British Civil Servant

Chapter 313: Treasure Trap

Alan Wilson is an imperial civil servant who, of course, still has to do business.

Under the direction of Sir Barron, Patel was invited to send the elites of the Congress Party to involve the future political and economic system of India. This has to be divided into two aspects. When the bill was formulated, it was Nehru's supporters who were invited Bargain, fostering economic power is more focused on Patel's supporters.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Patel's supporters are focused on the economy is mainly because the Hindu conservatives seem to be more suitable to be a comprador force.

So why does free competition look so beautiful, but it cannot be realized? Because the current globalization system promoted by Europe and the United States is essentially an exploitative system. It is the political and economic system of powerful countries constantly exploiting weaker countries, and it is the hunting ground for capital to hunt for food. International capital mainly living in Western society wantonly plunders the world's resources.

When the backward countries open their doors, because these countries basically have no capital, they will become the targets of international capital plunder, and it is inevitable that a class of compradors will be formed in the country. When this class holds the power of the state, the backward countries will forever become The prey of international capital cannot be turned over.

All liberals in backward countries will become comprador forces attached to Europe and the United States, almost without exception. The exception is nothing more than a few fish that slipped through the net after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

If you want to fight against international capital, you must have capital in your own hands, so that capital can defeat capital. For example, a large country has a set of state-owned capital called state-owned enterprises, which is the capital to fight against international capital.

In fact, India also has this capital. It is a state-owned enterprise that has been continuously sold by Mr. Modi. It originated from the capital of an Indian state-owned enterprise established after Nehru's independence. When India's state-owned capital is sold out, the real hardships of India will come. long overdue.

Until India is eaten up and down, the country will be judged not to pose a threat to the international order.

Alan Wilson is very tangled because at the moment he is in the midst of my opposition to myself, he can't weaken India too much because India has to stop the peace world from coming together. But if it is too strong, it will not work. If it is too strong, it will disrespect the suzerain.

Therefore, we can only have a contradictory heart and act selfless, attracting two diametrically opposed factions of the Congress Party, respectively, to benefit the post-independence India politically and economically.

It is also necessary to leave a back door for the British Empire after the withdrawal. It is also necessary to consider that the back door should not be too large. It must be just right for the size of the British Empire.

Therefore, it is not easy. It is a test of the ability of the imperial civil servants. How can he be so leisurely as a governor?

In the choice of industry and agriculture, Alan Wilson also said in the face of Patel's fans that the development of agriculture should be more consolidated. The surname Patel originally meant the village chief in terms of caste.

Although a low-level bureaucrat like the village chief cannot be said to have a high level of power, it cannot hold much. Given the population and area of ​​India, there cannot be hundreds of thousands of villages.

The social and economic foundation of agriculture is stable and has not been separated from the influence of the small-scale peasant economy. Naturally, the industrialization process of the entire country is also dragged down by the small-scale peasant economy.

Therefore, the village community culture derived from the small-scale peasant economy, and even the superstructure including the political system and the military system developed by the village community culture, will ultimately have to return to the village community itself to see its impact on economic development.

In front of Patel's ultra-conservative supporters, Alan Wilson said that the development phalanx of attaching importance to agriculture, developing industry, and laying a solid foundation is simply a guiding light on the road of life.

"It's hard to believe that among the civil servants in the Governor's Palace, there are also people who respect and consider India's national conditions. Mr. Allen is really admirable."

Facing this kind of compliment, Alan Wilson seemed very happy and responded positively, "Respect is the biggest compliment to me!" No one respects India more than Alan Wilson, he even respects Hinduism!

If he knew that these conservatives were so easy to fool, he would have brought the civil servants of the Governor's Palace to a temple to visit. Although he had given away all the saints of the temple elders before, his respect for Hinduism had not changed.

He just took the action of the saint as a merit, and told it vividly to the governor's wife and daughter. If he didn't say it, these Indians would not know.

"Pamela is fascinated by the long-standing culture of India, and has always wanted me to show her." To be honest, it has always been a must-have skill for imperial civil servants, and Alan Wilson is of course no exception.

"There is no better place to experience the long-standing mainstream culture of India than the Birla Temple, especially in Delhi."

"I've wanted to go and see it for a long time." Alan Wilson expressed his interest and said with an expression that we are too powerful in India.

Delhi used to be the capital of the Mughal Empire. Most of the landmarks are related to the religion of peace. The Birla Temple is one of the few Hindu temples. As the capital of the Mughal Empire, the Hindu temples in Delhi are generally not. As grandiose as temples elsewhere, it is piled with all kinds of indescribable sculptures and paintings.

To be honest, most of the Hindu temples in the subcontinent are too exaggerated, and have nothing to do with the grandeur of religion.

The temple was built in 1622 by De Welsinger and repaired by Prithvi Singh in 1793. More than ten years ago, the Lakshmi-Narayana Temple was rebuilt by the wealthy Birla family in India. Therefore, this temple is also called the Birla Temple. When the temple was built, Mahatma Gandhi Attended the opening ceremony in person.

Alan Wilson is no stranger to Bill La's family. He issued a green card to the family, and the other party accepted it.

The Birla family was a multi-millionaire during the First World War, and its current wealth has exceeded 200 million rupees. If the Tata family that now operates steel is the American Steel Company in India, the Birla family is the DuPont family in India.

The Birla family, who have accepted their British identity, is undoubtedly his own, and should be said to be ours, to Alan Wilson.

This helps him achieve some goals, so that when things go wrong in the future, he can pass the buck and appear as a victim.

Alan Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten, who were arm in arm, stepped into the temple of Birla. Facing the magnificent temple, Pamela Mountbatten was full of excitement.

British India still has merit, completely forgetting her attack on Hinduism in Alan Wilson's rescue of the Holy Maiden a few days ago.

The elders of the temple looked kind, and seemed to have few desires. Pamela Mountbatten felt that there was no problem. She still lacks experience and doesn't know the authenticity of people's appearance.

Because the status of the governor's daughter was honorable, the most qualified elders of the temple came out to meet them in person, which was considered enough to give the governor's face.

Alan Wilson followed Pamela Mountbatten behind, not knowing what he was thinking, "I heard people say that the faith here is sincere, and some wishes have been realized, I don't know if it is true."

"The sincerity is the spirit, but it also depends on the individual's effort." The elder of the temple said to Alan Wilson through an interpreter.

"It makes sense. Of course, it is necessary to test personal struggles, but also the factors of historical process." Alan Wilson chatted with each other, acting as if he didn't know anything.

When they arrived at a place that was definitely not small, but it was called the Chamber of Secrets, Alan Wilson was waiting on the side.

The elder with kind eyes and kind eyes was preaching to the governor's daughter to clear up doubts. Pamela Mountbatten nodded, and then showed a nervous look, and asked something.

The elders of the temple are talking nonsense in a serious manner. Although Alan Wilson does not understand Hindi, he believes that the Birla family will not deceive himself and will do things beautifully.

In the case of the Hollywood Visitors before, Alan Wilson's biggest gain is to prevent the public from On the one hand, he is more careful in this regard, and on the other hand, he needs to take a precaution.

To prevent Pamela Mountbatten's feelings for her from changing, so there is this scene.

After a while, Pamela Mountbatten came over half-worried and half-happy. Alan Wilson quickly stepped forward when he saw it, and said with concern, "What's wrong? Pamela?"

"It's nothing good." Pamela Mountbatten breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I just said something to comfort my soul, but it makes sense."

"Oh, then I'll give some incense money." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and said with a look of fear, "scare me."

Carrying Pamela Mountbatten on his back, he gave the temple elder a brand new 10,000 rupees. The two came out of the temple, and as they walked, Pamela Mountbatten suddenly said, "Are you popular with women?"

"Where did this come from? If you mean you, I think I'm quite popular." Alan Wilson immediately fell into narcissism, seeming to be quite complacent about it.

"I'm talking about someone else." Pamela Mountbatten said halfway, and swallowed Hua again. The Hindu elder of the temple said that the man by her side would definitely be popular with women.

"Ah? If what he said is correct, I want to go back and ask if I can dig a treasure." Alan Wilson changed the subject knowingly, "If I dig a treasure someday, I think he said it. Very accurate."

"What a money fan." Pamela Mountbatten rolled her eyes, and the haze in her heart also decreased a lot.

"You are my greatest treasure." Alan Wilson comforted Pamela Mountbatten, who was affected. How hard is the treasure? The Hoxon treasure is still waiting for him to dig, not only to dig, but also to dig with Pamela to share this joy.

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