Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2768: Building a high-rise building with the method

When eating, the mutton slices that Li Yi was worried about contained a lot of oil, and he saw that those greasy tastes did not appear.

Everyone has a small spoon and a small soup bowl.

As soon as some oil came out, they scooped it into a bowl with a small spoon and drank it.

Li Yiyi expressed his gratitude with his eyes, thank you! Drink it, you are short of oil and water, right?

He rinsed the vegetables, put in the coriander, and it tasted sweet.

Pinch the coriander root separately, wash it and add some salt to make a pickle.

From time to time, he changed to serving chopsticks, serving dishes for the messenger, and his actions made others mild to the king's messenger.

The messenger is grateful, how can a defeated general speak bravely? When I came here, I had already thought about the humiliation scene.

The result was not, but was treated with high courtesy.

He doesn't understand Li Yi's mind, I represent a country, can I bully you and a messenger to elevate my status?

I want to kill your king, I will just fly over and kill him. I treat you like this for the dignity of my Tang Dynasty.

I am Huaxia, and I will completely suppress you Maya.

The beauty of the clothes is called Hua; the greatness of etiquette is called Xia.

During the banquet, Li Yi began to talk about the changing stars, and the Mayan civilization studied astrology well, and Li Yi took this as an entry point.

Others ask casually, there is a lot of information on this stuff.

"Princess sister, why is Li Yi brother so powerful?"

The little girl sat at the dining table not far away and ate slowly, listening to others, and found that brother Li Yi knew everything.

"Actually, your brother Li Yi's strongest thing is to make braised pork, let him do it at night!"

Princess Yongmu is used to it, so is my Li Lang.

"Yeah! I will also find a man like this in the future."

The little girl yearns for it, and children are the easiest to worship.

Unlike Li Yi, Li Yi did not chase stars since he was a child. He used his own notebook to memorize lyrics at that time.

Later, when there were tapes, I bought them and listened to them and learned to sing. But I only remember the song, I don't remember who sang it.

No matter how much you watch a videotape movie, you will only watch the plot, know the characters, but not the actors.

When I was in high school, I didn't have time to watch it, and I didn't sing any more songs.

After I was admitted to the academy, I finally had an idol, Lao Zhou, Lao Qian, Lao Deng, Lao Yuan...

At the same time, I also know the names of some stars, and if I know it, I will know it. Oh! It's him!

Why! This familiarity is that I can only listen to songs. When I was a child, I watched black and white TV and asked my parents, this person went there in the end! Said to be boating out to sea.

It's only when I'm older that I understand, which is going to sea! It’s just a flow of requests, just go over if you want to. Visa is not difficult.

On the TV at that time, the last words of this person after singing "The rivers and mountains are only in my dreams, and the motherland has not been close to the motherland for many years" was rowing away.

Parents also lied, can that little broken boat sail past? That boat in the park lake! Iron.

Others can't read minds and can't see what Li Yi is thinking. They drink and find common topics.

There are always some stories that can be exchanged between nobles, drinking beer.

The little girl also has wine, ladies champagne, a very old brand in Li Yi's time. When he was a child, he drank it as soda, which was better than soda and had alcohol content.

After a drink, the king's messenger found a space for everyone to chat: "Dongzhu Li, what do you think we will get after we give up the throne?"

"You have to ask Prince Duscaza about this, but I usually encounter the same situation in the Tang Dynasty, and I will turn the king of the old generation into the emperor.

The position of the Supreme Emperor seems to be respected, but the actual power is small. If you raise it, you can't participate in many things.

Prince Duscaza has his own thoughts, and the rules of the Tang Dynasty may not be suitable for everything. "

Li Yi did not give an answer, but mentioned the second prince, you can do it.

The formal tradition of our Tang Dynasty forced the older generation to step down, raise them and not kill them!

In history, Li Dan was depressed and died. I became emperor again and again and was kicked out again and again.

Because the sister died, the son turned against him.

"I think so too!" The second prince saw Li Yi pointing out a road to Yangguan, let's go down!

"Where are the others?" The messenger still looked at Li Yi and asked.

"People are not sages, how can they be free from faults? They can be improved by passing them, and it is great to be good!

To correct their wrong thinking in time, to correctly recognize their own problems.

In the new era, we can no longer judge new situations with old viewpoints.

The belief of the Tang Dynasty is the correct belief, and it is necessary to abandon all old ideas and rotten thinking.

Unswervingly act in accordance with the laws of the Tang Dynasty, not biased, not deviated, not biased.

Taking His Majesty the Tang Dynasty as the center, taking practical actions as an example, and aiming to improve the well-being of the people.

After unifying His Majesty's kindness and the court's policy of benefiting the people, it will be implemented in practice.

From point to line, from line to surface, there is no coercion, oppression, or persecution in promotion.

The implementation of the Datang Law must adhere to the principles of voluntariness, openness, justice and fairness.

Act with gestures, comprehend in action, sublime in comprehension..."

Li Yi explained to the other party, do you understand? This is the current Datang policy towards you here, don't worry!

"Princess sister, what is brother Li Yi talking about?"

The little girl was confused, she could understand every word, but she couldn't understand it together.

"Eat, don't worry, I'll show you the cartoon of the Smurfs later."

Princess Yongmu listened to two sentences and automatically blocked it, so she was worried that the little girl would be too and she would be stupid in the end.

"Oh! Why isn't that Greg Wu always dead? I'm annoying her."

The little girl is so tangled, just such a hateful witch, living all the time, appearing in every episode, so annoying.

Fortunately, she has not experienced the situation of his brother Li Yi's previous era. Some readers of the novel said that they hated this and quickly let him join the group.

The little robot said from the side: "This is called characterization. Whether it's cartoons, movies, or novels, all contradictions must be centralized, but Gargamel is really hateful."

"Yeah! When I finish eating, you can put down an episode for me."

The little girl admitted, but she was angry, angry with the witch.

The king's messenger, the second prince and others are not angry at the moment, they are almost out of anger, what are you talking about, Li Yi?

Why do you always feel like something is wrong? Listen, it makes sense, but the talk about it!

"What are we going to do?" The messenger needs an accurate answer, what is it now?

"Guided by the ideas of the general population, based on the actual situation, based on the original heart, considered the rise and fall of the country in the past, aimed at the continuation of civilization, and took the change of the original system as the program.

Look at the problem from the slave's point of view, from the commoner's point of view, from the priest's and the noble's point of view.

Looking for a trace of vitality in disasters, chasing opportunities for natural changes, and grasping opportunities for self-interest and prosperity of the people. "

Li Yi Xinshan, you don't understand what you said before, so I'll tell you in detail.

After he finished speaking, someone started scratching his hair, which was very painful.

"What's the next step?" The second prince took a deep breath and had to ask.

"I'll write it for you, and everything will be fine."

Li Yi stopped joking, in fact, he didn't say nonsense, it was all useful. (To be continued)

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