British Civil Servant

Chapter 283: Your guest arrives in New Delhi

69, the fastest update of British civil servants!

History will eventually prove that regret pills are inadvisable, repeating what was said to Heidi Lamar without revealing who the other of you are.

Alan Wilson desperately hoped that Joan Crawford would be an individual and give himself a chance. If time could be reversed, he would definitely be more careful not to be discovered.

A man's mouth, a liar, just sleep and do everything, Joan Crawford never believed in such words, other actresses were more or less born in a good family, even if You can live peacefully without being a star.

Joan Crawford was born at the bottom. At first, even asking for a job as a stripper, she had to cry and pray.

I can't believe Ellen Wilson's self-justification, but this matter has nothing to do with Joan Crawford, she just wants to say her discovery, and has no intention of getting anything from Ellen Wilson.

"I didn't expect you to be a good person." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. He was sweating nervously just now. He thought that it would be okay to do two. It's really impossible to create an accident and explain all these actresses in British India, waiting to see American fans mourn, but fortunately, Joan Crawford has brought him back from the brink of crime.

"Do you think I care about your shit? Vivian doesn't have a conflict with me. If it was Betty, I might not be so good at talking." Joan Crawford squinted, her eyes full of coolness "I know Betty looks down on me, and I don't look down on her either."

"Joan, I don't despise those people who are arrogant because of their background. I also came from a hard background, and I only got where I am today." If things were a little more serious, it is estimated that Alan Wilson would kneel before Joan Crawford. Holding his thighs in front of him and begging to let it go, it is not so serious now, and he immediately stated his position to bring the distance between the two sides, "I am our person."

"Are you one of ours?" Joan Crawford, with a bad expression, stretched out her finger to hook the man's chin, and then said sternly, "Don't worry, I admire people who work hard, with Weiwei Ann's fame, you can be considered a dream come true."

Joan Crawford has given so much along the way, and resonated with Alan Wilson's words that I was born too hard. Once upon a time, she was also for a role, from one red sofa to another red sofa, and she has today.

Alan Wilson has been considered a male version of himself in Joan Crawford, and he is all for a better life. There is nothing to blame, isn't he just eating soft rice.

Joan Crawford gained the identity of a soft-boiled man again, and Alan Wilson just retreated. He was shocked twice in one day, and he was a little swaying when he walked.

The work spirit on the second day was not very optimistic, and I couldn't even think of how good we are in India!

Fortunately, Vivien Leigh's India tour has begun, and the news has caused newspapers throughout British India to be full of stories, which has achieved a sensational effect, attracted the attention of the entire British India, and relieved a lot of pressure on the Governor's Office.

The goddesses walking in the sub-continent have relieved the work pressure of the Governor's Palace a lot. The most important task is to write a news covering the entire page with the title of what Indian food Bergman and Garbo tasted. .

It doesn't really matter if they eat or not. The Governor's Office said they ate and said it was delicious. That's a piece of news.

For Alan Wilson, there is another official business that is not suitable for others to know. Li Jisheng came back with a full harvest, which made Alan Wilson very gratified. He held the gold coin with the lion pattern and couldn't put it down.

"We closed the local English school, saved a lot of expenses, and put all our energy on trade. The harvest in a few months is very big." Li Jisheng described his credit with conviction.

"I can see it, I can see it." Alan Wilson nodded, never taking his attention away from the gold coin for even a second. Of course, he soon apologized for his performance just now, because a golden Buddha was destroyed by Li Jisheng pushed it out, and the sound of friction on the table indicated that the weight was not light.

Hearing Li Jisheng talking about his hard work and self-declaration, Alan Wilson stared at his falling eyes and agreed, "The British Empire will never forget your work in difficult circumstances. I see that after this incident is over. , it is completely possible to change to another place to be a commissioner.”

This verbal award can be said to be insincere. Li Jisheng has nothing to do with him where he wants to go in the future, and he can go wherever he likes, but now, "the work still needs to be strengthened, and you also know that precious metals are scarce in the country now. , We are all for the sake of the British Empire, don't think that the current job is useless, we brought this gold to the mainland, and exchanged it for sterling, isn't it supporting the local economy?"

Alan Wilson righteously emphasized that the return of colonial officials to the mainland had a huge boost to the local economy. Don't you see, many of the protagonists in the novels who returned from British India are either rich or expensive?

Art comes from life. Who dares to say that these people who returned from the colonies did not promote the progress of the British Empire?

The patriotism from this angle makes Li Jisheng awe-inspiring, not to mention how he became an assistant commissioner in British India when he was in his twenties. He has been running around the subcontinent for half his life, and now he is still an errand runner.

This awareness alone is not at the same level. With the encouragement of the assistant commissioner, Li Jisheng's motivation is even higher.

"With me here, you can do it with confidence. General Mountbatten will take office at the end of the year, and no one will be held accountable." Alan Wilson pulled the banner and gave Li Jisheng a hint.

I have to say that he is surprisingly courageous in terms of money, and he doesn't care about the consequences at all, "We don't value gold, but cherish the historical value in it. They can't protect it, so it's better to put it in the hands of a country that can protect it. , like the British Museum, from Egypt to Babylon, what's less?"

The British Museum houses more than seven million pieces of cultural relics and treasures from all over the world. Because of the huge collection, the British Museum can almost display the civilization process of the whole world.

The collections come from the Middle Ages, and are especially famous for the collections of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome, as well as a large number of precious cultural relics from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas. A cultural treasure in many parts of the world, where the real thing can only be seen.

Want to see mummies go to Egypt? Don't know that there are more mummies in the British Museum than in Egypt?

Even Alan Wilson thinks that Afghanistan can develop. Of course, he does not have this power now. He will not have the opportunity to talk to the Afghans until General Mountbatten takes office.

With Golden Buddha, Alan Wilson is so motivated again that he doesn't even have time to talk patents with Heidi Lamarr.

It’s just that Golden Buddha cannot be obtained every day, and patents still need to be discussed. Pamela Mountbatten in London received a telegram from her sweetheart, saying that a communication company could be established, but the registered company did not cost much money.

The telegram also explained the development of the frequency hopping patent, and also explained Alan Wilson's determination to help Pamela Mountbatten to develop his career at his own expense.

In the second half of the telegram, the long-awaited idea of ​​the Emerald Palace was mentioned. The two things directly lightened the bones of Pamela Mountbatten, who was eagerly looking forward to coming soon at the end of the year. The tech company thing goes.

Compared with the patent, Heidi Rama is obviously more interested in the rough stone that Alan Wilson brought back from Burma. This emerald green stone is unique to Burma, and Heidi Rama has not seen it before.

"If only it were an emerald," Heidi Lamar said, startling Alan Wilson.

"If there are emeralds that are 30 centimeters square, I'm not kidding. In the past 100 years, the British Empire can declare war on the country where it is located ten times." Alan Wilson secretly swallowed a spit. , such a big emerald? Heidi Lamar is also really dare to think.

The largest rough emerald in the world is only four kilograms, and the rough emerald stone given to him by the Burmese is at least five times heavier.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Alan Wilson saw that Heidi Lamar seemed to like it very took the initiative and said generously, "I have already sent a telegram to London. , will conduct a practical discussion of your patent. Your royalties will be set at £5,000."

"Fourteen thousand dollars?" Heidi Lamar was taken aback, and it wasn't a small amount to her either.

"If there is a product, you will be paid a percentage at that time." Alan Wilson nodded, "Of course, if there is no product, there may be only these."

"How about we, who are still in New Delhi, invite you to dinner at the same time? Tomorrow!" Heidi Lamar was in a good mood. She felt that Vivien Leigh's eyes were indeed better than her own. This man still has many advantages.

"Tomorrow?" Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "I have other things tomorrow, let's do it another day."

Tomorrow, he is going to make a customized suitcase. The previous one is already full. It was a little short, but after receiving the golden Buddha, it cannot fit in. At the same time, he also needs to verify the authenticity of the golden Buddha. Don't be deceived by Li Jisheng. , we are not very familiar.

Derek, who had traveled all the way through Hawaii, Tokyo, and Manila, finally arrived in loyal New Delhi with a very professional elite soldier as a director of the United States Steel Corporation.

Alan Wilson was just yesterday, having dinner with Heidi Lamar and Joan Crawford, missing a Bette Davis, I don't know if Bette Davis knew Derek was coming, or Joan Crawford. The reason for Crawford's disagreement didn't show up when they dined together.

Because of this, dinner time was brought out by Joan Crawford again.

"It's time to prepare a scene to burn Washington." Alan Wilson knew the news and began to prepare. The other party was not French. Although he arrived in loyal New Delhi, it was not appropriate to use the Battle of Waterloo.

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