Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2766: food shortage internal crisis

The latest website: "Proprietor, new information, the king and others are transporting things, transporting food and jewelry from other pyramids to the main city not too far away."

The little robot came over and reported in the words of the locals, the movement of the enemy, and what the airship saw.

"Fortified walls and clear fields? It's too late, their land is still there. Before, they divided their troops to defend and resisted, but now they gather their strength. What's the use of no food?"

Li Yi felt that the other party couldn't think of it, so he surrendered! I won't kill you, it's just house arrest.

Not many people were killed when the pyramid was hit, and a large group of people gathered with things.

The land is lost, it is dry, there is no output without watering, and the food that was lost cannot be changed back.

How will the remaining food be distributed? Some city-states and nobles have not been beaten, and there are many things.

Would they agree to ask them to take out food to help those who were driven away and lost their food?

Others support the king to be beaten, and control what the king wants to eat.

Li Yi analyzed the situation to the second prince and others about the difficulties the king is currently facing.

"What should we do?" The second prince naturally asked Li Yi's opinions and suggestions.

"Continue the sneak attack and make a living by arresting people. The grain will not grow, so take the opportunity to harvest it and make it into concentrated fodder to feed the horses.

They need to send people out to hunt and eat meat to make up for the lack of food, so let's keep an eye on them.

The airship used a loudspeaker to shout, as long as anyone who came over would have something to eat, give meat to eat.

I can't change the food, but I can manage enough fish. It sounds contradictory! "

Li Yi suddenly felt that it was a great wisdom not to eat minced meat. Now the Tang Dynasty is like this, where the food production is low, the airship sends dried fish there.

Protein intake increases and carbohydrate requirements decrease.

"If I were the king, I would send troops to stop people from fleeing." The person who spoke first just now spoke again.

"Don't let them escape and don't give them food. The conflict started to intensify. Let's make a sneak attack. Others must take the opportunity to escape in order to survive."

Princess Yongmu made a sound, and she kept listening beside her.

A group of people looked at her, Maya was superior to women, but when she got married, she would give dowry gifts and buy out the labor force.

After the era of Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty, the status of women is relatively high, and the essence is still male superiority and female inferiority.

The person who came to find the second prince was surprised. The man was discussing, what did your woman intervene?

"Yes! The princess is right." The second prince was not surprised, the superiority of men and women depended on the strength of both parties.

The family is the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, you are a man, can you suppress the people of the Tang Dynasty?

Xiaolan echoed: "My little mother means, don't rush to send troops to capture the king and the others, although it's easy.

After arresting the people above, others still think of their kings, nobles, and priests.

When their dissatisfaction erupts amid such contradictions, and then change the dynasty, they will not continue to miss them. "

She meant it by herself, but she would not be able to capture the thief and capture the king, but slowly grind it out. Anyway, she won't go back to the Tang Dynasty to celebrate the New Year this year.

The choice of absolute weapons and army superiority, active.

The passive type is to capture the king and fail to capture the king. If you want to fight a blitzkrieg and fail, change your combat thinking and fight a protracted battle.

Take one area as the battlefield and let other support forces come in. It seems to be fighting a place, but it is actually fighting a group of people.

When the war is finally won, it also proves its own strength, and other people should give corresponding status.

At the same time, the soldiers have also been trained, and then look around and ask: Who else?

"That's right, tell them to be eccentric," Li Yi concluded.

Everyone understands, understands the strategic intention, and understands their own status better. Women's words are effective. These two women are amazing! Know the art of war.

"Princess sister, why are you so much?" The little girl peeled the shell of the prawn with her hands.

"I spend every day with a group of learned people, and I can't even think about it. If there is something you don't understand, you can ask at any time."

Princess Yongmu helped to peel it, afraid that the winning shrimp shell would cut the little girl's hand.

She is most satisfied with her current life. As soon as Li Lang eats, the minister will come over and ask various questions.

Listen by yourself, don't leave! Li Lang didn't let him go, who would dare to push himself?

Unable to comprehend for a while, he turned back and asked Li Lang.

"Princess sister, please teach me more." The little girl took the shrimp, divided it into three sections, handed it to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, and ate one section by herself.

"This is the tuition fee?" Princess Yongmu asked with the shrimp segment.

"Hee hee!" The little girl nodded.


"It was agreed that we would plan it, but he took care of it all by himself."

Song Jing, who was eating at the camp, complained that he watched the live broadcast, and Li Yi was in charge of the whole situation.

"It's not on the same level at all, everyone is the same, not in making plans, but Yulin Feiqi has a strong execution ability.

If Guangping came to give an order, I think he is better than Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi is still young! "

Lu Huaishen said looking at Song Jing, grabbed the prawn and peeled it.

"Actually, I'm not much stronger. Xiaoyi is indeed touched by the light of Yulin Feiqi, Yulin Feiqi is..."

Song Jing stopped as he spoke, and glanced at Lu Huaishen resentfully, are you looking at me?

Yulin Feiqi was trained by Xiaoyi, Yulin Feiqi is strong, doesn't it prove that Xiaoyi is strong!

The Datang Navy was also supported by Xiaoyi, otherwise it would soon be disbanded.

Since you finished copying the couplets of Drunk Crab, you have changed, guarding Xiaoyi all day long, and he has added new furniture to your house, right?

"Yulin Feiqi is His Majesty's pro-military, and His Majesty manages the army well." Yao Chong helped smooth things out.

"The real battle is in the next one." Li Longji smiled and shook his head. When he met a good soldier, all the ministers wanted to plan.

Of course! It is safe only when Brother Yi sits in that room, and Brother Yi is most familiar with all aspects of the situation.

"I don't know how the other king will respond, it's difficult!"

Zhang Jiuling put herself in her shoes and thought about it, and found that she still had no solution when she was a king.

The king on the other side was also eating and having a meeting by the way.

He has meat to eat, from hunting, roasted, salted, other cooking skills can't, but it's a pity that the meat is gone.

Everyone in the meeting used chopsticks and had pickles. There was pickles in the place where Li Yi rented free soup under the pyramid. No money, just eat it.

Boil the wild vegetables with water and put some salt and pickles.

They have learned not to cook, but to blanch.

Pyramid guarantees to make it in the morning and eat it in the evening.

They thought Li Yi was They make a lot of them and eat them every day, without the concept of nitrite.

Naturally, chopsticks followed suit, and I found that it was indeed more 'civilized' than holding on to my hands.

At this moment, everyone is frowning, the reason is simple, lack of food.

Even if his slaves always have to eat, wild vegetables can't be eaten all the time! The wild vegetables in a large area nearby were lit up.

If you are short of food, you can only eat people. It is better to sell people than to eat people. Li Yi buys them from there. According to the weight, it is one to one.

Seesaw, put people at the same time, put food at the same time, and exchange after balance.

Some people used to be smart enough to drink water when they sold slaves.

As a result, after selling a few, it didn't work. Li Yi let him vomit, but he couldn't spit out the medicine, and he could vomit after drinking the medicine.

It's not that the food is only one water weight short of food, it's because I'm afraid that I'll die from drinking it. If others follow the same example, how can my stomach burst after drinking so much water? or water intoxication.

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