British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 468: end rationing

"Alan, are you talking about the independence of British India?" Norman Brooke smiled.

"The cost of British India was too high. We should have created a divide between North and South India, instead of connecting the entire subcontinent with railroads. Over time, the nationalists spread all over India. But Dear Norman Sir, the role of British India can be replaced. The subcontinent has a huge number of people, but it cannot exert its real strength. In fact, I think that as long as Malaya develops all its potential, it can completely replace the role of India.”

"If we move to another place, we can completely merge colonies in Africa and create a huge colony, but I don't recommend doing this. African colonies should follow the example of India and Pakistan to divide and manage them separately."

Norman Brooke nodded indifferently and said, "This time, the commissioners from the colonies are called back to come up with a response plan, for the sake of the real British Empire. Develop a plan that is beneficial to us."

The real British Empire in Norman Brooke's mouth naturally includes all existing colonies. As for the UK in the mouth of the cabinet, it is nothing but the British Isles controlled by parties.

As for the plan that is good for us, of course, it is the plan that is good for the civil service, although Norman Brooke did not say it clearly, but Alan Wilson understood it, that is what he meant.

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"Wait until they're all back in London and come up with a workable plan. You're going to be there too, and while the Newfoundland job is done, the £400m looting from British India in the last two years is enough. Let you have a voice." Norman Brooke said this and encouraged, "Go back and prepare, and hope that the meeting can come up with a bright and eye-catching solution."

"I'll try my best, Sir Norman." Alan Wilson nodded, looking forward to this meeting.

How to safeguard the interests of the current British Empire? In the colonial assessment report to Prime Minister Attlee, Alan Wilson said once in general terms, but this time, facing the same group of imperial civil servants, we can do something practical. things to help make a plan.

In fact, before the First World War, a global market had been initially established. After World War II, due to changes in the global pattern, the practice of plundering raw materials was more expensive than normal procurement from the international market, which was not necessary at all. Maintain the original colonial system.

But this is not a reason to give up the colonies, because the current industrialization is not a country by itself. There are still many competitors, so of course, the imperial preferential system must be maintained as much as possible.

In the way of dealing with colonies, France is actually very different from the United Kingdom. Compared with other powers, France's colonial policy is very assimilated. French civil servants are used in government agencies, and the official language is French, completely copying French politics. system.

In education, the textbooks for children and native French children are the same. The textbooks contain "My ancestors are Gauls", and this sentence is used in the colonial textbooks without changing a word.

This is also the main reason why Alan Wilson said that if France had occupied Ireland, perhaps Ireland would now be an integral part of France. After all, Ireland is also a white ethnic group, with Catholic beliefs, and the ethnic and religious problems faced by France will disappear. It can be said that assimilation is very easy.

However, in fact, this is a double-edged sword for France to maintain its colonies. Although before World War II, this kind of policy helped the aborigines in the French colonies to identify with France, and it can even be said that I am French. , and most of the French regard the colonies as provinces with the same status as the French mainland, the most representative of which is Algeria.

One aspect of the cruelty of the state apparatus is that the more one strikes one's own hands, the more ruthless it becomes. China, which is also a mainland country, loses half of its book population every time the dynasty changes.

Therefore, after some colonies rebelled, the native French often showed their truest side. The first choice was to suppress them, and they would never let these places become independent unless they had to.

However, France's current attitude of strong repression is not necessarily a bad thing for the United Kingdom, because there are still many overlaps between the British and French colonies, and the facts of Vietnam can be borrowed to warn the people of Malaya.

The actions of the French army in Algeria cover the actions of the British army in British Africa. In the final analysis, each country must consider its own interests. Britain and France must be united in the general direction, but the United Kingdom itself must be more united.

Christmas in 1948 had a different meaning to the people of London, because on this day, Prime Minister Attlee announced the abolition of the rationing system, which was supposed to be announced on New Year's Day in 1949. The third year after the war brought an end to the impact of the World War on Britain.

Britain is currently the first country in Europe to make rationing history, a few months before the original Soviet Union.

A few days ahead of schedule is considered to provide a good mood for British citizens. Alan Wilson was also in a good mood, walking in Hyde Park holding Hepburn's hand, wearing a mask of course.

"How about the magazine that Lord Sheffield helped find? Are you still satisfied?" Alan Wilson asked gently, wanting to know what Hepburn thought about appearing in the public eye.

"Very good, I heard that this magazine sells 1.5 million points this year. I also went back to the Netherlands to shoot an advertisement, and it looks good now." Audrey Hepburn said with a full smile, "Thanks to this. What about you?"

"A girl like you, any man can't help but help." Alan Wilson said complimentingly, "I'm just an ordinary member of the huge group of men, but seeing that you've gotten rid of the predicament, it's really delightful.”

"Thanks to you for Mr. Alim's help, but my mother is still a little concerned about his skin color." Audrey Hepburn sighed, "Actually, I think it's fine, I don't know why my mother did this. "

"Individually, the ratio of good to evil is about the same everywhere. It's just amazing when South Asians come together. I've worked in British India and I know a little bit about that." Alan Wilson thought for a moment and explained, "Study on national character is doomed to be useless. If you see a book evaluating others from a national perspective, don't waste your money, it's all a lie, I've only seen one A person who has never seen any people..."

Hearing Hepburn's words, Alan Wilson remembered something that existed in Chinese history but happened in India. Beginning in 1856, Hindu Brahmins and peace mullahs joined forces to spread prophecies all over North India: The British rule will end in 1857, a hundred years after the Battle of Plassey. Villages make pancakes to pass the liaison code, and prepare to rise together. Bullets are spread among the Indian soldiers that are smeared with lard and butter. past rumors. Finally, in 1857, the great Indian national uprising broke out.

This resistance was of course a failure, and the fate of the British captives without a hundred years obviously did not become a reality.

Therefore, the occurrence of similar things does not mean that similar results will occur. Otherwise, France is stronger than the original British in any hardware. Why did the industrial revolution not break out in France?

Alan Wilson has always avoided mentioning key political issues when getting along with Hepburn, but from the perspective of how Alim is a person, he said that Alim is a good person, which does not mean that Indians are good. Every time you know someone, you have to get in touch slowly to build trust, and the relationship of interest will be established faster.

His fiancee was not in London, and Alan Wilson spent Christmas with the Hepburn family. In fact, in the current environment Hepburn was in, Alan Wilson could cook rice with raw rice and use his connections to silence Hepburn.

It's just that he didn't need to do this at all. He didn't even want to use the means of throwing money at other women. He just wanted to get along with such a relaxed attitude. Hepburn's mother knew that Alan Wilson's parents were gone, and her attitude towards this young man was quite different. for tolerance.

On Christmas Eve in 1948, Alan Wilson spent at the home of Hepburn's mother and daughter. After dinner, he got up and said goodbye, and declined Hepburn's farewell, "Have a good rest, I will come to see you when I have time. "

Before New Year's Day, Alan Wilson was still following his old habit drinking with his colleagues in Whitehall as if nothing had happened, just Lord Sheffield, who would ask in private," Whether that innocent looking little girl has been taken down or not, this kind of thing should be done as soon as possible."

Seeing that everyone is a man, Lord Sheffield I understand, Alan Wilson nodded in agreement, even if he didn't hear a word, it didn't matter, it was not a bad thing to nod first.

Finally, the British Malaya Commissioner Gerald Edward arrived in London, ending Alan Wilson's idle days, so the Whitehall civil servants gathered another one.

"Is there any response to my suggestion?" Alan Wilson asked secretly, about the Healthy Malaya movement.

"The effect is very good, Alan, you know the mentality of the Malayans too well." Gerald Edward sighed greatly, "I wonder what the honorable cabinet secretary is looking for us to come back to?"

"It's related to the development of the colony. I don't know the specifics." Alan Wilson told the truth, he really didn't know.

In the next few days, commissioners from the colonies of British Africa arrived one after another, and received notices that the meeting was scheduled for January 2, so that the commissioners of the colonies were prepared to manage the information of the colonies themselves, so as to facilitate discussions during the meeting.

All the commissioners in the colonies are facing great enemies. The ministers generally do not pay attention to what the officials of a certain colony are doing, but the cabinet secretaries can also replace them.

At eight o'clock in the morning on January 2, the commissioner, returning from the Asian and African colonies, arrived at the Foreign Office Building in Whitehall, together with Ismay, Permanent Under Secretary of the Foreign Office, to await the arrival of Norman Brooke.

Alan Wilson graciously showed goodwill to his old boss, Sir Barron, and proved himself a reliable man until Norman Brooke came in.

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