British Civil Servant

Chapter 430: A sound start

Saddened by the direction of the war, this is what Alan Wilson really thinks in his heart. He hopes that India will always be in a low-intensity war, just like the bandits running around in the Republic of China, rather than a high-intensity civil war. .

What if I beat the Indian a little bit more normally? You must know that the foundation of British India is much stronger than that of East Asia. Awakening even a little bit through a high-intensity war would not be good for Britain.

Therefore, he is in a very tangled mood now, hoping that more people will die in this war, and he does not want the intensity of the war to be too high.

This constipation-like expression even made Savievich ask himself that he may have just misunderstood Alan Wilson. The Newfoundland chief executive just failed to manage his expression for a while, and it was not that he was not good at others.

That's just a joke, Alan Wilson, who has been taught by micro-expression master and silent film queen Greta Garbo, will fail to manage his expressions? This is simply an insult to Greta Garbo's professionalism, as ridiculous as asking a pregnant woman when she is pregnant.

Alan Wilson ended his hunting trip and decided to return to St. John's. It is more convenient to connect with the outside world as the capital. Although it is unreasonable to use public facilities for private work, he is also for the benefit of the British Empire. Only with Hyderabad Your Majesty contacted.

Alan Wilson asked about the current position of Hyderabad on the Kashmir issue, and said that India will never allow Kashmir to be annexed by Pakistan, and this war has just begun.

For the current situation, Alan Wilson gave an analysis, but did not suggest what to do? Because he has no historical reference, he cannot look at the problem from the perspective of Hyderabad, but the telegram also emphasized that this is an opportunity for Hyderabad.

Because of the conflict in Kashmir, the withdrawing British troops stationed in India quietly terminated the evacuation operation. This part of the British troops stationed in India was located in Pakistan and claimed to prevent the expansion of local conflicts.

Of course, it's not just the British who are concerned about this conflict. Portuguese Goa is also very concerned about whether this conflict will turn into a real war. The Portuguese got in touch to exchange views on the Kashmir conflict.

In short, because of the Kashmir issue, Pakistan and India, Hyderabad and Portuguese Goa are all watching the development of the situation.

Europe is in the midst of a wave of reconstruction. Although the United Kingdom said that after discussing the coal and iron community with France, it would reply to the United States whether to agree to the merger of the occupied territories, but the financial allocation to Germany has already been put in place. Germany, like many European countries, began to post-war reconstruction.

As the representative of German women, Anna made a public appearance in place of the eldest daughter of the Hellmann family. After all, Pokina's body was not very convenient, and she was secretly hiding in a safe place, waiting for the arrival of the angel.

Naturally, the business of the Hellmann family fell into the hands of Anna, who was lightly dressed, and through the British Occupied Trade Commission, controlled the important raw material wood needed for German reconstruction.

Anna drove the car around, avoiding some nasty big potholes and bumping along a rough asphalt road. They passed small villages full of grass-roofed log houses, painted with blue stripes between the logs.

Many houses have turned gray, crooked, or are about to collapse due to weather and wind and rain. Some houses have no windows, but almost all have new or freshly painted doors.

In the sun-drenched fields, men and women are working with farm implements, and some use horse-drawn plows. The car passed many carts full of hand-cut wood, pulled by strong and docile horses, and driven by strong and docile women and men, who were not marked by headscarves and beards. Identify their gender.

The car drove all the way to the city, not seeing a tractor, a car, or any other machinery along the way. This is a medium-sized city in the Ruhr area, with brick houses and wide streets, and a turbid river runs through it, dividing it in half.

It was a low city, full of hazel buildings, and had an air of unwelcoming strangers in the middle of nowhere.

The current state of Germany is the current state. The war has taken away a large number of men, and women must also participate in the reconstruction. Fortunately, the Germanic women are tall and have the reputation of dragoons, so they can shoulder the heavy task of reconstruction.

Anna came out naturally to connect, because her elder sister, who was most valued by her superiors, was inconvenient, and now it was her job to communicate with the country, although she was unwilling to complete it.

Finally, when Anna, who didn't see anyone but accidentally dropped some garbage, drove away, someone would naturally come over to collect the garbage and get the important news above.

Alan Wilson in Newfoundland was originally waiting for his fiancée to arrive, but because of the exchange of fire in Kashmir, he had to meet Philby again. After all, he used to be the assistant commissioner of British India and knew the situation better.

"There have been discussions at home about the conflict in our former colonies, and at the same time our American allies are also very concerned about it." Philby, who appeared again, got straight to the point and asked the leader of the last batch of bureaucrats in British India. What do you think of the current situation in the subcontinent?

"The situation in the subcontinent is very complicated!" Alan Wilson crossed his fingers and said while thinking, "Judging from the current situation, Nehru's face as a socialist has been exposed, and there has been a worrying political tendency. I believe this is also what the US allies are concerned about, but I don’t think India can do anything. I know the subcontinent too well, there is no cohesion as imagined, and cohesion only exists in the dream of Indians.”

There is no doubt that Nehru was a socialist. After India's independence, the import substitution strategy was implemented; the state-run economy was adopted. In terms of specific practices, certain means of the planned economy were not excluded. The main purpose of the above methods is to form a complete industrial system and quickly realize the modernization of the industry.

Even if this is not a complete Soviet line, in fact, in the eyes of the United States, it is almost a variant of the Bolsheviks. As the most powerful country on paper in today's world apart from Europe and the United States, it is normal to express concern about the situation in India.

"Does the United States want to interfere? If so, I agree with it from a personal point of view." Alan Wilson looked at Philby with anticipation, and wanted to see a positive response from the other party's eyes.

"No!" It was a pity that Philby gave a disappointing answer to Alan Wilson.

It's so disappointing that Alan Wilson thought he had a chance to avenge the Lend-Lease Act so soon, but the Americans have clearly inherited the disgusting British diplomacy.

Lend-Lease made the British have to beg for this **** aid! For a chance to fight for Roosevelt, Britain would have to be grateful.

Despite the hypocritical talk of leases and loans in this bill, the handover of U.S. arms and supplies throughout the war was a gift. Official accounts are not even kept. Yanks love to haggle.

Lend-Lease is a bargaining strategy. For large corporations, and for millions of workers, it simply means a boom in economic prosperity. Thanks to the issuance of national defense bonds, the cost was painfully postponed into the future. Others are actually fighting and dying.

Philby nodded, indicating that London was also struggling with the conflict in the former colony, asking what might happen, and providing a record.

Didn't I understand when you said that earlier? Alan Wilson nodded his understanding, and said directly, "Nehru's hometown is Kashmir, and Patel is the representative of the Hindu conservatives. India should make a military response to Pakistan's action soon. It might have already started.”

"Are you sure?" Philby, who asked the question, saw Alan Wilson nodding and sighed, "It seems that someone is bleeding because of this."

"This is a good thing for us in the UK, Philby." Alan Wilson couldn't help but snickered, "Happiness is all compared, other countries are caught in the war, doesn't it seem that the UK is very happy?"

Philby looked straight at the imperialist lackey in front of him, expressing shame on the other party's gloating behavior.

This can't be blamed for Alan Wilson's disapproval, although the Soviet spy in front of him is a person who is out of vulgar taste.

But the father of the other party is a realist. Among those who support Pamela Mountbatten, there is Philby's father. Who makes the family an At this time, I don't know the world How many people are talking about the conflict in Kashmir, but apparently neither India nor Pakistan is more meaningful.

At this moment in New Delhi, at the Supreme Council of the Republic of India, Patel is making a generous statement, "Ali Singh has escaped from Kashmir and called on India to take action. For the new India, this will be a state-founding event. How to change their stereotype of India in front of people all over the world and establish a foothold in the world with a new attitude is extremely important to the new India.”

"The Pakistanis must be given a head-on counterattack!" A group of cabinet members said in succession, supporting the position of Patel, the current No. 2 figure in India, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs.

"Jawaharlal, it's time to make a decision." Patel looked at Nehru, waiting for the prime minister's statement.

"Agree to the request of the Maharaja of Kashmir and prepare to go to war with Pakistan." Nehru was silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind. Since this is the case, then take this war as the beginning of a powerful power.

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