Broad World

Chapter 201 The Bounty Hunter

Henry put away the smile on his face and put on a serious face. "If I said now that you will die tragically during this adventure, would you choose to leave immediately?"

Dai Nahei replied without hesitation: "No. This trip is very important to me. What are you? Is it a special kind of prophecy?"

Henry smiled wryly and shook his head. "It's nothing, I've got the answer I wanted. Thank you for your answer, which made me understand a lot of things in an instant." After speaking, he bowed and came to the cave entrance alone to take a breath.

Looking at the calm lake, Henry laughed at himself. He originally wanted to change the fate of some tragic characters, but it seems that he really thought too much. Some things can't be changed just by thinking about it. For example, Dai Nahei just now, that was almost an explicit statement, but she still refused to give up her idea. Not to mention Khaled. Even if he was told that he would be killed in the next second, this stuttering half-elf man would continue to protect Apodel without hesitation.

Perhaps for some people, faith is something more important than life. Henry couldn't understand their insistence. In his opinion, reasonable risk avoidance is the right choice. After all, there are infinite possibilities for people to live. Although there are many ways to resurrect in this world, they can only be expected from others.

After standing at the door for a while, Imon came out and ran out to call Henry in for dinner. Everyone simply ate something, and each found a clean place to sleep. Out of caution in character, Henry placed a magic trap at the door before going to sleep. Although the entire mine has been cleaned up almost, no one can be sure that there are no leaks.

Everyone slept very well this time, and they didn't get up until noon the next day. After simply eating a little food, they packed their bags and continued to set off. According to Saen's instructions, the crowd circled a large circle around the side of the underground lake and got out from another cave.

Seeing the long-lost sunshine, the elf mage covered his chest with his hands and closed his eyes, silently praying to the gods he believed in. Jasira observed the terrain here, and found that it was already located far east of Nasikai, and the locals seemed to call this place the Southern Wasteland.

Just when she was about to speak, four girls in full armor suddenly came from not far away. One of them, with long silver hair, came over and shouted at Apodell, "Is your name Apodell? You'd better tell the truth, it has something to do with your lives!"

"Be smart, girl. I won't say my name, so why don't you go back to where you should go with your group of female warriors?" Apodel also learned a lot after several assassinations. At least he won't reveal his name as soon as he opens his mouth, or ask loudly who is behind the scenes.

This sentence immediately angered the leading girl, she quickly drew out her weapon and cursed viciously: "Irreverent pig! Do you know who you are talking to. Arrogance will kill all of you!" As soon as she finished speaking, she prayed loudly with another female priest, and various divine arts were quickly blessed.

Seeing them attacking suddenly, Henry immediately blessed himself with advanced "invisibility" and left the range of his teammates. The moment he left the spot, one of the enemy's priests released the second-level divine spell "Silence". It has to be said that this spell was cast quite skillfully, directly turning Dinahei, Sarn, and Jasila who were chanting the spell into dumb.

The three casters lost their ability to speak, and naturally they could no longer cast spells. After eliminating the three most threatening people, the opponent's attention began to focus on Aimon, who was able to use long-range weapons. Two priests shining with divine magic stopped Apodel and Minsk, while the other archers and dart players held Imoon behind a tree and did not dare to show his face.

Khaled held up a large shield and tightly protected the three spellcasters behind him. The shield he just obtained had been shot several holes by the enemy's magic arrows. Henry knew that he couldn't wait any longer, because these partners of his would soon be overwhelmed. The cooperation between the four girls is too proficient, and I don't know how many battles they have fought to get to this level.

Henry first released the second-level spell "Sound Spell" to his teammates, a white magical aura flashed, and the effect of "Silence Spell" was immediately expelled. Then he continued to chant the spell, and then cast "dispelling magic" on the two priests. The magical power only dispelled the magic on one of them, and the other resisted the spell.

Dai Nahei fired the "spider technique" at the enemy's rear. The archer was quick-sighted, and rolled sideways to avoid the range of the spell, while the dart player was firmly trapped in place. Jasila took the opportunity to complete the preparations for the "Summoning Lightning Technique", and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the priest, causing considerable damage.

"Since you dare to hurt me! You pigs are going to die!" The silver-haired girl shouted loudly. Now her whole body was turned black from electric shocks, and even her long, smooth and flowing hair had turned into a curly afro.

Apodel took the opportunity to knock the opponent's shield away with his shoulder, and while he swung his long sword to force the girl back steadily, he stimulated her with words. "Pig? Are you talking about yourself? Look at what it looks like now, it's really a roasted suckling pig."

The girl slashed one more time, and immediately opened the distance with the cover of the forest. She quickly made a spell-casting gesture, and saw that a channel was opened in the sky, and antimatter energy swept the entire battlefield. Except for Henry, everyone else received injuries to varying degrees.

Apodel's sword-holding hand was severely burned, and the muscles on it had begun to turn black and fester. Seeing his injured appearance, the girl laughed triumphantly. "How does Unclean Strike taste? Does it make you self-proclaimed good trash feel pain?"

When Henry heard the name, he immediately knew that this was a magic spell unique to priests of the ** camp. Its biggest feature is that it only deals damage to people in the good camp. He didn't have time to think about it, and released the "control technique" directly at the escaped archer. Magic quickly took over the woman's thoughts, and she drew out a magic arrow, aimed it at the silver-haired girl who was teasing Apodel, and shot it out.

The fiercely burning arrow shot through the girl's neck in the blink of an eye, and she slowly fell to the ground with an unbelievable expression on her face. The other priest was stunned by this turn of events, and she yelled, "Tirka, are you crazy? Why did you attack Lamaha?"

Unfortunately, Archer did not answer this question. She just continued to take out an arrow and directly shot dead the dart player who was trapped in place by the spider. Seeing that the four of them had turned into herself, the priestess beat back Minsk with one blow, turned around and was about to run away. Henry sneered, and released the fifth-level magic "flame strike" that he had just prepared.

A pillar of fire that fell from the sky ignited the body of the priestess, and the high-temperature flames melted all the metal armor on her body. In just a few seconds, there was only a puddle of black powder and a lump of metal left on the ground. Henry walked up to the archer, took out a dagger and slit her throat.

After the battle, the two druids began to heal those in their hands. While using the talent of the Son of God to heal the wound, Apodel complained: "Damn it, these bounty hunters are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Look at their coordinated attacks at the beginning, they know us very well."

Henry healed the cut on Aimon's face and said with a smile, "I'm curious how much your bounty has increased now, and even such a strong team has been dispatched."

"Look at their luxurious equipment, steel armor, magic leather armor, magic arrows, magic darts, oh my god, there are so many magic potions here." Aimon sighed as he turned over the corpses on the ground.

Jasila looked at her husband with a serious expression, and then sighed deeply. "To invite such an adventurous team, at least 2,000 to 3,000 gold coins are needed. It seems that the enemy has no patience to play with us."

"It's useless to worry about it now. Hurry up to Nasikai and report the situation of the mine, and then we set off for Belgost." Henry picked up the magic leather armor and cast a "identification technique".

Leather armor: "Deputy Guardian"

The Fog of Shadows is a group of elite rangers that haunt the Cormanthor Forest and are the bane of monsters and bandits. This particular piece of armor belonged to Indira Rakhan, the organization's most decorated officer and second-in-command. The suit is named after her, but how it got away from her is unknown.

Everyone cleaned up the spoils. The leather armor was assigned to Imon, and the steel armor was put on by Minsk. Khalid dropped his broken greatshield and replaced it with a new heavy shield. Because he used up two shields in a short period of time, he was nicknamed "Shield Killer" by mischievous love.

Following the path heading west, the group returned to Nasikai before evening. On the way to the mayor's office, they turned in the emerald bounty by the way. Apodell received a bounty of 300 gold coins, and Henry also received a task reward of 200 experience points.

As soon as he walked into the mayor's office, Bai Lang immediately stood up and hurriedly asked, "You are back! Tell me what happened in the mine?"

Jasila organized his language a little bit, and told the story of the journey along the way. When the mayor heard that the kobolds below had been cleaned up, he was slightly relieved. Then he frowned and looked at the contaminated ore samples on the table. Although the culprits had been wiped out, such iron ore could not be sold at all.

"Please bring this sample to Tyrone Furlong at Thor's blacksmith shop. I believe he will be able to remove the toxins on the iron ore. And going to him is closer than going to Amn to find other famous blacksmiths. In addition, you'd better not tell other people about this matter. The relationship between Baldur's Gate and Amn is very tense now, and any disturbance may lead to war." (To be continued.)

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