Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2779: When people's livelihood is good

"This kidney is delicious, and it's not fishy at all."

Li Longji ate a roasted lamb kidney and praised it.

"It's all frozen at low temperature, and there is no fraud." Li Yi continued.

Now the lamb kidneys are all real, and everyone eats them normally.

Counterfeiting in Datang was punished severely if caught.

The old king and the others are in a bunch, and one is cut in half to count as a bunch.

Pregnant women and mothers of noble families and priests eat two dishes prepared by Li Yi, and the staple food is also rice with water.

The little girl learns to make it, put the steamed or boiled rice in a pot, add cool well water, and use a fence to scoop it up.

If it is not cool enough after one pass, pour out the water and add water again, if it is cold a few times.

There is a lot of nutrients in the poured water, which is good for watering the flowers, including the water for washing the rice before the rice is cooked.

"You have caught up with the good times, and you can just eat your fill."

Li Dan watched the live broadcast on the big screen of a worker at a labor site eating in turn. The construction site couldn't stop, so they all gathered to eat, and they couldn't get in line.

Divide into three batches, one batch can be changed to the next batch, and the order of the next meal can be changed.

Freshwater fish and sea fish are stewed together with less salt. When sea fish is dried, salt is added, and edible wild vegetables are found and simmered together.

The staple food is corn on the cob and green corn. It tastes a little old, and it will be fully mature after waiting.

The Mayan people ate corn like this, eating it when it was green, and cooking it when it was ripe.

Otherwise, why do people like to grow corn? Before other crops are cooked, the amount is small, and it is not delicious when cooked.

Adults give one ear of boiled rice, half-year-old children also give one ear, and even the smallest half ear, choose tender ones, otherwise they will gnaw off their teeth.

If there is enough stewed fish, you can eat as much as you can, unlike when you are short of fish, you can eat as much as you can when you eat stewed fish.

Li Dan sighed with emotion, and everyone ate hard. You must know that before the Tang Dynasty, people in some places still could not eat enough!

Later, airships appeared, transporting a large number of fish and selling them to the common people at cost price.

The people who can't afford it owe it first, the officials are responsible for leading the people to make money, and the students from Lijiazhuangzi all go to poor places and get promoted quickly.

A county is very poor. In the past, students first looked for resources, minerals, plants, and even wild fruits.

After some guidance, the income of the common people increased rapidly, and the students waited for a while to be promoted.

In fact, it takes a long time for local resources to become wealth, and other resources need to be paid first, and the people have no money.

The student union applies for financial aid, takes the money to become an official, and has the start-up capital.

At present, the people are full because there are boats to fish and airships to deliver.

"The people are good at talking and don't need wages." Concubine Doulu followed up.

The people of the city-state of Dos Pilas only need to eat, work hard, and never mention wages.

Their own thinking is to work and eat, and only nobles and priests have gems and so on.

Slaves don't need to say more, will one day such a luxurious thing as a full meal fall on their heads? Eat three meals a day, three meals a day!

As soon as the screen turned to another place, everyone found that the situation was different here.

There is an awning, and the camera has to go down to shoot. The drone flew down from the airship, and someone walked slowly.

The people who eat are all dressed in cotton clothes. The meals include boiled prawns, and the staple food is cornmeal and cakes with preserved fruits on top.

In addition to the stewed fish, an extra piece of eggplant strips in sauce, served with cucumber cold dishes with red oil.

The old king was stunned, where?

He turned his head to look at his second son, the second prince blinked, and whispered to his father: "The people of the Landoshay priests, they tried their best to learn the Tang language, and now they direct others to work and act as translators."

"Oh~~!" The old king suddenly realized, yes, the people of Priestess Randosai have been able to eat enough.

Others kept building the pyramids, and she was left behind by that one parent.

The people farmed, built weapons, and hunted all day long. The combat team with the same number of people, whoever caught her and killed whoever was besieged and battled, suffered so much damage.

The surviving soldiers were the first to learn the Tang language, and when they rescued the captured people, the soldiers took over the families of their fallen comrades. One soldier had three or four women.

Monogamy doesn't work for the people of Priestess Landoshay. Women don't want to marry outside, especially those with children who have been violated by other men.

I feel safe around the male warriors who are in the same pyramid. When I sleep and dream, I call my original man's name, and the men around me are not angry.

Without his comrades-in-arms, he would die if he could. Now he has to take good care of his comrades-in-arms' women and children.

Girls are good people in general elections, as long as they are good people. All the bride price gifts are given to their daughters as dowry. Isn't Datang a dowry!

Boys prepare dowry gifts and teach their children knowledge first, so that they can find a more suitable family.

Yes, he had to teach him how to fight, be as brave as his father, and be strong at killing enemies.

Priestess Landoshay appeared on the screen. There were many nobles and priests from other places around her, and they were respectful and respectful when facing her.

The person who negotiated to find her went to help as an interpreter, and the voice that came out contained the promise of additional wages, and sent someone to give benefits.

"Xiaoyi, the status is different!" Bi Gou was eating his own shallots mixed with tofu.

"What she deserves is to become famous in the first battle. In a few years, the child will grow up and become stronger in combat."

Li Yi appreciates each other and knows how to lead the people to live a good life, but unfortunately his power is too poor.

"Is the tail too big?" Yao Chong on the other side, holding Li Yi, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up Bi Gou's shredded cold chicken.

"To give trust, before all the generals rebelled, it was the beginning of the court's distrust.

Even the imperial court sometimes became too suspicious, sending its most capable troops to the enemy's traps, without providing assistance.

Shudi Salt Gang is now the strongest in Shudi, have I suppressed them?

In the northwest, the governor's mansion, the governor's mansion, and the Jiedushi, have I tried them?

They dared to rebel, but their soldiers refused to agree, and they could not obtain a higher sense of trust and honor from others, let alone material support. "

Li Yi looked like he couldn't help the Bi Gou pushed the plate of shredded chicken with cold salad to Yao Chong: "The key is that they are afraid of you, with you here, who would dare to oppose? killed."

"It is they who are grateful for His Majesty's kindness. I am so strong, why don't I rebel? We have a good Majesty."

Li Yi smiled at Li Longji who was sitting in front, Li Longji raised his hand and stroked his beard and nodded.

"Yes, it's your Majesty." Bi Gou quickly changed his words.

"Yes, yes! Your Majesty Shengming." Yao Chong gave himself a third of the chicken wire and pushed the plate back.

Li Longji smiled: "Infrastructure construction can't be stopped. This year is over here. It is a joy to share with the people. It will rain again on an auspicious day to ensure stable grain production."

"Third brother, don't worry, the day after tomorrow is fine. We are still there to make it rain."

Li Yi agreed that the number of rockets and rain bombs will drop, and the day after tomorrow will be similar, and the weather clouds are currently thick.

This time it has rained, so there is no need to rain again, and wait for the corn to mature.

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