British Civil Servant

Chapter 424: boring governor

A home-grown guest came from St. Louis, a senior MI6 official, Philby, the eldest of the Cambridge Five. Come here specifically to perform the task of the British Empire, and come to consult the Chief Executive of Newfoundland.

In all fairness, Alan Wilson was full of contradictions in how to face the five heroes of Cambridge. Out of his infinite loyalty to the empire, he should have brought these traitors who entered our side to justice, but doing so has a certain meaning. of danger.

First of all, the Cambridge Five are either rich or expensive, which is why London has long not believed that they will become Soviet believers. As senior civil servants, Cambridge Five have extensive contacts in the civil service system and politicians. These traitors are not easy to mess with.

The remaining reason is that Alan Wilson always felt that at some point in the future, these people might help him overcome a difficult opponent.

This opponent might be some nasty politician. As to whose hands the British Empire is in the hands of, the elected ministers think it is them, but the whole Whitehall does not think so.

Whitehall just thinks so, and Alan Wilson has to take action. It is well known that the Newfoundland parliament has been dissolved, and there is no such thing as a parliament in the colonial state.

So if, without a parliament, one of his chief executives restores prosperity to Newfoundland, does that prove that the so-called parliament and parties are simply irrelevant?

In this case, there should be a public opinion on who is right in the cognitive gap between civil servants and politicians.

It is now clear that politicians can be bought, and capital has no homeland. It's not that Alan Wilson wants to backtrack. He thinks that the aristocracy is more credible than those two groups. He hopes that British politicians can learn from the United States and make a real decoration, so as not to always interfere with the normal operation of the country.

But now, this dream is still in the stage of striving to be realized, as the country of origin of the modern parliamentary system. Britain has a heavy historical burden, and it is not easy to bring down politicians. Even if the nobles and civil servants join forces, the result is still unknown.

If there is such a person who dares to pull the emperor off his horse, there may be a chance of success.

Alan Wilson felt that Philby was very suitable for this role when necessary, and the other party was in front of him now, with an expression of loyalty to the country, "London means, in May, at the military base in the north. , a secret meeting with the U.S. and Canada."

"Oh!" Alan Wilson nodded noncommittally. He still cared about the fact that a Soviet spy ruled his top secrets about the British Empire.

But thinking about what the Conservative Party has done, he still thinks Philby's level of spy is acceptable.

"Alan, don't you seem excited?" Philby smiled and said, "Actually, you can think about it, some important guests come to Newfoundland. contribute to the economy.”

"It makes sense." Alan Wilson suddenly regained his spirits and nodded solemnly, "Americans are so rich, anyway, this kind of meeting follows the process of public funds, and it should not be too much for me to do some operations. "

"What are you going to do?" Phil became vigilant for a moment and reminded Alan Wilson to pay attention to the occasion. This is a major event involving the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the thoughts of the Canadians. Don't mess around.

"It's fine." Alan Wilson said that he certainly wouldn't mess around. "I just want to make my esteemed guests feel the hospitality of Newfoundland citizens. Isn't this a mistake?"

In a common apartment opposite the Governor's Palace early Monday morning. The drizzle beat on the window, and the sound of the rain made Alan Wilson feel depressed. He had a rough time during this time. The work is tedious, either scribbling numbers on the pile of nasty documents, or revising the intractable manuscripts indiscriminately, or contacting the colonial officials in various places on the telegram, and then continuing to be in a daze.

Fortunately, Vivien Leigh often came over for company, so that he could find a warm harbor from the heart that was exiled to the edge of the world.

It's really too bland. If it's in British India, he can find things to do from start to finish for a whole year. If he can't shoot two anti-British elements, he can be happy and happy, but not in Newfoundland, he has to pretend. Appears to be overworked.

In fact, it can't be said to be pretending. He is really overworked with a few distinguished American guests.

"Did that official from London trouble you?" Vivien Leigh put her arms around Ellen Wilson's neck, wanting to know why her sweetheart was unhappy.

This kind of messy mind, but in a place where you can predict what will happen in the day when you wake up in the morning?

It's hard for Alan Wilson to explain this feeling to Vivien Leigh, "Vivian, Newfoundland can be used as a retirement sanctuary, but for people my age, it's too boring."

"Is it boring to play with me?" Vivien Leigh rubbed Alan Wilson's cheek, and a word almost swelled Alan Wilson's words.

Alan Wilson didn't like playing with this word, so he categorically corrected Vivien Leigh's wording, saying that the two are in love with each other, and they can't use this word to sully the relationship between the two. If the two have children, Can you talk about the process of the two of you going all the way in front of the child?

"I was wrong!" Vivien Leigh said happily in Alan Wilson's ear, "I will definitely give birth to a son for you."

"It's good to have a daughter, maybe she's as beautiful as you, not maybe, but definitely." Alan Wilson's face was serious, and his heart was so elated that he even touched his abdomen unconsciously, and raised his eyebrows. Get that feeling.

Newfoundland is really very boring in the big environment. This will not change because there are several actresses here to accompany her. As everyone knows, drugs can't eradicate the root, only slow down. The result is chronic poisoning. All medicines have side effects. The food we eat is no exception: refined white bread, refined sweets, milk from farms, and more. Any refined and processed food will change its essence.

The sturdy body that came out of the logging area quickly returned to its original state, but the technique of bone-setting has been steadily improving. The craftsmanship of the Newfoundland Chief Executive has been widely praised by several women, especially after sales. service.

Excellent imperial civil servants have begun to indulge in beauty, forgetting their long-standing philosophy and persistence.

No wonder! At the critical moment, Alan Wilson, who has disdain for the debate, still found the value of existence and welcomed the first shipment of food from the United States, including but not limited to pig's hands and various internal organs.

Compared with the normal price, it can be said to be very fair, which is also in line with his good habit of being diligent and thrifty. I left some directly, and made a fire to cook to show Vivien Leigh and a few others their craftsmanship.

"To be honest, I almost feel like I'm turning into a fish." Ellen Wilson boiled soup with great interest, and said to a few waiting women in a tone of anger and fear.

"I've never eaten this kind of part!" Heidi Lamar looked at Alan Wilson with some doubts.

"I heard that there is a cosmetic effect, so the Orientals said." Alan Wilson continued to work without looking back.

"Then I'll try it." Heidi Lamar said that the world is so big, and you should try ingredients from different civilizations, which will help broaden your horizons. For example, Alan Wilson's bone-setting craftsmanship is very comfortable.

Alan Wilson, who turned his back to several women, pouted, and even swayed his body from side to side. There is a saying called shaking his head and tail, which is suitable to describe his current state.

In fact, from the statistics after the meal, the effect is still good, and there is not so much discomfort. At least Alan Wilson was satiated, and he could finally say goodbye to bread, cream and fish of all kinds.

Alan Wilson, who had had enough time in St. Johns, decided to walk around to give a few guests an intuitive look at Newfoundland.

And Philby came back from the military base in northern Newfoundland and found Alan Wilson just in time.

At this time, Alan Wilson was taking a few Croats and protecting a few women on a trip in Newfoundland. As he said to several women, be sure to appreciate the magic of nature.

"What's Ellen doing?" Philby asked the local magistrate, Smallwood.

"I heard that it was for thanks. Ms. Vivien Leigh brought a few friends to contribute to the popularity of Newfoundland, so she took them to travel on the island. Because the island is inaccessible and the area is not small, the Chief Executive should follow for safety." Smallwood recalled Alan Wilson's words and repeated So it was! "Philby nodded knowingly. If he is with one of them, there may be a relationship between men and women. If there are several female stars, there is no doubt about it. How can several such beautiful women be together at the same time." settle?

Philby considered himself someone who had some achievements in the London social circle, and he couldn't even imagine it.

Alan Wilson is of course on a southern beach in Newfoundland, which is much nicer than St. John's and a great place to swim. Of course, the only people swimming there were Alan Wilson.

"I heard that there is a kind of swimsuit called bikini in France. If you wear it, it will be very beautiful." Alan Wilson's eyes have always kept Ingrid Bergman in sight. Ingrid Bergman is wearing A dress, which is very in line with the conservative style of this era. Compared with several other actresses, this Swedish actress has a nuclear bomb-level figure.

"How do you know that kind of thing!" Heidi Lamar said, staring into Alan Wilson's eyes. "A chief executive thinks about these things every day?"

"So you know." Alan Wilson's face was full of understanding. "Tell me, did you secretly collect a few sets? Did you bring them?"

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