British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Arrive in Hoxon

Long before the famous Plaza Accord, the United States had fought a trade war with Japan. Together with bills such as long-arm jurisdiction, the United States had launched a total of eleven attacks on Japan before the Plaza Accord.

The scope of the trade war began in the 1950s, including but not limited to textiles in the 1950s, steel in the 1960s, automobiles in the 1970s, and semiconductors in the 1980s, with subsequent attacks until 1997.

At this stage, Alan Wilson only needs the textile industry, and the population of Malaya is far less than that of Japan, and there is still half of the population of peace religions. Even if they are dumping full force on Europe, the impact on Europe is within the controllable range.

Of course, the comparison between Malaya and Japan is not all advantages. The Dodge Plan is the US support policy for Japan in the early postwar period.

Since the U.S. occupation of Japan, a total of one billion dollars has been spent. But as long as the door of trade restrictions against Japan is not completely opened, there will be no way out for the Japanese economy, and there is no way to talk about real stability, revival, self-reliance and development.

The population and population quality of Malaya are not as good as those of Japan. The advantage is that Malaya already has a pillar industry. The United Kingdom does not have the financial resources of the United States, but the United Kingdom has the resources of a colony. to develop in Asia.

Generally speaking, each has its advantages and disadvantages. After all, Malaya loses points in the total population and population quality, and it is very dominant in terms of land area and resources.

As for funding, it is not impossible. Who is the richest in the UK now, Pamela Mountbatten may not be the richest, but after the discovery of iron ore in Australia, it did receive huge financial support.

The reason why Japan is able to undertake a large number of industrial transfers from the United States is also because they have the technological foundation of industrialization, especially in terms of talents. Although the war destroyed Japan's physical facilities, the talents cultivated and industrial technology accumulated in the past kept the fire for Japan's rapid recovery and development from the trauma of the war.

This intangible wealth is also an important reason why old capitalist countries in Europe, such as Britain and France, can once again return to industrial powers with the help of loans from the Marshall Plan in the United States.

The military economy brought about by the outbreak of the Korean War and the Vietnam War also accelerated the industrial transfer of the United States to Japan.

Norman Brooke was not in a hurry to urge Alan Wilson to submit the report, and the negotiation with the Paris Coordination Committee had not yet started. During this time, he and his fiancée who had already returned to London had experienced a little difference.

"Imperial Airlines has ordered the Comet airliner, which is the first big order." Alan Wilson took the initiative to bring red wine and Pamela Mountbatten to express congratulations.

"Without your guidance, everything would not have been so easy!" Pamela Mountbatten winked playfully at her fiancé, and said with a peach blossom face, "I really hope you stay longer."

"I hope so too, I have my name on the delegates over there in Paris." Alan Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten touched each other. "We've been walking around the last few days. Plan the property well, Norman. Sir has asked me about Malaya, maybe I'm going to be commissioner there."

"Are you sure?" Pamela Mountbatten inquired with concern, "It's unstable over there, I heard that there are anti-British armed forces."

"The guerrillas are not a big deal." Alan Wilson comforted Pamela Mountbatten, "Have confidence in me."

Worrying about the anti-British armed forces in Malaya is better than worrying about the Korean War. The Korean War also sent more than 10,000 troops. With the current British armed forces, the number of more than 10,000 troops sent is obviously perfunctory. It is simply to maintain unity with the United States and to send troops symbolically.

The U.S. military with 2 million troops can take out hundreds of thousands of troops, and the British with 800,000 troops has sent more than 10,000 troops. Obviously, it is perfunctory. Of course, there are places where it is not perfunctory. The Royal Navy has all the battleships and aircraft carriers, right. For the United Kingdom, this is already interesting enough. The troops dispatched are already close to one-third of the British garrison in the Middle East and the British army in Malaya. What else do you want?

While writing a report on industrial transfer and industrial upgrading, Alan Wilson took Pamela Mountbatten to Cambridge to find Turing, taking advantage of the relatively abundant time recently.

"Alan, who is this?" Turing still remembered Alan Wilson, who received the medal with him, but he was not very familiar with Pamela Mountbatten.

"My fiancee, Miss Pamela Mountbatten." Alan Wilson shook hands with Turing warmly, "I just returned to China recently, and I happened to come to see my friend with her."

"Miss Mountbatten, hello!" Turing held out his hand well, as usual, dressed casually in stark contrast to the old school.

Alan Wilson deliberately brought the topic to computers, and the first computers had appeared. The U.S. Department of Defense uses it for ballistic calculations. It is a behemoth that uses electronic tubes as components, so it is also called a tube computer, which is the first generation of computers. Due to the large size of the electronic tube used in the electronic tube computer, the large power consumption and easy heat generation, the working time of the electronic tube computer should not be too long.

Turing obviously knew about this computer, but he still shook his head and said, "With the size of the tube, the computer in the United States only has a symbolic meaning, and it must be made of more suitable materials."

"Pamela, these cutting-edge technologies are all in the military's institutions. If you can inquire about it, it may be beneficial to Turing's research." As a spy, I feel like people in politics right now are freaking out."

"I'll ask around to find out!" Pamela Mountbatten nodded and praised, "Both the Cabinet and Whitehall were terrified, only my fiancé Alan, fearless, the Prime Minister of the British Empire should be you ."

"Why don't you say that citizens don't know the goods, huh!" Alan Wilson said confidently, "Don't always sit in the mines and think about problems. I feel that what Mr. Turing is researching is extremely important to the world. Ask about the domestic semiconductor industry. Who has the technology accumulation in the enterprise.”

The term semiconductor has long appeared, and its special properties were first discovered when studying some sulfides. After the emergence of radio transmitters using electronic tubes, many people used some natural sulfide ore to make cheap radios. Its unidirectional conductivity with metal contacts acts as a detector, which is a diode that can replace the role of a dedicated vacuum diode.

However, it took a lot of time to study and experiment to add a control pole to this semiconductor diode to obtain a triode with amplification, and finally succeeded.

There must be a semiconductor research company or military agency in the UK, which Alan Wilson is very sure of.

It's just that in the general environment, the UK is now cutting projects like crazy, and many researches have been interrupted. In fact, similar to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, some long-term research projects were interrupted due to lack of financial support.

In fact, the all-transistor computer in the United Kingdom appeared a year earlier than the computer in the United States. As for the fate, it can only be said that the fate of the Comet airliner was the same as that of the transistor computer in the United States.

This is also the daily routine of the United Kingdom since World War I. There are technical reserves, but when faced with competition from other countries, it is more and more powerless to use the latest technology to create second-class things, a stepping stone on the road to complete success.

"You are the Queen of Iron Ore reported in the newspaper!" Turing only realized it later, remembering that he had seen relevant reports in the newspaper, and said in surprise, "It turns out that you are Allen's fiancee, really..."

"I don't know how lucky I am! I am favored by God, not once or twice!" Seeing Turing's lack of knowledge on the topic of complimenting women, Alan Wilson took the initiative to pick up the topic, and Pamela Mountbatten smiled at each other.

A rainbow fart made Pamela Mountbatten smile and lean on Alan Wilson ecstatically. Such behavior, Turing happens to have a strong immunity.

"Pamela will definitely support your research, and waiting for our good news, I feel that this must be something that changes the world." Alan Wilson took Pamela Mountbatten's arm, "This is not helpful, Inventions that change the world always need resources, don’t say no. Maybe make money, right?”

"I hope that your investment will not be lost." Turing hesitated and agreed.

"I believe it will be useful! I will be with her these days, and I will contact me whenever I have time." Alan Wilson waved his hand and said goodbye to the computer at the beginning of completing the industrial transfer Before the second part of the report, the industrial upgrading part, had not yet reached the content of the third part to support the value of the pound, Alan Wilson proposed to take advantage of the cool autumn air to go to Hoxon to see, "It seems that our manor has not yet started, and it is always All kinds of things disturb you, how about going to see?"

"Okay!" Pamela Mountbatten, my fiance, you always have me, I have you, and I have you in my heart. All of Alan Wilson's opinions are in full approval, and there is not a single word.

It just so happened that the Hoxon treasure should be seen again. If this time is wasted, he will go to Paris in a few days, and he will not know when he will be free.

Although the local households had been emptied and the conditions were rather poor, the two who arrived in Hoxon decided to stay. Get a taste of Victorian country life.

Being hugged and sleeping soundly all night, Pamela Mountbatten took a leisurely transformation, looked up at Alan Wilson and looked at herself, very embarrassed, "Why didn't you call me when you woke up."

"What a happy thing it is to hold a beloved woman, why do I call you." Alan Wilson was righteous.

"Disgusting!" Pamela Mountbatten patted the man's chest happily, "I don't know what the idea is to bring a girl to the wilderness."

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