British Civil Servant

Chapter 262: Blockade

In terms of distance, there is no need to worry that the rioters on the Andaman Islands will affect British India. The nearly 1,000-kilometer ocean, I dare not speak of natural moat, but it is just that I dare not speak, in fact.

On the contrary, British Malaya and British Burma should be worried about being escaped by Japanese prisoners of war. As for which one should be more worried about, Alan Wilson is quite happy and troubled.

British Malaya is currently an important rubber export base from the United Kingdom to the United States, and it shoulders an important foreign exchange role. It is still the next destination for overseas civil servants in the plan of vacating the cage and changing the bird.

As for the situation in British Burma, the situation is more subtle. There are also Japanese prisoners of war working in Burma, and the scale is also about 10,000.

These prisoners of war are of course not contributing their sweat to the future of Burma, but purely to Alan Wilson's Emerald House project.

So in the face of civil servants' interests and personal interests, Alan Wilson resolutely abandoned Malaya and contacted Burgess, the British Burmese Commissioner, a member of the Cambridge Five, who was now converted into a Colonial Commissioner.

It is hoped that Burgess, like the Malayan side, will pay close attention to the movements in the direction of the Andaman Islands. New Delhi has not concealed the riots on the islands, after Sir Barron's suggestion.

Instead, after wrapping it up in words, he informed the London side, just stressing that the British expatriates had no losses, and that the Andaman Islands would not be able to let out the prisoners of war in the Andaman Islands alone, and the problem would be resolved within a few days.

After doing this, Alan Wilson can liaise with other colonies near the Andaman Islands to jointly deal with this emergency.

This is very political wisdom, and he can't directly say that what he wants to see the most is to directly starve all the people on the island to death. When the cannibalism is almost done, the landing troops will go to the island and collect the corpses.

In Yangon, the capital of British Burma, Burgess received a polished telegram. This British Burmese Commissioner has high prestige and is very popular in all walks of life in Burma. The most important reason is that he was the Assistant Commissioner in British India. Recommendations to the Myanmar Commissioner were implemented.

The suggestion was to expel the Rohingya from Rakhine back to British India, a policy that was implemented while British India was suffering from a drought.

The Rohingya are mainly a mixed ethnic group formed by the fusion of South Asians who migrated to Myanmar as helpers of the British colonial government's "barbarians to control the barbarians" after the British controlled Myanmar in the 19th century and some local indigenous peoples, and then integrated into the third Indo-Pakistani war. Bangladeshi refugees who fled to Myanmar.

This is how the Burmese know about the Rohingya, so Burgess's actions to set things right after taking office as commissioner are very welcome, but he is busy with Bangladesh's chief executive, Andrew, who has to take time to resettle when he is fighting the drought. these Rohingya.

Neither Burgess nor Andrew had a sense of accomplishment than Alan Wilson himself. Burgess is happy to set things right. The person who really sets things right is himself.

This expulsion is good for everyone, especially the Rohingya.

The Burmese Buddhists faced by the Rohingya are not Buddhism that has been tamed by three martial arts and one religion. The nature of Burmese Buddhism is similar to that of peace religion. If it is not all modern society, it is possible for the Rohingya to be wiped out collectively.

Once Myanmar becomes independent, the Rohingya who stay in Myanmar will definitely be expelled, and the rest are destined to be better off.

In this case, Alan Wilson, based on humanitarian considerations, will solve this problem while British India is still alive, which will be a good thing for all parties.

Just this advice alone has saved many lives. It doesn't matter if the Rohingya people don't understand it now, they will understand it in the future.

The second piece of advice to Burgess is that compared with many native peoples in the colonies, the Chinese are not too poor. If British Burma is to undertake the responsibility of transfusion for the British Empire, it must be good at using the Chinese group.

So at the heart of the advice to help Burgess gain a foothold is to identify the ethnic groups within Burma. To some ethnic groups for their own use.

To be honest, Myanmar has not been affected by this year's drought, and the grain output has remained the same as in normal years.

However, the matter of British Burma has nothing to do with British India, and British India has determined the spirit of self-improvement, and the food of British Burma is naturally delivered to the mainland where it is more needed.

Alan Wilson, who has made important contributions to Burgess' firm foothold in British Burma, just hopes to get Burgess' help to closely monitor the coast to prevent the emergence of slippery fish. This request is not excessive at all. .

In the telegram, Alan Wilson also mentioned that if it were not for his activities in British India, would it be so easy to deport one million Rohingya? That accounts for nearly one-tenth of the current population of Myanmar, which is only 12 million people, and the various Indians of the Rohingya are close to one million.

Without him taking over the British India side, would there be a chance for Burgess, the Burmese commissioner, to build his prestige and show his courage? The mountainous areas of Myanmar are mostly ruled by feudal hereditary upper-class chieftains of ethnic minorities, and the level of economic development in the Rakhine region is very backward.

The British developed a lot of wasteland here, and the demand for labor for the land increased greatly. The Bangladeshis in the Chittagong area immediately moved into the Rakhine State of Myanmar as seasonal temporary workers. "Twelve cities and towns in Bangladesh" have more people and less land. In addition, the British colonial authorities implemented the land grant system in the Rakhine area, and a large number of Bangladeshis moved in and settled there.

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Although the Rohingya people hate it, the Rakhine area is very wealthy in this era. This is why the Burmese highly respect Burgess. The fields and houses vacated by Rakhine are not all theirs?

Although the essential reason is that Alan Wilson feels that the ethnic groups in British India are unbalanced, let these pacifists return to British India to strengthen the power of pacifists in the Ganges Delta and prepare for future partition.

These Rohingyas who have been expelled once, because they have had a similar experience, will definitely become the vanguard of resistance to the Hindus when they are divided.

Occupying an extra piece of land is also contributing to the future balance of the subcontinent. It is not wrong to say that they are originally Bengalis and return to their ancestral land.

Although it hurt some people, the advice given by Alan Wilson was very useful. The praise Burgess received in Myanmar was not false, so after receiving a telegram from Alan Wilson, after considering it, he called back and expressed his willingness to pay attention to this issue.

The Malayan fleet also set off at this time and went to the Andaman Islands to perform a blockade mission. At the same time, the local British army also issued orders to prevent the appearance of unidentified personnel on the coastline.

Coastal communities were warned by the British garrison, ordering them to report suspicious persons immediately.

"What happened?" As soon as the colonial officials left, people in the community immediately began to whisper.

"Maybe something happened to the island where the Japanese were exiled."

A middle-aged man took a puff of cigarettes. If Alan Wilson was here, he would be very pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect that a small British Malaya would have masters in key politics, which is really disrespectful.

Unfortunately, he was sending a telegram, thanking Burgess for his help, and saying that he would definitely go to Yangon to visit him when he had free time.

Therefore, there is nothing in the world that is 100%, so what about the Cambridge Five Heroes, as long as they play a role in the proper place, they can contribute to the British Empire. It all depends on how they are used?

Maclean's justice as Ceylon Commissioner opened the fuse for Ceylon's liquidation of Hinduism. But now it is very popular with the Ceylon Buddhists. Burgess deeply felt the hostility of the native ethnic groups in Myanmar to the Indians, so he ordered the expulsion while the drought caused the British India to be in a hurry. He was also grateful from the Burmese.

Who says the Cambridge Five can't be the cornerstone of the British Empire? The problem is that they are also very popular with the local ethnic group, which can be described as a win-win result.

After the riots in the Andaman Islands, the Governor's Office in New Delhi responded quickly and pieced together a fleet of Indian and Malayan destroyers and Burmese gunboats. com~ will block the Andaman Islands for a period of one month.

Any floating object that goes out to sea from the Andaman Islands, whether it is a proposed raft or a log, as long as it is floating, the miscellaneous fleet among the miscellaneous cards can shoot directly.

This military order is to ensure that the affairs of the Andaman Islands do not affect the stability of the surrounding British colonies, and must be strictly enforced.

The telegrams from the fleet came one after another, and everyone at the Governor’s Office breathed a sigh of relief. This crisis seemed to have passed without any danger. The news of the riots in the Andaman Islands is currently limited to a small group of high-level British India. Some people know.

As for the Indians being completely kept in the dark, this result can be said to be quite perfect. At present, it is not suitable for Indians to know about the future of British India.

The sea in Andaman was as calm as ever, and the storm on the island did not affect other places. A good result for the British Indian civil servants involved.

"Sir, when are we going to inform Nehru and those people?" Edel also breathed a sigh of relief and said with relief, "After all, there are a lot of Indian soldiers above."

"There are probably no Indian soldiers on it now." Alan Wilson took over the words and said, "I personally think that the people of Nehru don't need to know about this yet, and it is better to focus on the drought. The tough times are over, but the food crunch is likely to continue for some time."

This means that the peak period of death from famine should have passed, but it does not mean that the famine will stop. It can only be said that the real proletarians have been eliminated, and the extremely poor are still struggling to survive.

In the future, there will still be people dying of starvation, but not as many as in recent months, forcing everyone to cover up.

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