British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Mak's assist

If you want to find a person similar to MacArthur in the UK, this person is none other than Alan Wilson's respected father-in-law, the current fourth Admiral Mountbatten.

Except for MacArthur, the US military commander who broke out this war in the Far East was not the second candidate at all. While chatting with Mountbatten, Alan Wilson also asked his father-in-law what he thought of this five-star emperor.

"He? A very narcissistic person!" Mountbatten frowned slightly, for reasons of same-sex exclusion, he didn't like MacArthur, "He should take off his military uniform and go into politics, not war. Just as a general As far as his level is concerned, that's it, and while our limited meetings shouldn't be judged, I'm impressed by his desire to perform."

Is that why two similar people can't be friends? Alan Wilson is a professional civil servant. Although he wanted to laugh out loud, he was still indifferent.

"By the way, MacArthur is actually not addicted to smoking in private." Mountbatten revealed to his son-in-law, "His big pipe that usually appears in newspapers is not used at all in private. At the same time, there are also people's impression of leather jackets and That fancy Philippine marshal cap is his image in front of the public. This person is the best at building his own image. If there is anything in MacArthur's character, it is that he is a person who will never suffer, and he has never met in his life. What a setback."

Just like you! Of course, Alan Wilson just said it in his heart, not in front of General Mountbatten.

"If he never suffered losses in his life, we can judge now that he will definitely try his best to let President Truman give him a chance to meet with him. This war will not be so easy to end."

Alan Wilson's mind flashed, isn't this another chance to write a report?

In fact, MacArthur's insistence on expanding the war to regain face is similar to the reason why Mountbatten was hostile to Japan all his life. It's all because of the smooth sailing of the whole life, and one big loss in the template of the Earth's protagonist was remembered.

The reason why Mountbatten didn't have much of a cold with MacArthur was also because the United States represented by MacArthur, to a certain extent, made Mountbatten's attempt to enter Japan to liquidate the whole country in vain. As a result, Mountbatten did not enjoy the feeling of MacArthur returning to the Philippines.

Most importantly, Japan's early surrender greatly disappointed a large number of British people represented by Mountbatten. After finally ending the European battlefield, just waiting for Japan to cause the United States to suffer heavy losses and bring the major warring countries back to a level, Japan actually surrendered.

Alan Wilson, who served the country and the people, immediately took out an analysis report on MacArthur's character, and also brought in General Mountbatten to co-sign. The conclusion of this report is that based on MacArthur's past experience, With his army in command, it was inevitable that the scale of the war would be uncontrollable.

This is a secret report, the most solid part of it, provided by the current Sea Lord Admiral Mountbatten himself.

On the question of whether U.S. President Truman can control MacArthur, the report said it was very difficult. Truman was not a very prestigious president. There is not much that can be done in front of the powerful generals of the US military.

Because this report involved Mountbatten himself, Alan Wilson handed it over to the cabinet secretary before sending it to Prime Minister Attlee.

"Actually, it is not a bad thing for the United Kingdom to have this five-star general as the commander-in-chief." Alan Wilson, who submitted the report, sighed.

If it was replaced by another general, maybe this war, even if it inevitably expanded, would not last for such a long time. But with MacArthur, this outcome is almost certain.

MacArthur, who had been smooth sailing all his life, would never end the war so easily after being driven back to the 38th line again. After all, Emperor Mai thought he had the appearance of a great emperor, and he must not suffer this kind of loss in his glorious life.

MacArthur repeatedly sabotaged Truman's idea of ​​ending the war, and was finally dismissed entirely because MacArthur had completely disobeyed the White House's orders, including but not limited to publicly issuing an ultimatum speech when Truman was preparing to negotiate. .

A few days after this report was handed in, the precise assist from Emperor Mai arrived. The British newspaper reprinted the inside information of an American newspaper. This piece of news is like this: Emperor Mak came to the island of fraud and had a secret talk with Mr. Chang and his wife.

Throughout the life of Emperor Mak, the routine operation of bragging about nothing, is exactly what the UK needs to avoid sending ground troops. This unwilling operation has solid evidence.

At this time, the report on Mountbatten's own signature appeared before Prime Minister Attlee and ministers. Emperor Mak came to such an operation, which made the Labour Party cabinet deeply doubt the reliability of the guarantee that the United States controls the scale of the war when it corresponds to the previous report.

"What is he going to do?" In the White House, a symbol of American power, President Truman complained to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, "Is this what a soldier should do? To work in diplomacy? What is our country? Military government?"

The newspaper in Truman's hands was the news that MacArthur had arrived at Deception Island.

Just a few days ago, Truman had just met with MacArthur on what is today Wake Island, near Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 10,000 miles from the continental United States.

After getting off the plane, it is normal for these two people to meet. You are the general, he is the president and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. It is always alright to give a military salute, right? This is also a rule, no, MacArthur just gently nudged Truman's arm, even if it is a salute. Then when the two sat down to talk, Truman, like a schoolboy, spread out his notebook and took notes there, and MacArthur was there alone to talk about his strategies and tactics.

It doesn't matter, but MacArthur did this. Truman couldn't stand it. Who gave a general this kind of power?

"Dear President, the news just came from the UK expressing doubts about the ability of the United States to control the scale of the war. This is a formal rejection of our request to send ground troops to support. The reason is the report in your hands!" Dean Acheson With a wry smile, he took out the telegram and placed it in front of Truman.

"Of course, the United Kingdom said that it is indeed time to establish a common defense mechanism for the allies as soon as possible, as well as the merger of the three-country occupied areas. From this point of view, this war is not without gains."

Listening to Dean Acheson's words, Truman thought for a moment and sighed, "Well, it's not without gain. The United Kingdom wants to use these two concessions in exchange for avoiding sending ground troops into the war, and we don't want to. Too coercive. But we have to be careful about the UK getting Canada and Australia to take a common position.”

It is meaningless to comment on Britain's timidity now, and Truman also understood that the fact that the current US military is constantly withdrawing has made Britain suspicious of the combat effectiveness of the United States.

And what he has to do now is to break the British doubts and prove that the strength of the United States is unquestionable. Prove to Great Britain, but also to Canada and Australia, to the whole free world.

Therefore, although Truman disliked MacArthur very much, he still had to support MacArthur. As a president, he still understands that he cannot but support MacArthur at this time.

The biggest reason is that MacArthur has a particularly high prestige among the American people. For a long time, MacArthur's management of personal image has indeed made Americans very trust in this maverick general.

The news of the fall of Daejeon in South Korea came at the same time as the news of the fall of Daejeon in South Korea when the United States agreed that the United Kingdom would be supported by the Royal Navy and Air Force. Alan Wilson, who took out the map, knew that Daejeon was already a city in the center of South Korea.

The fall of Daejeon is enough to prove that South Korea is losing ground. After all, Seoul is geographically very close to the border. It is excusable to fall in two days. It can be said that it is not ready to be raided. Daejeon is already a city in the central part of South Korea. This city has been conquered, and everyone can see that the situation on the peninsula is extremely bad for the United to Emperor Mai! "Alan Wilson is particularly grateful to Emperor Mak for his trip to Fraud Island. If it wasn't for the American version of General Mountbatten, he made such a show on a whim, and let us pay close attention to see if there are any favorable conditions to take advantage of the British arrest." Stay, then about whether to send ground troops to participate in the war, it is estimated that the two sides will have to go back and forth for a while.

The key is that Emperor Mak's special status in the U.S. military was seized by the United Kingdom, and U.S. President Truman could only choose to support him, and he could only recognize the attitude of staying out of the UK.

"I even thought of the reasons for Labour's next election victory." Alan Wilson stroked his smooth chin.

Now, the matter of whether to send ground troops to participate in the war can be regarded as officially coming to an end. As long as it can be avoided in the first place, it will naturally be avoided forever.

Anyway, Alan Wilson doesn't believe that once the U.S. military really suffers, the United Kingdom will suddenly find that it will fight side by side with the rebels.

Not even Churchill would do such a thing, let alone Prime Minister Attlee. To say that because it avoided joining the war, and the United States suffered a big loss, gloating on misfortune is more consistent with the British style.

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