Broad World

Chapter 245 The Secret Envoy from Amn

"Okay, servant of the goddess of luck, Tymora. I heard that I have a precious "Book of Understanding" in my hand. I wonder if I can sell it to us." Apodel went straight to the point when he met.

The pastor frowned slightly. You must know that the "Book of Understanding" is very important for any priest, and it can help them better understand the thoughts of gods and thus gain more divine grace. He shook his head without hesitation and refused, "Sorry, I have no plans to sell it yet."

"Sir, we are all poisoned by a special poison. Without this book, everyone will die. If you don't believe me, you can check it with a magic spell." Hearing that the other party did not intend to sell it, Aimon hurriedly came over and explained the cause of the matter.

"My God! Who did you offend? You were given such vicious alchemy poison." The pastor asked in surprise after checking.

Apodel smiled wryly and shook his head. "I'm sorry, we can't say it for the time being. But please rest assured, our gold coins are still rich, and we won't suffer too much loss."

Reluctantly, the pastor took out a khaki book from his pocket and handed it over. "Hey! Take it. Money is fine. If you have the heart, donate some to the temple, as much as you want."

Apodell poured out a whole pile from the magic pocket without hesitation, probably more than 10,000 ancient gold coins. He bowed deeply to the pastor. "Thank you very much for your selfless act. The money represents our respect to the goddess, please be sure to accept it."

"This... this is really too much." The pastor was surprised when he saw a large pool of gold coins on the ground. It was the first time he had seen such a bold donation. One must know that even wealthy businessmen and nobles would usually only donate one or two hundred gold coins at most. These are almost the sum of the income of the entire temple for several years.

"We can't make up for your loss. So I have to express my gratitude in this way. He is a good person. So he deserves good rewards." After speaking, Apodel turned around and left the temple with everyone. The pastor was left standing alone in a daze.

As soon as he left the temple, Imoon jumped up happily. "Haha, we finally got this book! Unexpectedly, the priest of the goddess of fortune is so easy to talk, maybe I should also fall into the arms of this goddess."

"Yeah, our luck is really good. Now that we have obtained the "Book of Understanding", let's quickly exchange for the curse-breaking scroll. I can't wait to get these damned toxins out of my body." Apodel put the book close to his body, for fear of accidentally losing it.

Just as they were about to cross the street to the Docklands. A black shadow suddenly came out from the corner and blocked everyone's way. This black shadow is none other than Robert who has been monitoring the movement of the entire city. He held up his hands to show that he was not hostile, then took out a badge from his body and threw it over.

"I think you should know this. The owner of Hui asked me to invite you to his house as guests."

Apodell recognized Henry's noble emblem at a glance. He carefully looked at the thief in front of him. "How do I know if you're telling the truth? Maybe you stole it from somewhere else."

"Hahahaha! There is no thief in this city who can steal anything from his master's pocket without his being noticed." Robert laughed and shook his head.

Jaheira nodded slightly. "He's right, and the location of Henry's mansion is very conspicuous, so there's no way to fake it."

"Then what are you waiting for, I haven't seen what the mansion of a great nobleman looks like. It's happened that I have been hiding in Tibet for the past two days, and I can't even eat a hot meal. And I haven't showered for a long time, and my whole body smells bad." Aimeng stroked her curly hair and complained.

Robert smiled and shook his head. "In that case, come with me. But you'd better be careful. Don't let anyone find out. This is an extraordinary period, and there are many spies following the gate of the Earl's Mansion."

A group of people kept going around in the narrow alley. It took more than half an hour to arrive at the back door of Henry's mansion. Looking at the towering walls and huge buildings, Apodell sighed: "Oh! My God! This guy is really rich and powerful. This house alone is probably only comparable to the mansions of a few dukes."

"Keep your voice down! If you don't want to be discovered by the enemy's spies." Robert glared at him, then took out a hook from the tool bag and hung it on the wall.

The crowd sneaked over the courtyard wall along the rope and came to the back garden of the mansion. It is now spring, and the large flower beds are blooming with colorful flowers, which are very beautiful at a glance. Aimeng stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him with his mouth wide open, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time. Robert led them quickly across the garden, and slipped in quietly through the back door. After placing everyone in a hidden room, he locked the door and ran upstairs.

Henry had already slept for eight hours, and was sitting in the study sorting out the magic books stolen from Candlekeep. All he needs to do now is to wait. As soon as the soldiers from Bruwent arrive, they can join forces with the Duke of Anta Silver Shield to reveal their hole cards. When the time comes, when Salovek kills the other two dukes, he will be defeated in one fell swoop. Finally, enter the underground temple with Apodel and kill him.

Suddenly, the door of the study was opened. Robert walked in quickly and bowed. "Master, the person you want has arrived. In addition, I also heard that Amn's envoy has arrived at Baldur's Gate and is currently staying on the way here."

"Understood. Let them take a bath first, and then tell the kitchen to prepare some wine and food, and I will go down to meet them after I meet with Amn's envoy." Henry ordered without looking up. He continued to classify the books he had stolen from Candlekeep and put them on the bookshelf in order. There is a lot of knowledge here that is very scattered, and it is impossible to read without sorting it out.

The butler quickly got the kitchen moving. A series of exquisite meals and fine wine glasses are served on the table. For Aberdell and others who have been hiding in hiding for a day and a night, and have never had a good meal, this is simply a dream treat. While they were devouring, Robert quietly led Amn's secret envoy to the study through the back door.

Looking at the envoy who was completely hidden under the cloak, Henry stopped what he was doing and bowed with a smile on his face. "Welcome to my mansion. I'm sorry to meet in such a sneaky way. After all, the relationship between Baldur's Gate and Amn is a bit tense now. I heard that both sides have begun to increase their troops on the border, and it may not be long before they will fight."

The envoy returned the salute first, and then took off his cloak. This is a mature woman in her thirties with long blond hair. Judging from her elegant movements and steps, she should be a well-educated nobleman or businessman. She hung the cloak on the hanger, then came to Henry and bowed slightly.

"I'm very glad to meet you, Earl. My name is Lisa, so I won't say too many polite words. I just got the information that a very elite army is on its way to this city. The council of six is ​​eager to know which side it is on. The territory that needs to be known conducts a huge amount of trade with Amn every year, and we don't want an important trading partner to become an enemy."

Looking at this aggressive messenger, Henry smiled and waved his hands. "Ma'am, I think the Council of Six must have given you certain authority. Don't say these meaningless words, just tell us your conditions for wooing me."

"Hey. He is really a devil who can see through people's hearts." Lisa sighed slightly. "The Council of Six hopes to prevent this war from happening. If it succeeds, we can give away all the land north of Yunwu Mountain, including Naxikai."

Henry stroked the stubble on his chin with an imperceptible smile on his face. He stood up and produced a map of the West Coast. After staring at it for a while, he said to the envoy, "The southern border of Amn must have been very turbulent recently, right? Could it be that the two cities of "Ryan Twain" and "Trace Stone" want to rebel against Tethyr in the south?"

"How do you know about such a secret?!" Lisa stood up in panic with her eyes wide open.

Henry looked at the envoy who was at a loss, with a malicious smile on his face. No wonder Amn's recent actions are a bit abnormal. It turns out that there is a problem with the two cities on the southern border. Now that he understood the other party's predicament, he would be too sorry for himself if he didn't kill him severely. After calming down the lady first, he pointed to the green fields east of Belgost on the map.

"I can agree to your conditions, but all the farmlands and villages in Amn here must be added. You must know that if you want to prevent this war, it is tantamount to setting off a large-scale turmoil in this city. I have to take huge political risks."

Lisa frowned tightly and began to calculate the gains and losses. Naxikai's iron mine was originally in Yingbei, even if it was ceded, it would only lose a small amount of gold coins. But the green field is different. There are large farms that produce more than half of the Amn area. But the two cities in the south are more important. Once they rebel, not only will they lose a large area of ​​land, but it will also easily trigger a chain reaction. Once this precedent is set, other cities in Amn are likely to follow suit.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lisa finally agreed. "I can agree to the conditions. However, the food produced in the green field must be given priority to Amn, otherwise most of the Amn area will fall into famine due to food shortage."

Henry nodded. "This is completely fine. You should know my attitude towards business. Except for a certain amount of strategic reserves, everything else can be traded."

"In that case, let's sign a contract." Lisa took out a piece of parchment with the mark of Heim, the god of guards, from her underwear, and began to write the conditions just negotiated on it.

Lisa writes very fast and writes all the content in a few minutes. Henry checked it carefully and signed his name after confirming that there were no loopholes. After both parties signed, the blue eyes of the holy emblem on the paper suddenly jumped out. It scanned the contract and immediately returned to paper. (To be continued..)

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