever seen, and may the goddess of luck bless you to make a fortune." Geweila jumped up happily. Her linen dress has been worn for several years, and the patches on it are almost coming together.

Then Henry paid the workers their wages for the day, a total of six gold coins. Foreman Steko took the money to nearby merchants and exchanged it for silver coins, and distributed them to his subordinates one by one. After getting their wages, everyone happily ran to the market to buy some flour and cheap chicken to share with their families.

Looking at these happy ordinary people, a smile appeared on Henry's face. Although he is not a good person, he can still help these laborers who are at the bottom of society. Compared with the people living on the earth, their life is too miserable. Not only have to endure poverty and hunger, but they may die accidentally at any time.

It's better for those who live in the city, but the peasants who live in the countryside are miserable. Every time the monsters attacked, no more than a third could escape. You must know that Faerun Continent does not lack cultivated land at all, what is lacking is an army capable of protecting villages. Only relying on the protection of the city can farmers have a sense of security. Yes, only a sense of security, no security. After they pay their taxes, all they get is a promise. When in danger, you can flee to the city to accept asylum. However, once most farmers encounter danger, they will almost die immediately.


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