British Civil Servant

Chapter 434: Everyone has advantages

1948 was definitely an eventful year, not to mention the civil war in a certain great power, the United States has already begun to enter the atmosphere of elections.

The same is true for the British Empire, except for the war over Kashmir that has broken out between India and Pakistan.

This year is also the year when the United Kingdom ended its mandate of Palestine. Since the end of World War II, the current crisis in Iran has not broken out. Otherwise, from the end of the war, if the Greek civil war is included, the United Kingdom is really in a state of precariousness.

The United Kingdom finally completely returned to the British Isles. In addition to finally accepting its fate, the emergency on the whole line after the end of World War II really made London unable to do anything. Press the gourd to float up, and the decline of the empire is already difficult, not to mention that there are always people there. Step on the accelerator at this time.

The United Nations headquarters has been set near New York since the day it was established. The previous meeting in London was just that the new headquarters had not been built, and of course it is not fully built yet.

Including the previous League of Nations archives, the United Kingdom has already handed over to the United Nations, and now most of the work has arrived in New York. When the United Nations headquarters is officially launched, in a general sense, it has been proved that the handover of hegemony to the United States has been achieved.

Alexander Cadogan, as the British ambassador to the United Nations, has also been active in the United States for a long time. When Alan Wilson arrived in the United States this time, he naturally also visited the former head of the civil service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Of course we should lean toward India, after all, our interests in India are greater than those in Pakistan. And since the United States leans toward Pakistan, it's okay for us to lean toward India." Alexander Cadogan listened to Alan Wilson and said that this There is no problem with inclination. After all, the UK still has to take care of its own interests. "By the way, Alan, you are already working in the Foreign Office, right?"

"I still haven't figured out the difference between the work of the Colonial Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Commonwealth Department." Alan Wilson said at a loss, "It seems to me that they are all the same."

"It's always the same, but it's different." Alexander Cadogan smiled sarcastically. "I didn't ask everywhere, who is more likely to become the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Sir Milton?" Alan Wilson thought of the Director of Personnel at the Foreign Office, who seemed authoritative during his time in London.

But Alexander Cadogan shook his head slightly and said, "There is a candidate with the same work experience as you, and the chance is better than Milton."

"Who? It can't be Sir Barron!" Alan Wilson couldn't help laughing out loud, and at this time, Sir Barron in Aden shivered for no reason.

"No, but the Secretary General of British India, Sir Ismay." Alexander Cadogan's answer completely put an end to Alan Wilson's delusions. He originally thought that he would have another chance to cooperate with his old boss.

"Sir Ismay has met a few times, but I'm not very familiar with him." Alan Wilson said with some distress, "We are not a system, but Edel is very familiar with him, that is his boss. "

"Never mind, General Mountbatten is well known to him. The last time I corresponded with Sir Ismay, he was preparing material for the independence of British India, which contained numerous justifications for General Mountbatten's last-minute efforts."

Alexander Cadogan stretched out his hand and patted Alan Wilson on the shoulder, saying that this was absolutely not a problem. With Sir Ismay as the head of the civil service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alan Wilson would definitely feel like a duck to water.

"Oh..." Alan Wilson's expression softened. It turned out that he had a good relationship with his father-in-law. My father-in-law, Long Aotian, of the British Empire, had no advantage in networking.

If it weren't for the sudden outbreak of the Indo-Pakistani war, what worries the British most at the moment is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Alexander Cadogan also made it clear when chatting, just these days, the time for hosting the UK has come, and London has decided to withdraw its troops.

"It seems that the conflict in Palestine is inevitable. Once we leave the Arabs, we will definitely attack Israel." Alan Wilson said after listening, "Our interests?"

"On the side of the majority of Arabs, of course? But Israel has the support of the United States and the Soviet Union." Alexander Cadogan sighed. After all, the glory days are gone, and now he is always supported by the United States and the Soviet Union at the United Nations. His splint gas was far inferior to that of the time before the war.

"I think my old boss, I should send a telegram to say hello." Alan Wilson said suddenly, his boss in British India, Sir Barron, seems to be the current British commissioner in the Persian Gulf.

Therefore, it is still beneficial to work in British India. My father-in-law returned to the Mediterranean Fleet and restarted his Long Aotian journey. His immediate boss was in charge of Middle East affairs in the Persian Gulf, and even the Secretary-General of British India, Ismay, They have all become popular candidates for the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With such an intricate network of relationships, it is impossible to do anything without doing a lot of work.

He is ready now, to remain in the United States, to serve the interests of the British Empire in the Middle East.

The British army in Palestine is going to withdraw, and there is no need to take away weapons and equipment. There is a serious backlog of weapons, so there is nothing wrong with leaving some for local pro-British friendly countries.

The local British troops have already begun to withdraw, and it will be too late to send a telegram. Leaving a batch of junk does not need to go through the minister, it is entirely within the purview of the local commissioner.

Aden was a British colony in the Middle East, and like most colonies, there was an Indian community there. Even for a long time, Aden belonged to the territory of British India.

Ambani, the richest man in India who later built the world's most expensive house next to a poor kiln, was actually born in Aden.

For Sir Barron, there is a sense of familiarity here, after all, the climate is similar to New Delhi, and there is an Indian community as a dog leg, just like he is still a commissioner in British India.

Sir Barron soon knew that his vague familiarity was definitely not groundless, because he received a greeting from Alan Wilson, the former assistant to the commissioner, in which he stated that he had just spoken to the British ambassador to the United Nations, Alexander Cardo. Sir Root discussed the interests of the British Empire in the Middle East, and it was only with the approval of Sir Alexander Cadogan that this telegram came to say hello.

Even if it didn't, Alan Wilson was just using Alexander Cadogan's name to increase his persuasive power.

"Huh?" Barron, who was holding the telegram, explained that he couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that something should happen in the past few days, but he didn't know where this feeling came from, but now this feeling has disappeared.

The withdrawal of troops is the decision of the Cabinet and the Foreign Secretary, but of course he can decide to withdraw troops in this way.

Of course, some weapons left over are within the scope of power. Anyway, the cabinet only gave a framework and no specific measures. The specific measures are considered by the person who is directly responsible.

Because of the experience of British India, Sir Barron has been able to feel that once the British army withdraws from Palestine, war is likely to break out there, and from the attitude of the United Nations, the attitudes of the United States and the Soviet Union remain unchanged. It is about the opposite of the United States and the Soviet Union.

In the telegram, Alan Wilson also mentioned the name of Princess Badia, saying that he should have some communication with the sister of the Iraqi regent, and there may be unexpected results.

In fact, some countries are preparing for war, as Sir Barron knows.

"This Ellen, has he forgotten that Mrs Mountbatten is a Jew," Sir Barron said to himself with a wry smile.

Forgetting is not forgetting, but the national interest is here, and Alan Wilson can only choose this way. Alan Wilson, who had been to Washington, had returned to the Boston consulate.

Diplomatic agencies are all semi-public spy locations. Alan Wilson obtained some information from the Boston consulate about the current US Republican Senator McCarthy, about this person's character, hobbies and reputation, where he often goes, and his work and rest patterns.

Alan Wilson felt he had better be friends with McCarthy before the election. This is more logical, and it can avoid waiting for the other party to get to know each other after they have made a fortune, as if they have bad motives.

What's the icing on the cake? Impressive? When McCarthy was exhausted, and Alan Wilson posted it again, the energy spent on UU reading would be much greater.

"Consul, are you interested in this alcoholic?" Wick, the secretary of the consulate, was puzzled. How could his immediate boss be so enthusiastic about a senator with a bad reputation in the Republican Party. Often ridiculed by newspapers.

Wick had a keen interest in politics, and he was quick-witted and able to articulate what was on his mind. Like the Welshman in the eyes of many colleagues, Wick often speaks better than he writes, and he is good at writing.

Reading is his habit, especially the American newspapers related to politics, which have always been his favorite. In his impression, the senator the consul was looking for had always been reported in a negative image.

Although Wick believes that McCarthy is simply about being in the right place at the right time. This is especially true of McCarthy, although this may be the case for many politicians who soared at a young age in general.

"Oh, dear Wick, we have to look at things from a developmental perspective." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "Having become a senator, you can't be called an alcoholic, although he does have a bad reputation. Early Success may be attributed to luck, but the politician himself has to have an extraordinary strength, and I believe he must have it, but it has not been discovered. Everyone has advantages, Wick!"

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