British Civil Servant

Chapter 365: double duty

The headquarters of the later Socialist Party nationality was indeed in London, but this Socialist Party International, which had been preparing for the establishment of the Labour Party since World War II, had developed somewhat slowly.

It took 15 years of planning from the start of preparations in 1944, to the Frankfurt Congress in 1951, and then to the official distinction from the workers' party that supported the Soviet Union in 1959.

Although procrastination and efficiency are a common problem in countries with electoral systems, this is too much.

Alan Wilson felt that as long as the French Socialist Party was dealt with, Germany, which is still under occupation, would have no such resistance. It could not be delayed until the three occupied territories were merged, otherwise there would be troubles.

Alan Wilson and Harold, the trade council people, appeared at the SPD convention in Germany.

It has an obvious smell of surveillance, which reflects certain doubts about the party that advocates the protection of workers' rights and interests in the country where the labor movement originated.

This is impossible, because in the party program of the German Social Democratic Party, the recognition of Marx's proposition is still retained. It was not until the 1959 revision that there was a clear distinction between official and Soviet-style parties.

Alan Wilson's suspicion of these potential Soviet spies is also normal. From different angles, naturally there will be different views. When Wilson was in power in the 1960s, Americans did not suspect that Prime Minister Wilson was a Soviet spy?

Although there are some doubts about the presence of the British, the UK is currently governed by the Labour Party, and Prime Minister Attlee is quite famous. Although the party has nothing to do with the civil service system, most people have never been able to distinguish, as long as Alan Wilson expresses certain It's not difficult to get away with deceptiveness.

At the end of the Hannover Conference this time, the British people present were even allowed to speak. The members of the trade committee looked at each other, and no one was willing to go up? This is not the time to be in the limelight, and civil servants are reluctant to grab headlines and reject each other.

"Alan, you are the Deputy Secretary-General at a young age. It is more appropriate for you to speak on our behalf." Harold said as if I were doing it for your own good, saying that young people need such an opportunity.

If Alan Wilson was also a member of the Labour Party, he would have believed it, but he was not, and directly retorted, "Deputy Secretary Harold, you look at my age, how can I be a convincing person? If I go to the Germans, Thinking that we are perfunctory to them is a negative impression on the UK, and anyone can know that you are our leader just by looking at them, and it is more appropriate for you to speak on behalf of the UK."

It was Alan Wilson's original intention to come here to show off the prestige of the occupying army, but he had absolutely no intention of being in the limelight.

After some shirk, Alan Wilson directly stood up and said he wanted to go to the toilet. Harold had to bite the bullet and go to the stage to express his congratulations on the resumption of activities of the SPD. At the beginning, of course, skipping the same year, a large number of members of the Social Democratic Party defected and turned to cooperate with the National Socialist Party.

In the end, he expressed his congratulations on the reactivation of the Social Democratic Party, and drew a pie by the way, believing that the Social Democratic Party would play an important role in the German coalition government in a few years.

"Germany still wants reunification? A dream!" Alan Wilson snorted, scoffing at such remarks. The division of Germany is a good thing for the surrounding countries, and the ununited Federal Republic of Germany will always be a head short in front of the United Kingdom.

Germany dared to intervene in the Yugoslav civil war just after reunification, and pulled the European Community to first recognize the independent country of Yugoslavia before the Americans. From this, we know that any confession and reflection are superficial. Germany's wounding tiger should be caged for life.

If Britain and France have the final say within the European Community, Britain has ample historical experience in dealing with the French. But if you add Germany, it will be a little confusing.

After Harold delivered his speech, the Hannover Conference this time was a complete success. When Alan Wilson came back, Harold had already dragged Brandt to chat there, and when he saw Alan Wilson, who had used urine escape, he immediately waved and said , "Alan, this is Brandt, who has just returned from abroad."

"Welcome, I have heard the Deputy Secretary-General's story about you, which is very admirable." Alan Wilson took the initiative to shake hands with admiration, but he disagreed, avoiding the pursuit of those who fled abroad, in addition to admiring Heidi Besides Rama, there will be no more admiration for the second person.

"Mr. Allen, you are so young." Brandt complimented with admiration, surprised by Allen Wilson's age.

"This requires a certain opportunity, and the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared." Alan Wilson said meaningfully, and then changed the subject, "If Mr. Brandt has no other job at the moment, he can help us with some management work, Considering the accumulation of experience, we all know that military control cannot go on forever, and the Germans still have to govern themselves, of course, after the influence of the National Socialist Party has been completely eliminated.”

Alan Wilson doesn't have a lot of time, and he has to go to Brussels for a conference.

The purpose of asking Brandt to help him is also very simple. He hopes that the future Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany will help him plunder Germany's biological and chemical talents during the current time period and contribute to Pamela's business map.

Of course, this is all in the name of reckoning with the subsequent influence of the National Socialist Party and upholding justice. I believe that Brandt will not refuse!

Sure enough, Brandt did not refuse either, expressing his willingness to help, and it was clear that Quanquan made progress.

There is no problem in this way. The part of Brandt's work scope is to call back the talents who have worked in Farben Chemical and Bayer that have been released for a review.

As for the part of Alan Wilson's work, it deals with the group of people who are about to be released, and who will not be released, but if he comes, he may be released. It looks like a good thing.

There is nothing more gratifying than the future German Chancellor who personally facilitated the brain drain and sent these people to Alan Wilson.

And it's a win-win deal, as German industry is sure to be constrained for at least a few years.

Before the war, many behemoths of the Konzern Group would also be split up, and these German biochemical talents may not be so easy to find jobs. Rather than serving the British Empire, what I have learned is in vain in the wasted years.

These German biochemical talents have decent jobs, and Pamela's company also has talents. Isn't it a win-win situation?

After the Hannover Conference, Alan Wilson received a telegram from Pamela Mountbatten. The telegram informed the medical company that the procedures had been completed and asked what name would be more appropriate.

This made Alan Wilson stumped. If it weren't for Pfizer's 100-year history, he would have taken the name. In the end, he replied in the telegram, "Just like the exploration company, just register with the surname of the Mountbatten family."

Using the founder's name as the company name is not a new thing. Not to mention the famous DuPont, Mellon, Morgan, etc. in the United States, there are also many in the United Kingdom, Rolls-Royce is not that.

Alan Wilson then went to the Military Commission and asked for the files of the prisoners who had been arrested, saying that in order to stop the mouths of the Soviets, they must verify it again to prevent those who are really guilty from being released and caught by the Soviets Painful foot attack.

"As we all know, the Soviets have always criticized the trials of our British-occupied areas, so the necessary review is also to deal with the Soviets. After all, they are still our nominal allies."

While Alan Wilson was talking, several workers were carrying files on the truck behind him. There were more than 700 files that once served in the biochemical field, and they were loaded into the truck one by one. Wait for the next round of authentication.

"Of course, we still adhere to the principle of never wronging a good person." Allen Wilson said with sincerity and sincerity. He only said useful things. Good people will never be wronged, and bad people may still be been released.

For humanitarian reasons, some talents who are not suitable for imprisonment can also be executed outside prison.

Alan Wilson will keep these files, at least a copy, especially the part that is really guilty should be kept.

Then arranged for Brandt to release these people who were indeed guilty of crimes in the Auschwitz concentration camp and human experiments.

If Brandt, through self-struggle, finally sat on the throne of the future German these files will be useful. It's best to wait for the other party to kneel in shock and have a good talk with the other party.

From later generations, Germany never mentioned the history of the Third Reich and kept its mouth shut and apologized. Just know how much Germany can install in the post-war self-reflection. Ninjutsu is much better than Japan.

Greece really asked Germany to start to apologize and compensate, but Germany immediately pretended to be dead and did not respond to Greece's request.

It is politically correct to liquidate the National Socialist Party. Brandt did not dare to take such a risk when he was scared to death, and let everything today be exposed when he was Prime Minister. That is not something that can be dealt with in the past with an apology and a bow.

Some people say that Brandt knelt down and the Germans stood up. If the shocking kneel happened, the Germans would finally have a normal social mentality, and would allow their heroes in their hearts to make mistakes in the most unacceptable things. What?

"It is important to review, Mr. Brandt, whether Germany can learn from the two world wars. It is something that all countries are paying attention to." Alan Wilson raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and said with regret, "I will tomorrow I'm going to Brussels, but don't worry, I'll be back to help you when I'm done with Brussels."

"I will definitely conduct a serious and fair review." Brandt nodded solemnly, indicating that he wanted to do something for Germany.


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