Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2758: The heart doctor is irreplaceable

"What about the specifics?" Princess Yongmu understands the thirty-six strategies, and Sun Tzu can also memorize the art of war. It has nothing to do with practical application.

"The Buddha said: You can't say it. You can only understand it, you can't tell it."

Li Yi looked at the sky with an unfathomable look.

"When you told me and Xiaolan stories, didn't you say you had to teach by example!"

Princess Yongmu looked around, mainly looking at small robots.

The facial features on the zero-three-three screen appeared again, looking at the sky with the proprietor.

Princess Yongmu looked at her: "I will taste the taste of Xiaolan ice cream."

Her mouth touched Li Yi's, and she quickly turned back.

"In broad daylight, what kind of formality is it? Where is the ceremony?"

On the other side of the camp, Li Longji was looking at the screen and his face sank instantly.

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do not act evil."

Li Guizang, who is taking the pulse of Li Chengqi, is protecting the master, and the teacher's mother kisses the master. Is it wrong?

"Whose official are you?" Li Longji asked.

"I have to hide from each other, since I was a child, I didn't know who my parents were, I was wandering outside and was carried by older children.

Later, I entered Beitianfang. At that time, Beitianfang was not good enough, and then the Tang Dynasty Fund invested in it.

I ate better, started studying again, and went to the school to study.

The court of the Tang Dynasty has given me a lot of gratitude. Master only taught me a little thing, but I treat him like a father. "

Li Gui answered with a gun and a stick, but showed a low posture.

He made it clear that I was able to be today, thanks to Master, where did the money come from? Who publishes the newspaper? Where does the official school get the money?

On the contrary, Li Longji was happy that only the people of the Gu family could take care of the country. If he did not stand in line with the master today, he would abandon the emperor tomorrow.

Even if Brother Yi treats him like this, he can't get a sincere person, and I don't want it either.

"Uncle has a far-reaching layout and a lot of thought, it's not easy!"

Queen Wang is on the platform for her son-in-law. My uncle and son-in-law are doing well.

Liu Jieyu, who has become a concubine, just smiled, mother is a daughter, and her former daughter was frightened like a quail by the changes in the court. She looked cute, but she was actually scared.

Now it looks like two people, lively and cheerful, smiling all day long, walking and jumping.

Because her dependence is like a mountain, no, like the sky.

What the family can protect, the family can also protect, and the family can't protect the family.

"Such a big man, being naughty all day long, still acting like a child." Concubine Doulu 'criticized'.


In a thunderstorm, the airship does not move, and the airship is not afraid in the sky. No matter how the thunder is, it can be avoided. There are corresponding measures, unless the voltage and current of the contact point are instantaneously too large.

The airship is afraid of grounding, the height is lowered, the rope ladder is put down, and it gets wet, and the thunder will stop again, and the passage will be closed.

The lightning protection technology of the pyramid itself is actually a drainage technology, and people are inside the pyramid.

The local area is divided into dry season and wet season, and the dry season does not matter.

When the wet season reaches a certain level, the corn is harvested and stored in the pyramid. After a month or even half a month, it is the dry season.

When the corn is harvested, and then look at the climate of the Mayans here, it is found that it is just a period of time after the harvest, and the dry season begins.

During the dry season, the harvested corn can be taken out and placed on the first-order large platform for drying.

When there is a lot of rain, the pyramid has a drainage location outside. When the thunder stops, the water is not pure water, and it becomes a channel for attracting thunder.

The pyramid at the moment is different. Li Yi came to live here. He couldn't count on the water when it rained.

The pyramid also has this function. When it is not raining, it cannot prevent thunder, and there are too few cases of thunderbolt.

When it rains, the running water becomes the channel for attracting thunder, and people don't stay on the steps, and they go down when the thunder strikes.

Scholars say that the Mayan pyramids are different from those of Egypt. However, if this position is biased, what is the corresponding astrology.

In fact, three hundred and sixty degrees, any angle has a corresponding astrology.

The Mayans built the pyramids from this angle because of the wind direction. Windmills in places like the Netherlands and Denmark were directly built into fixed buildings.

Look at Datang again, why not? Because the wind direction is fixed there, Datang is not fixed.

If water could not be kept on the ground, karez wells were dug in the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty. If the water on the ground was not well controlled, Dujiangyan was built.

"The Guard is Here"

This is the experience summed up by a little bit of human life in life. Too many people have died.

Li Yi looked at the sky, it was not very comfortable, it was humid and cold, there was a lot of water vapor in the air, and the air pressure was low.

"Brother Li Yi, it's better to be outside!"

The little girl came, and the bite on her arm was removed. It was too damp, and the dampness caused more damage to the wound and skin.

"Come here." Li Yi opened his arms, and the little girl ran over and sat on his lap.

"Take it off an hour ago? Uh... itchy?"

Li Yi mainly looked at the hands and arms that were bitten by the poisonous snake.

The swelling effect is good, the skin color is changing, and there is no problem after peeling once.

"Yeah, Sister Nurse took it off. How did you know? It's not itchy."

A five-year-old girl is curious about everything, you are so powerful?

"I guess, it's good if it's not itchy. It's not itchy when the water vapor is heavy, which means that the skin and muscle tissue are recovering well. What do you want to eat at noon?"

Li Yi continued to not explain what I saw, and the explanation was a pile of theoretical knowledge.

"I don't know! Stomach, stomach is... just..." The little girl put the other hand on the Li Yi's hand grabbed the little girl's wrist, and the ear was attached to the little girl's on the back.

"I'll take you to eat fried meat, and I'll adjust the dipping sauce for you."

A few minutes later, Li Yi let go and decided what the current season and weather conditions, the little girl's body should eat.

He applied medicine, regardless of Chinese and Western.

In the current situation, the weather is humid and the stomach is uncomfortable. What kind of medicine should Western medicine prescribe?

I went to the hospital and said that it was raining today, and my stomach was uncomfortable. My five-year-old child couldn't ask more questions.

Then go for an examination. When a lot of things come out, drink plenty of hot water and pay attention to rest. If it doesn't work tomorrow or the day after, we will have a gastroscope and colonoscopy.

This is normal Western medicine, also known as modern medicine, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Chinese medicine is different. The fastest way to deal with this situation is to drink the medicine and feel comfortable.

It's just that due to economic influence, no one is willing to study Chinese medicine any more.

The experience of the older generation will become outdated. The older generation will study from generation to generation, and will not ponder the new issue of money later.

Li Yi couldn't change it before, anyway, his sales of medical equipment have nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine.

If there are acupuncture needles and moxa sticks for acupuncture, as well as cupping and scraping, how many Chinese medicine practitioners dare to use puncture needles?

How many Chinese medicine practitioners dare to stick the three-edged needle on the patient's head? How many Chinese medicine practitioners dare to use needles to pick wool boils? How many Chinese medicine practitioners dare to put needles around their navels and then cupping?

This was the norm when Li Yi was a child, and it was dealt with directly. There were no technical problems.

Li Yi has completely thought about it now. Medicine is not antagonistic, and Chinese civilization has always been inclusive.

Go hand in hand, a hundred schools of thought contend, all theories go together, and whoever works best will use it first. (To be continued)

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