British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 662: UK and France stand unanimously

Grace compared the straight-line distance between France and India, and sorted out Nkrumah's contacts, saying that India is not a good place to start, and India is already independent, and it is impossible for Britain to command.

"On the contrary, France is different, Mr. Allen. As far as I know, many heavyweight members of the French National Assembly are themselves leaders of the independence movement in Africa. Paris has given them a high status, and now they live in Paris." Grace said At this point, he paused and said, "Can't you buy this person?"

"He is a pan-Africanist and a socialist. Once the former is successful, its influence will quickly spread to other African colonies, and the latter will cause damage to British and French interests." Alan Wilson glanced at Grace and sighed, "So You say, can I let him go? It's not that Britain is unwilling to let the colonies become independent, but it's definitely not good for such a person."

"Afraid of the threat of colonial backlash?" Grace asked suspiciously. He could only attribute Britain's vigilance against Pan-Africanism and socialism to this, but he could see that, for normal African nationalists, Alan Wilson was not. not give a **** about.

"Threats? No, there are many kinds of independence, but pan-Africanism and socialism hurt the UK more than nationalists. The former can be considered the first piece of the domino. If the Pan-African leader is allowed to If independence succeeds, both us and the French will encounter big troubles, and our influence will spread rapidly. And if we lean towards socialism, we will cut off economic ties with Britain in the short term, and we will not say what will happen in the future, not now.”

Alan Wilson showed the difference between different independent forces. Nationalists are not intolerant. Anyway, he did not expect Britain to rule Africa all the time. Independence is only a matter of time. He is just procrastinating.

Pan-African ideology and socialist ideology are actually not a big threat in Alan Wilson's mind. He said that colonial independence could pose a threat to Britain? Not even British India, let alone African colonies.

It's not that he didn't know what happened to the countries that supported Pan-Africanism. Ghana in the 21st century is far less influential than the Gold Coast in the 1950s. If anything, Ghana's status in the world is even lower than the current Gold Coast, and much lower.

None of the regimes in these so-called pan-African countries can organize a new society on its own.

Soon, after the militarization enthusiasm of the revolutionary state faded, these pan-Africanist regimes were all counterattacked and turned into blatant dictatorships.

The last countries led by Pan-African leaders, the more Pan-African soil, the poorer they are.

Because pan-Africanism believes that the whole of Africa is one family, but the independence of each colony has its own time. Although the first independent countries can support other countries that have not yet become independent, who believes that they can merge and form a unified African parliament.

The problem is that it can't now. Britain can't let go of the colonies yet. Nkrumah has two intolerable qualities. Once he got it done, a hole in the African colonial system was broken, and the impact was very bad.

"But looking at so many gold reserves, I can't let the Gold Coast become independent so easily." Grace did not know that Alan Wilson had divided the African independence movement into several categories, such as Nkrumah. Such leaders of the independence movement happened to be among the ranks of killing chickens and warning monkeys.

He just felt that the United Kingdom was interested in the gold reserves of the Gold Coast. Now South Africa is obviously not very obedient, and the Americans are not just watching, the United Kingdom can only find a way to increase the national strength of the United Kingdom in another gold producing area in Africa.

It is not wrong to think so, the gold reserves of the British Gold Coast are indeed an important reason to do it.

But Alan Wilson couldn't admit it, and he said it was for the civilisation and order of the whole of Africa not to be destroyed. A successful independence under Nkrumah would only impoverish the Gold Coast.

Grace looked like I was very convinced. The two initially determined that it was more reliable to borrow the power of France than India.

While Nkrumah also employed Gandhi's non-violent non-cooperation movement, India was not necessarily able to get Nkrumah off the Gold Coast.

On the contrary, several African leaders of the French National Assembly, such as Felix Houphouet-Boigny and Leopold Seda Senghor, etc., because they are all black, are also quite influenced by the Paris government. value.

In terms of personal relationships and connections, it might be possible to facilitate Nkrumah's trip. Grace said that once Nkrumah left the Gold Coast, a plane crash could make Nkrumah disappear, which was not a problem for him.

However, Alan Wilson must be assured that he will be given the air route map of France and French Africa.

"No problem, the French can be commendable on this point." Alan Wilson agreed immediately. Land-power countries and sea-power countries are different. France is much more resolute than Britain on some colonial issues.

As far as he knows, the North African colonies that are the current French colonies have no flights between each other, but they all have routes to Paris, just like in future generations.

The difference is that, because of the voyage restrictions of this era, it is impossible for a direct flight from Paris to French Central Africa. France's transit point in Africa is Algiers, the capital of the overseas province of Algeria.

From this point, we know how much France attaches great importance to Algeria. Once Algeria becomes independent, French colonial rule in Africa will inevitably collapse. Alan Wilson, who came to Nigeria and stopped in Algiers, knew this.

"I sent someone to wait in Algeria. As for the cooperation from France?" Grace said this and looked at Alan Wilson, saying that he could be a white glove, but Alan Wilson was needed at other levels.

Alan Wilson stood still for a long time and headed into the office of the Nigerian Administrative Office. He didn't know much about the French himself, but his wife, Pamela Mountbatten, was deeply loved by many friends in the French aristocratic circle.

It depends on whether the special relationship between Britain and France in exchange for Libya can pass the test this time. Grace's suggestion would preferably be an invitation from the French Communist Party or African members of the French National Assembly.

Alan Wilson has recognized this, but he doesn't know if he can achieve his goal. But according to common sense, there should be some lurkers within the French Communist Party. After all, France is a part of the free world, and it is impossible to remain indifferent to the pro-Soviet organizations at home and the Communist Party of Italy.

There is a saying that every time the CCP meets, except for Browder himself, the rest are all the agents of the U.S. government lurking inside the CCP. There is good news and bad news. The bad news is that both the FBI and the CIA believe that the other party's agents lurking in the American Communist Party have betrayed the United States.

The French Communist Party may not be as weak as the American Communist Party, but Alan Wilson believes that the French government must have placed reliable people in the French Communist Party and practiced breaking down the fortress from within.

Asking for help in front of his wife at a critical moment, Alan Wilson thinks it's nothing to be ashamed of, this is all for the continuation of the civilization of the British Empire.

Soon Pamela Mountbatten received a telegram from her husband. She has been checking her body recently and it has been confirmed that she has good news under her belly. In retrospect, she should find a city with a good environment to live temporarily.

I was about to contact my husband, but at this time I received a telegram, and I read it in a good mood.

The telegram said hello to his wife, followed by mentioning the current difficulties Alan Wilson himself was encountering in British West Africa, and how to deal with Nigeria, but finally Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband's anxiety on the Gold Coast issue.

Since South Africa is not very obedient, the Gold Coast is an important source of gold for the United Kingdom. Last year, more than 150 tons of gold were imported into the United Kingdom.

The good news for the Gold Coast is that since the establishment of colonial state-owned enterprises, major colonies have focused on recruiting veterans to work in colonial state-owned enterprises. The most remarkable part of this result is that these soldiers with war experience have been prevented from becoming the backbone of the opposition to British colonial rule.

This is definitely stronger than the original history, so the armed resistance of the British African colonies was not strong.

Alan Wilson, of course, could not reveal it in his wife's telegram, but also hinted that as long as Nkrumah got rid of. It might be better to talk to an obedient independence leader.

Alan Wilson did not hide the idea of ​​Nkrumah from the Gold Coast, hoping to borrow France's influence in Africa.

"Once the Gold Coast becomes this pan-Africanist will definitely create instability in other colonies. This is the first piece of dominoes that is falling, but the military action may be caused by Nkrumah's own experience in the United States. American misunderstanding, so try not to use it, I mean use an accident to make it disappear."

Pamela Mountbatten, who was stroking her stomach, put down the telegram, "Marina, prepare a flight to Paris to meet my friends who work in politics. The French Communist Party is the best."

A day later, Pamela Mountbatten had arrived in Paris with two assistants, and she did not forget to say to the two assistants behind her, "Marina, Zakharova, Grace are in Nigeria, with my husband, he How is this person?"

"It is highly valued by the leader," Marina replied simply, "If it's not surprising, it will be the next leader of Chetnick, and we all respect him."

"This way I can rest assured. Allen values ​​Northern Rhodesia very much." Pamela Mountbatten raised her wrist and glanced at the time. There was already a special car waiting when she walked out of the airport.

Traditionally, France is an old revolutionary base, but not all revolutionaries are revolutionaries. For Napoleon, he carried out a revolution on behalf of the army. The left and right sides of France are not clearly divided, on the contrary, there are still quite a lot of communication.

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