Broad World

Chapter 256 Tower of Durag III

After the battle, Henry carefully inspected the remains of the skeleton warrior. It didn't take long for him to discover that the reason why this guy could move was mainly due to the unique patterns on the armor. From the style point of view, this is a kind of enchantment unique to the lower plane. You can strengthen your own combat power by devouring the soul, and it seems that the new level should be just obtained. He quickly took out a piece of parchment and copied the entire magic pattern.

For Henry, this unknown knowledge has an unparalleled attraction. Since coming to this world, I have been trying to understand various supernatural forces in my own way. Although the progress is very slow, he believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to find the secret hidden behind it.

After copying the entire pattern, Henry carefully rolled up the parchment and put it in the dimension bag, and then got into the underground passage. Just after arriving underground, suddenly a person ran out from the end of the passage, coughing up blood. He noticed that the guy still had a dart stuck in his throat. Although the trachea did not appear to be injured, the injury was still serious.

"Hey, friend. You seem to need help. I'm a druid, and I can heal you."

Hearing someone talking, the guy with the dart stuck in his throat was taken aback for a moment, and then ran over quickly. " are you? Ah! I see, you must be an adventurer exactly like me. My friend, I advise you to turn around and leave quickly, those guys underground don't like to be disturbed."

"Don't move, you are seriously injured now, and if you don't get treated, you will soon die from excessive blood loss." Henry said as he pulled out the dart from his throat. A lot of blood gushed out of the wound immediately, and he didn't dare to neglect and quickly cast two healing spells. Under the nourishment of natural forces, the wound began to shrink slowly. In the end, only shallow scars remained.

The stranger paled and touched his neck. Then he bowed with a wry smile. "Thank you so much, friend. You saved my life. Let me introduce myself, my name is Bayard, and I am a thief who specializes in exploring ruins and digging for treasure."

Henry smiled and waved his hands. "You're welcome. May I ask how you got in here?"

"Aha! You asked on time. Did you see the little hole over there? We dug a hole in the open space outside." Bayard pointed to the corner of the wall behind him with some pride.

Henry glanced at the pothole that was only over one meter high, and nodded thoughtfully. This guy inspired him a lot. It seems that not all relics require a key to enter. As long as you know the approximate location, you can learn Bayard's method and dig a passage directly from the side.

"Can you tell me about the specific situation below? I'm planning to go down and explore."

"Oh. Don't mention it. Those walls below seem to be alive, moving in different ways all the time, often driving people to nowhere. Durag must be an old pervert, and all the traps he designed are very deadly. As long as you accidentally touch one of them, the god of death will take your soul away immediately. For the sake of saving me, I advise you again, turn around and leave while you are still alive. Strange visitors are not welcome here at all."

Henry listened quietly to Bayard's narration of what had happened. From the plain narrative, one can clearly feel the danger of brushing past death again and again. It seems that the mechanism trap designed by this dwarf hero is not trivial. Not only are there all kinds of unimaginable puzzles inside, but most of the doors are actually protected by barriers. Unless you get the corresponding key, you can't open it at all.

"Thank you very much for your advice. Now I'm going to go down and take a good look at the mechanisms and traps designed by Durag himself. I hope the treasure at the bottom will not disappoint me." Henry bowed slightly as he spoke, and walked into the secret door that had been opened with the Terminator and the Scroll Golem.

Bayard waved his hand vigorously and shouted: "Be careful! Durag was deranged by the death of his relatives and friends, and this place faithfully reflects what happened to him. According to legend, before allowing you to pass, Durag will ask you to know his thoughts."

Henry turned his head and smiled and waved. "Don't worry, I won't be defeated by a mad dwarf ghost."

"I wish you success in finding the treasure hidden in the depths. If there is a chance to see you again, I will treat you to a drink to express my gratitude." Bayard quickly ran out of the tower after sending his blessing. It seems that what happened here has left a lot of psychological shadow on him, and maybe he will never do this kind of life-threatening work at any time in the future.

Through the narrow passage, Henry came to an underground hall. There are colorful carpets, tablecloths and family crests hanging on the walls everywhere, fully reflecting the unique aesthetics of dwarves. Just when he was about to move on, suddenly a chill emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Henry immediately stopped advancing and cast a "detection trap". I saw a red magical aura suddenly lit up on the carpet in front, judging from the intensity, it was at least a third-level magic trap. Fortunately, I didn't step on it just now. Although I didn't die, I was definitely injured. He stepped back a bit, allowing the scroll golem, which is immune to most magic, to walk over and trigger the trap.

As soon as the golem walked up, a small fireball was shot out from the small hole in the wall, followed by a violent explosion. A spherical protective stance was quickly formed on the body of the Coil Golem, and all flames and shock waves were isolated from the outside.

Henry broke out in a cold sweat after seeing the power of the explosion. The trap at the entrance has this kind of power, and the one behind must be more difficult to deal with. He carefully maintained the magical technique of "detecting traps" and slowly pushed in. Along the way, I encountered many monsters such as spiders, zombies, ghouls, ghosts, golems, etc., but in front of the Terminator, they were not a threat at all except for giving experience points.

With the deepening of exploration, Henry gradually gained a deep understanding of Durag's wealth. No wonder so many people coveted the wealth here. On this floor alone, he found a lot of magic potions, weapons, enchanted arrows, gems, gold coins, magic scrolls, and even a piece of magic armor worn by Durag himself.

Henry unceremoniously swept away all valuable items. After carefully searching all the boxes, cabinets, and secret compartments on this floor, he finally came to the passage leading to the next floor. Durag set up a few puzzles here, and Henry knocked on each side according to his memory before crossing. Made a bottle of wine. Watched Durag's proud record. In the end, he handed over a Bejuli gem that was shining brightly.

After solving the puzzle, several obsessions split from Durag's soul immediately besieged Henry. These guys are worthy of being part of the dwarven heroes, and each one is quite difficult to deal with. However, with the help of two powerful creations, he quickly eliminated the ghosts formed by these obsessions. In a place where the undead died, he picked up an enchantment stone leading to the lower floor. As soon as he got the stone slab exuding energy, there was a loud rumbling noise from the originally closed passage, and then the entrance slowly opened.

As soon as he entered the second basement, Henry was attracted by the doors leading to four directions on the floor. A note was taped to each door. On it was written a sentence of pain that Durag experienced personally. He had these words firmly in his mind, and he might need them for a while. Under the prompts of various notes, Henry solved the puzzles here one by one and got the enchantment stones in all the rooms. When he solved all the puzzles and got the enchantment stone leading to the lower layer, the whole underground suddenly started to vibrate, and the passage to the next layer was also opened.

Following the direction of the sound, the southernmost end of the Henry Tunnel found the stone door that had just been opened. There is a staircase leading to the lower floor, and there is a withered and yellowed diary on the top of the stairs. He carefully opened one of the pages with the hand of a mage, and saw a sentence written in dwarf language on it: Know my madness!

It seems that Bayard is right, Durag is trying to let the adventurers who come here understand his experience. After Henry put the book back where it was, he followed the stairs to the third basement floor. Just walked down the stairs. A loud bang was heard not far ahead. He hurriedly ordered the Terminator to run to open the door, and then saw a strange room.

In the very center of this room is a large circular opening. There are many charred ashes around, whether it is human or animal. Just when Henry was a little puzzled, a big fireball suddenly appeared from the crack and an explosion followed. The high-temperature air blast almost knocked him down, but fortunately there was a scroll golem nearby to support him.

Henry now finally knows how those ashes on the ground came from. I'm afraid they are all adventurers who have come to look for treasures in these hundreds of years, but unfortunately, all of them died in this terrifying trap. He didn't rush to pass through, but stayed where he was and observed carefully for a few minutes. After accurately grasping the interval time between the explosions, he quickly walked through the room to the passage on the west side.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, he heard a harsh voice laughing and saying, "Welcome, adventurer. Many people have come to the ancient Tower of Dulag in search of treasure, but no one has survived. Adventurers probably have no brains, otherwise how could they find such a dangerous profession. To give the most obvious example, look, there are five fools who have been permanently petrified. They all came to find Dulago's treasure. The great Michael Charlene is still struggling in front of death's gate. Don't you think it's scary?"

Following the sound, Henry saw a dancing skeleton yelling. It looked like it hadn't spoken for a long time, and it didn't care whether it was listening or not, it just said everything it knew. He also noticed that the magical energy maintaining the skeleton would soon be exhausted, which should be the effect of some kind of spell or divine spell.

"Don't worry, Michael Charlene is going to report to the god of death soon, let me tell everything. Remember, if you go forward, you will see some creatures that only appear in stories. Those winged guys have lived by magic for hundreds of years. So far, no one has been able to defeat them. If you want to continue to explore, I can give you some advice. Have you seen these statues? Some dead heroes are imprisoned inside. Press the button on the base of the statue to release these ancient heroes. They can help you for a while. But once time After that, these guys will turn their backs on you in no time. That's all I have to say. Farewell."

The skeleton finished everything at the fastest speed, followed by a burst of black smoke from the bones all over the body. Henry saw the soul step through a gate to the underworld, and then disappeared. He bowed slightly towards the place where the soul disappeared, expressing his respect for this kind adventurer. (to be continued..)

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