Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 540: I have loved you for thirteen years(10)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter brought by the national husband!

When Joan got out of the beauty salon, he saw the mall full of advertisements about Valentine's Day gifts.

She glanced at the time. At this time, it was more than six hours before the dinner time Lu Jinnian said. Thinking of being bored anyway, she went to the men's section on the fourth floor and wanted to choose a Valentine's gift for Lu Jinnian.

Regardless of whether it is a rich person or a rich person, the way to spend Valentine's Day is actually the same, eating, watching movies, giving gifts, but the only difference is that rich people spend more money.

Maybe all women with boyfriends or husbands have the same psychology as Joan, to choose a Valentine's Day gift for their beloved man, so there are many people in the mall, and at a glance, almost all Is female.

Some were alone like Joan Hao, some came as a companion. When Joan Hao passed a counter, he heard two girls discussing where to suit which boyfriend is more suitable for her boyfriend. I glanced at the girl and saw a happy smile on her face. At that time she was thinking, is the expression on her face also so happy and bright?

Qiao An picks and chooses, and finally chooses a tie for Lu Jinnian.

The payment queue is a bit long, and Joan waits a bit boring. There is a TV right above the cash register, and she looks up. Today’s news is broadcast, telling all kinds of strange things. When it was time for Joan to make a good payment, she heard the words of two people behind her, carrying the names she knew.

"Oh my god, I really didn't expect that Xu's company would change its dynasty in less than a week."

"what's the situation?"

"You see the news. Xu's company just held a shareholders' meeting. Someone bought 53% of Xu's company's shares and became the most powerful shareholder. It directly removed the former chairman Xu Wanli and the deputy director. Chang Han Ruchu's position..."

"Who bought it?"

"I didn't say anything in the news... Hey, there is new news... The acquirer is Lu Jinnian, CEO of Huaying Media..."

"God, it turned out to be the Xu's company that my male **** acquired!"


Lu Jinnian acquired Xu's enterprise?

Joan shuddered suddenly in her heart. She turned her head subconsciously, glanced at the two people behind her who were holding the mobile phone, and then touched the mobile phone from her pocket. As soon as she opened the webpage, she watched it. When it comes to the headline news about Xu's company, the top news just released is: The mysterious acquirer behind Xu's company stock, the largest shareholder is currently exposed!

Joan stared at the title, paused for a while, and then clicked in. At first, she didn't dare to watch it. She held her breath for about half a minute before she found the courage to read the news.

The largest shareholder of Xu's enterprise is the film emperor who has won the film for six consecutive years. Lu Jinnian, currently the CEO of Huaying Media, at the shareholders meeting of Xu's enterprise, he became the most powerful company in Xu's enterprise with 53% of the shares. 'S shareholder...

Qiao An stared at the three words "Lu Jinnian" on the phone screen, and read it several times over and over, only to be sure that he had read it correctly, and then slowly digested the impact of this news.

PS: Today's update~~Wake up and continue~~~~Do you want Qiao Qiao to confess first~ or Lu Yingdi?

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