British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1739: sorry assassination

This year's October Revolution celebration, as various truths in various parts of the Soviet Union were revealed, it was very difficult to appear. As time approached, liberals continued to put pressure on canceling it. Naturally, nothing happened, and no country responded.

However, Alan Wilson is still waiting for the TV broadcast. After all, this is a very commemorative military parade, and it may be gone next year.

As for the situation in Lithuania, it is still limited to the energy blockade. Many Soviet citizens don't know the seriousness at all, and they are still happily joining the farce.

Alan Wilson has been thinking about how much power Russia has left after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Recently, it finally has a preliminary answer. The population has been lost by half, and the area has been lost by one-fifth. This figure can still be incorporated into a concept Inside, it is equivalent to losing the south of the Yangtze River, so that the proportion of population area can be corrected.

Several stans in Central Asia are equivalent to Yunnan and Guizhou, and Ukraine, Belarus, and the three Baltic countries are equivalent to Jiangnan. In this way, we have a clear concept of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

No wonder Russia is about to explode in the face of NATO's approach to Ukraine and Belarus. This is indeed a bottom line that cannot be given up, and it cannot be tolerated by any country.

Zhuanmen sent a broadcast team to Moscow to receive the live broadcast of the military parade. Alan Wilson was on Vivien Leigh's TV station, waiting for the military parade to start. Only two people in the UK could watch this broadcast, Alan Wilson And Vivien Leigh who was by her side.

"Look at the hobbies of the cabinet secretary. Everyone will be surprised when it gets out." Vivien Leigh teased, "What's there to see? I really don't know your men's hobbies."

"Men's hobbies are so different. At this moment, am I not proving my own achievements?" The British treasure sitting next to him proved that the drunken beauty was lying on the lap, and the military parade on the TV was not proving the power of the world? Naturally, Alan Wilson was confident.

Who can see the afterglow of the empire in this military parade? Apart from Alan Wilson, how many people can tell that the officers and soldiers under review twisted their necks to the right, and confusion appeared in their unruly eyes?

If he didn't compare it with the history in his mind, he didn't actually see any difference. Although the Soviet parade troops only came step by step, maybe this is the unique characteristic of Lao Maozi. This country's military parade can pass through any country The steps that can be mastered can create a momentum that is not easy to mess with.

The slogan of the red sausage is also very interesting. The British media's communication lens is specially aimed at the slogans of support and opposition. For example, there is a slogan like this, "Map head, you have foreign support, but you have lost domestic support. .”

Alan Wilson is very fond of memory. Although it is not the most neat, it is indeed the most powerful. With the end of the military parade, it is time for the mass parade. This time the mass parade is destined to be different.

Not long after the mass parade started, a man suddenly emerged from the marching crowd and fired two shots in the direction of the viewing stand. Several policemen fell to the ground.

Because the police acted quickly, one shot was fired into the sky, and the other shot hit the ground, leaving the people on the viewing platform unscathed.

The communication team sent to Moscow immediately pointed the camera in the direction of the assassination, and the British media people who were ready to call it a day became excited, big news, absolutely big news. Everyone directly became war reporters, and began to spread the assassination incident with great emotion.

In the next few days, the ins and outs of the incident were revealed. The assassin was named Shmonov, a factory mechanic from Leningrad, and he was thirty-eight years old this year.

Shmonov was originally engaged in scientific research in the research institute. During this period, he made several small inventions, but the leaders of the research institute were not interested. This was tantamount to "sentencing death" to his new invention.

Shmokov's enthusiasm for invention took a hit. Although he quit his job at the institute to become a machinist in a factory, he never forgot what happened to him at the institute and was convinced that the problem was the Soviet bureaucracy.

Shmonov had been planning the assassination since at least March. He legally purchased a German double-barreled shotgun, sawed the barrel short for concealment, and practiced in the woods outside to make sure he could Hit the target with precision.

On November 5, Shmonov arrived in Moscow, disguised by a wig and beard, and to evade metal detectors, he disguised the barrel of his gun as a metal bar on a placard that read: (Strengthen the State !.

Shmonov managed to blend into the crowd of parades preparing to enter Red Square. While waiting, he secretly removed the gun from the placard and hid it in his long coat.

After the military parade, it's time for the mass parade. As the crowd marched, Shmonov got closer and closer to Lenin's tomb. He stopped only fifty meters away from Lenin's mausoleum, and the crowd circled around.

At this time, the policeman Melnikov on the side of the road was watching the parade. He found a few meters long open space in the bustling procession. As an experienced policeman, he immediately realized the problem. At this moment, he saw Shmonov in a long overcoat standing in the middle of the open space, taking out a double-barreled shotgun from his overcoat with one hand, aiming at the viewing platform.

Melnikov was only a few steps away from Shmonov, he reacted quickly, rushed over with a lunge, grabbed Shmonov's wrist with both hands, and the first shot shot into the sky, Shmonov In a panic, he fired another shot, and the bullet hit the ground again. Melnikov subdued Shmonov with force and took the gun away.

"I didn't expect the Soviets to be quite powerful." The news spread to the UK and appeared on the news, which became a hot spot for several days. The British media personnel quickly split into two groups during the live broadcast. Some people stayed to collect follow-up progress. Some ran away with the camera on their shoulders, keeping the key assassination footage.

Allen Wilson had just arrived home, and Pamela Mountbatten happened to be watching the news. Facing her husband who entered the door, she said, "You Whitehall didn't discuss it."

"We are British civil servants, so we have nothing to discuss what the Soviet Union is doing?" Alan Wilson denied, "This is a matter within the Soviet Union, and what we want to discuss is British affairs."

"But having said that, the Soviets fit most people's definition of bravery." Pamela Mountbatten nodded frequently, expressing that the Soviets in her eyes were like this.

"This kind of problem is related to the individual and cannot be placed on the whole country." Alan Wilson curled his lips, and the impression of the Soviets that his wife kept saying was that the popular explanation was the fighting nation.

But he knows that it is a digression to explain the two from the perspective of nationality. This is like judging whether a nation has sufficient martial arts. There are times when martial arts are abundant, and there are times when the head is stuck in the crotch.

Both Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union were personal participants in the World War, and their armies were similar in composition. One was the country held down by the Germans with one hand, and the other was the country that hung the Germans up and hammered them.

Those who live in the mainland are Chinese, and those who live in the United States who swallow their anger in the face of other ethnic groups are also Chinese, but these two kinds of people are different. Combat power is related to organizational ability and has nothing to do with individuals. This time the assassin was completely personal. Is it inappropriate to enlarge the richest woman to the entire Soviet Union?

"If the Soviet Union were full of people like this, would the map leader dare to continue reforming? Right? What is full of martial arts is a personal behavior that is dissatisfied with society. If it happened in the United States, what is born lonely and has no friends since childhood The modifiers for that will come in handy."

"You know America." Pamela Mountbatten covered her mouth and smiled after listening to her husband's words, "Do you think it will have any impact?"

"What impact can personal behavior bring?" Allen Wilson shook his head. He can guarantee that in the past five years in the Soviet Union, homicide cases should have skyrocketed. But he has experienced the period of mass layoffs, and he knows what will happen when the society falls sharply, so there is no need to investigate the social turmoil in the Soviet Union, just guess it.

In Moscow, Alexeyev, who is the director of the Moscow Security Bureau, shouted bad luck. As the head of the Moscow security department, he must be responsible for this incident.

Another point of dissatisfaction, why don't you shoot more accurately? Assassinated and failed to assassinate, what is this?

But fortunately, he had a talisman, and immediately after the assassination, he called his first daughter out for manned spaceflight, and then interrogated the criminal himself, showing his attitude.

Now that I have figured out the ins and outs of the I just officially closed the case. I came to the Kremlin to ask about the attitude of the map head and how to deal with it. After all, the map head is also a party.

Of course, the head of the map was very angry. He directly trained Alexeyev, who didn't know the same status as his son-in-law, and then remained silent for a while, "Send him to a mental hospital for treatment. I don't intend to really deal a tragic blow to him. revenge."

The head of the map remembered that the murderer of Reagan's assassination was sent to a mental hospital for treatment. He felt that this could show magnanimity, so he dealt with it in this way.

"I understand. He will definitely get good treatment." Alekseev raised his eyebrows and nodded knowingly. Mental hospitals are very important in the United States, but not necessarily unimportant in the Soviet Union.

Alexeyev would have misunderstood it, and even thought that the map head was sober, which is rare, but in fact the map head really didn't think so much.

At this moment, Shevardnadze hurried in, glanced at Alekseyev, and said, "Lithuanian separatists passed the political party law, prohibiting the activities of factions that support Moscow."

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