British Civil Servant

Chapter 326: way out

In 1947 in history, British India had come to the brink of civil war. Since the arrival of summer, the two major sects have been in constant conflict. Now, with the efforts of the Governor's Office, whether there will be changes, we will know when the summer comes. .

Alan Wilson has prescribed a once-and-for-all prescription for Indians looking forward to independence, if the headache is a headache, cut off the head and all problems will be solved.

He knew that the Congress Party would not agree, but it didn't matter, he would agree when the time came.

It's not that he is fine with Ali Jinnah. Through Ali Jinnah's strict tuberculosis, he has been thinking about strictly exploring the potential of British India in all aspects. He thought of another field in the subcontinent that could contribute to the British Empire, drug testing. field.

Every drug on the market must be approved for marketing after long-term drug trials to ensure that the side effects are controllable. Otherwise, there may be extremely bad consequences, such as the seal incident.

These deformed babies have no arms and legs, and their hands and feet grow directly on the torso. They look like seals, so they are called seals. Soon, seals appeared in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, Brazil and other countries one after another. The types of deformities include no limbs, half limbs, no hands, no legs or fingers, missing ears, and no eyes.

In the ten months beginning in 1962, 5,500 seals were born in West Germany, and a considerable number of pregnant women suffered miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths. More than 8,000 cases of such newborns have been found in the UK, and more than 300 in Japan.

The developed country, the U.S., was spared the incident because a U.S. official objected to the incident. Of course, China has also avoided it. The reason for avoiding it is even simpler. It is too poor.

As a drug testing ground, India is a well-known fact. As a testing base for European and American pharmaceutical companies for a long time, it naturally has its own advantages. First of all, the subcontinent is known as an ethnographic museum. India has five different ethnic groups. Tuas, Proto-Australians, Dravidians, Aryan-Punjabis, East Asians.

Genetic diversity is the best place for drug testing, and Africa, where humans originated, has diverse genes. Naturally, Africa and India have become testing grounds for major pharmaceutical companies.

Whether it is ethical to do so is not something Alan Wilson can consider, and he has no such thing.

And this is India's own use of generic drugs as a condition of exchange, otherwise, why would the major international pharmaceutical companies let India flood on generic drugs? There is nothing in this world for nothing. It is India who has assumed the heavy responsibility of the testing ground and will not be punished when it enters the WTO.

Otherwise, with the help of generic drugs, India will not be accepted by the WTO for a hundred years.

Asked about Ali Jinnah's physical condition, and exchanged opinions on the future of British India. Alan Wilson carried a small notebook for recording the ways to tap India's potential. Record. This will be the direction in which he will work hard next.

After Vivien Leigh left British India, she did not completely cut off contact with Alan Wilson. Through the relationship with Great Britain Treasure, Alan Wilson contacted a tuberculosis research company in the United States.

The application of streptomycin to tuberculosis has already started, but streptomycin alone to treat tuberculosis will soon develop drug resistance, but for Ali Jinnah's short lifespan, this side effect is nothing at all.

At the most next month, the experimental drug will arrive in British India, at which time he will send it to Ali Jinnah.

The current biggest enemy of the Congress Party, even if he lives a few more months before being called by God, is a good thing for the British Empire.

As for Ali Jinnah's current opponent, Gandhi, the great Mahatma, it can be said that since 1947, he has encountered troubles that he has never encountered before. It is true that the British were ready to leave, but because the British decided to let go, they no longer cared about many of the previous considerations. The British Empire had many chances to kill Gandhi, and it was not difficult at all in terms of means.

It's just that the character set up by Gandhi made the British Empire unable to do anything. They were afraid of killing Gandhi and intensifying the contradictions in British India. But now, the British Empire, which has already decided to leave, doesn't care anymore.

The previous fight against Gandhi and the Congress Party was neither scolding nor scolding, but now it is completely relaxed, and the effect of non-violence and non-cooperation is greatly reduced. Gandhi repeatedly reiterated that if partition must be done, it should be after independence.

Let the British evacuate India first, and then let India decide its own destiny. There may be short-term chaos, which could give India a new workout, "but tribulation will cleanse us". Now Gandhi's voice has been ignored by many people, and the initiative is no longer in his hands.

The initiative is entirely in the hands of the British Indian colonial government. Now even the Governor Mountbatten has given up the urgent solution and started to work abroad, so there is nothing to worry about.

The Governor's Palace, which holds the initiative, has entered the most proud time since the Congress Party became popular. Is the Congress still looking for trouble? We in the British Empire would be fine if we didn't make trouble.

Sir Barron also attaches great importance to the arrival of Isabella Polkina. After all, the Heilman family tobacco factory is also his income. For this reason, Sir Barron has a heroic look on his face and is not a woman. Let the male dragon cavalry express great respect.

If you are in a hurry, let Pokina not be embarrassed. As long as British India can do things, she will do her best to help.

"Mr. Allen has helped a lot." Pokina smiled and glanced at Ellen Wilson, "Actually, our family is the beneficiary of the current support plan of the Trade Commission. Among them, British The help of the government in the occupied area is also inseparable from the support of British India. I am very grateful for this. Helping the UK achieve its goal is to help Germany.”

"Sir, this is what I should do." In front of Sir Barron, Alan Wilson worked hard but was not greedy for merit, expressing his consciousness that he would not hesitate to shed blood and sweat for the sake of the British Empire. Excellent quality.

With Sir Barron's approval, this time the purpose of the Dragoons has been achieved. There is no need for Governor Mountbatten to know about it. The Governor is enjoying a pleasant holiday in Ceylon, and this time is not suitable for disturbing.

Alan Wilson, who is responsible for the reception work, sleeps with guests who come to British India. What is there to say? It is just a way to reflect the close relationship between Britain and Germany, and it is estimated that readers will not be interested...

"I know you're a professional woman, but don't overwork yourself. When things are over here in British India, I'll go back to Europe to see you. Tell Anna I miss her very much."

Alan Wilson treats dragoons very well. He always treats women like this, caring at the same position as a husband. There are not no people who care from the perspective of friends, probably the same number as the former, or there may be more of the former.

After the departure of the Germans, his reception was still unfinished, as Churchill returned to New Delhi after a period of time in Ceylon after successfully convincing Governor Mountbatten.

He said that he wanted to return to China to explain the situation in British India, and that Churchill's age was indeed not suitable for long-term stay abroad.

"The future of the country has always worried me," Churchill said to Sir Barron and Alan Wilson. "The greatest threat to the British Empire in the world today is without a doubt the Soviet Union."

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows, as if he heard Churchill's melodious cry, "From Szczecin on the Baltic Sea to Trieste on the Adriatic Sea, the iron curtain across Europe has been pulled down. This iron curtain has been drawn down. Behind the scenes lies the capitals of all the ancient countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia..."

"Do you also agree with me?" Churchill looked at the two in front of him with expectant In fact, a trip to British India was not without gain for Churchill. He found it here. People from all walks of life have come here because of the feeling of being a prime minister. They are busier than when they were prime ministers, but they do not have the power of a prime minister.

"Ah? Yes, the congressman's words were deafening." Alan Wilson sided with Churchill with a conscience.

But in his heart, he still hopes that Prime Minister Attlee can stabilize the situation and then consider other things. Now that the United Kingdom owes a lot of debt to the United States, its own internal strength is insufficient, and it is really not a good thing to jump too high.

It would be nice to be free from debt, and then the Cold War would officially start, and the British Empire would have a lot more room for maneuver.

On March 15, Churchill, who had been in British India for two months, officially set foot on the plane back home.

A quarter of the year has passed in 1947, and for all civil servants in British India, victory is in sight, and it is only a matter of gritted teeth.

Although on the surface it appears to be coexisting and dying with British India, many senior civil servants are already arranging retreats. Although British Malaya is among the scope of consideration, for most senior civil servants, because the great Prime Minister The legion of state-owned enterprises that Attlee's nationalization produced seemed like a better place to go.

Just after Governor Mountbatten ended his vacation in April, the news of Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal came back, and he was very willing to maintain a harmonious and peaceful relationship with the current British India and the future India under the witness of the British Empire.

Alan Wilson leaked this response to the newspaper and began to put pressure on the Congress Party through public opinion. What is his attitude?

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