British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1690: end of special relationship

This attitude of non-interference is what the free world wants. This has been a dream of the free world for decades, and this time it was finally realized under the tenure of the map leader.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney is visiting London to communicate with the United Kingdom for the upcoming summit. At this time, he couldn't help dancing when he heard the news, "He is really a great man."

"I think we can talk to Sweden about giving him the Nobel Peace Prize." Alan Wilson suggested with a smile, "His achievements can be compared with Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn, or even surpassed. That's what he's earned, isn't it?"

Solzhenitsyn was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970, and Sakharov was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. The reason why they won the prize is of course that they are anti-Soviet figures .

Alan Wilson compared these two people with the map head, of course, he has already stamped the map head's move.

"My lord, what a great idea." Cheney clapped his hands. The current Minister of Defense, who can be called a warmonger and whose family power was uprooted by Wang Lingen, approved with a full face at this time, "Maybe we can Witness the moment long-standing foes throw in the towel."

If in the past, the United States still had doubts about the various policies of the map leader, this time the Soviet Union’s statement can at least dispel most of this suspicion. The significance of Hungary’s parliamentary system is so great that it is almost indescribable. For the sake of the national system, the Soviet Union I once personally carried out military operations in Poland, but now I finally let go.

This was the moment when Cheney felt that victory was in sight, "I don't know what people in the future will think, the Soviet Union has confronted us for decades."

"This is indeed a problem." Alan Wilson did not know the answer to this question, but let him say that the armed forces that took a lot of time and energy did not work, which is a warning thing However, the lesson learned by latecomers is that you must not be afraid to fight face-to-face with the US military.

As the current hegemon, the United States has countless so-called allies that can be used to sacrifice. It is entirely possible to sacrifice them to buy time for the United States. If the challenger builds a military force with the goal of defeating the United States, it is best to actually use it on the battlefield. Once, otherwise what is the use of building such a military force?

Cheney continued without thinking, "The United States has always respected Britain's views on European security issues. Of course, it also respects other allies."

"Relationship with the United States is the core of British foreign policy." Alan Wilson said with a firm tone, but he didn't think so, and he was even thinking about it. The current victory in the Cold War is in sight. Britain and France do not have American troops. Strength is still not to be underestimated, how much benefit can be robbed.

It has to be said that Alan Wilson always takes it for granted that the interests of France and the United Kingdom are the same, life is hard, can't you think of some beautiful things? He was also a **** in his previous life, and it's only normal to have this mentality.

After talking with Cheney, Alan Wilson went to No. 10 Downing Street to comfort Mrs. Thatcher. The current Prime Minister of the British Empire actually attached great importance to Cheney's visit.

However, it is clear that Cheney did not give the Iron Lady the answer she wanted on the special relationship between Britain and the United States. At this point, Mrs. Thatcher should also know that the special relationship between Britain and the United States, which was occasionally very warm during the Reagan period, is actually over.

Even Bush Sr., whom Reagan stood for, was not enthusiastic about the special relationship advocated by his predecessor. Looking at Mrs. Thatcher's unwilling expression, Alan Wilson knew that Cheney's statement still did not make the Iron Lady give up. At the NATO summit to be held, it is estimated that Mrs. Thatcher will still fight for it.

Regarding this unwillingness, Alan Wilson pretended to be ignorant and did not mention it. He conveyed the importance of the NATO summit and said, "Margaret, I will go with you when the time comes."

The supreme authority at this time, the words are soft, the eyes are affectionate, it seems that now that the iron lady is in a bad mood, she is not ready to give another stick.

For Mrs. Thatcher's struggle, Alan Wilson has a clear mind, and nothing more than wanting to use the summit in Brussels to have a final fight with Bush Sr.

Alan Wilson has been to Brussels many times, and there is no problem in accompanying Mrs Thatcher to attend the summit again. This attitude surprised Mrs Thatcher, "I thought you were here to laugh at me."

"The problem between us is that we have different perspectives on national interests." Alan Wilson walked behind Mrs. Thatcher, hugged the Iron Lady and continued, "How can I argue with you at this time? The international situation requires unity across the UK."

Mrs. Thatcher curled up, and the place that was not touched by others after marriage was covered by a palm. The frightened Iron Lady curled up directly, "Enough, don't go too far."

"I'm sorry." Alan Wilson looked impulsively remorseful. Of course, this is just a performance. How much sincerity he has depends on his own acting skills. "Anyway, I also hope that my judgment is wrong, otherwise , the UK may have to pay a huge price for the adjustment of US foreign policy.”

Alan Wilson absolutely does not hope that his own judgment is wrong. The unification of Germany is not a big problem for the United States, but it is a considerable problem for the United Kingdom. There is no doubt that Britain should have done its best to prevent the unification of Germany.

A few days later, Alan Wilson had accompanied Mrs. Thatcher to Brussels. This time at the NATO summit, Mrs. Thatcher had done her homework and hoped to establish a personal relationship with Bush Sr. that would not be inferior to that of Reagan. , in order to stabilize the special relationship between Britain and the United States.

However, President Bush, who was present, gave Mrs. Thatcher a clear response. He not only changed the same position as the United Kingdom on the issue of short-range missiles, made concessions to the Federal Republic of Germany, but also proposed a comprehensive and substantial reduction The European conventional armament plan; abandoning the position of not negotiating with the Soviet Union to reduce short-range missiles; he no longer even insisted on making a decision on short-range missile modernization immediately.

Mrs. Thatcher was greatly surprised, and began to feel betrayed. This almost overturned all the original insistence of Mrs. Thatcher and Reagan. The new president told Mrs. Thatcher without a doubt that this The round of special relationship between Britain and the United States has come to an end. The current government believes that Germany's attitude is more conducive to maintaining European security.

After Bush Sr. made his statement, Mrs. Thatcher's arguments became unreasonable, and her domestic political toughness seemed inappropriate in this kind of international conference.

"It's still the United States." Listening to the report from the diplomats in the venue, Alan Wilson relaxed, and expressed emotion at President Bush's toughness, such things that embarrass Mrs. Thatcher are still the most Americans do. Fit, see, this is what happens when you advocate the special relationship between the UK and the US.

At the summit meeting at this time, Bush Sr.’s speech has not yet ended, and he enthusiastically referred to German Chancellor Kohl as the leading partner of the United States in Europe. This made Mrs. Thatcher feel as if struck by lightning, unable to speak for a long time In other words, this is to put the relationship between the United States and Germany above the special relationship between Britain and the United States.

This kind of speech has already embarrassed the tough Mrs. Thatcher. The Iron Lady seems to feel that the heads of state are looking at her with malicious intentions at this time. Moreover, if the cabinet secretary-general who is also in Brussels knows, she must be I'm going to scold her.

The dignified Prime Minister of the British Empire, before facing Alan Wilson, had already felt fear in his heart. Now Bush Sr. has proved with practical actions that Alan Wilson has always been high-toned about the special relationship between Britain and the United States, but in fact he is not enthusiastic. It makes sense. Compared with Mrs. Thatcher's frequent visits to the United States, it seems to have become a joke.

"Do you think the problem is only here?" After the meeting, Alan Wilson changed into a cold and violent face, and then took out an intelligence report, "I heard that many citizens of the Democratic Republic of Germany have appeared in the In Hungary, and Hungary has just announced that it will open its border with Germany. Where do you think these citizens of the Democratic Republic of Germany are going? Not to mention that the standard of living in the Federal Republic of Germany is much higher than that of the Democratic Germany. Germany is not rich, and with a population several times that of the GDR, Bonn can also mobilize huge supplies to lure it."

"This is the really serious If the Democratic Germany can't stand it, do you think that German reunification is still an impossible thing?"

Mrs. Thatcher was startled, and immediately replied, "Can't the United States see the danger of two world wars? There is also the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has troops stationed in the Democratic Germany. Since the unification of Germany was realized under the leadership of Bismarck, Germany has been oscillating between unpredictable aggression and self-doubt. Germany's immediate neighbors, such as the French and Poles, are far more aware of this than the British, except that the Americans are different; Germany's immediate neighbors could not help but break free from the seemingly insensitive rhetoric. The Soviet Union was actually aware of this too, although it had been silent because they needed credit and investment from Bonn. Most of them insisted that Germany should not To be a great power capable of gaining its own interests at the expense of others. The real cause of German anxiety is an excruciating pain in self-consciousness."

"Just the two of us, don't use such modified words. The Soviet Union's troops stationed in Eastern Europe have already begun to withdraw, and the United States is separated by an Atlantic Ocean. Now the United States has a population of more than 200 million, not the United Kingdom and the United States, which only have 60 million people. Pretty much France."

Alan Wilson directly retorted, "Didn't you always think that the head of the map was stupid, so he couldn't be stupid again on the issue of German unification?"

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