Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2740: Strength can't be ranked second

Early the next morning, it was just dawn, and the three airships set off first with people and supplies.

Li Yi didn't eat breakfast, and spent the night fiddling with jadeite with the craftsman.

For those who need to be faked, if the product is in good condition, the craftsman will give the design drawings, and then use the tools to carve, polish and polish.

In this respect, Li Yi is obviously not as good as a craftsman. He is not a jewelry designer and lacks a bit of spirituality.

Before the time-travel, he was by no means a genius. After the time-travel, he learned things quickly.

His biggest reliance is his experience in doing business and dealing with others and checking materials. The basis is that he has learned poetry and songs since he was a child, and he can write a relatively good character.

Without this foundation, he wouldn't be able to get into the circle. The emperors and ministers wrote a memorial, if they couldn't understand it, they would be scrapped!

Poems can’t always be copied, they have to be written by themselves.

Even if Yang Guozhong was scolded and ridiculed by his descendants, he was from a family of officials and eunuchs.

Li Yi knew where he was poor, and he didn't force it. Otherwise, he would become a craftsman himself. Why should he teach craftsmen theories and then watch craftsmen work?

"Proprietor, do you think these things are feasible?" Zhuangzi's craftsman Zheng Shenlin showed Li Yi a lot of utensils that he brought people to make.

He is at the highest level of Zhuangzi in many aspects, and his wife Zheng Lian is not ordinary, she is in charge of many female dependents.

"Hmm! I never thought of such a good design."

Li Yi picked them up and looked at them, satisfied.

"Proprietor, your mind is not in this regard. You can do everything best. What do you need us to do? Always leave a way for others to survive."

Zheng Shenlin knew that the level of the proprietor's craftsmen was very average. To put it bluntly, he was an apprentice, and he was always taught a lesson.

Of course! The proprietor has rich theoretical knowledge and is willing to study with the craftsmen.

"No, I'm bad at handwork. Surgery is different from carving things."

Li Yi waved his hand, don't hold it, I know I can eat a few bowls of dry rice.

He put his things away, said hello, and went to fly the helicopter.

This time, Princess Yongmu and the others didn't follow. Guo Ziyi and Yulin Feiqi were in charge of grabbing the commanding heights.

In the buzzing sound, the helicopter took off and went to chase the airship.

A pyramid has been chosen, where the second prince of the Mayan civilization is currently located.

On the contrary, the eldest prince has less power and fewer pyramids, and everyone who is staring at the screen can understand.

The level of strength depends on the individual, so if you don’t believe me, ask Li Shimin; Hugh said that the emperor’s position is continuous, but Wu Zhou’s name is heaven; .

The second prince does not mean that it is bad. The fact that people can obtain so many pyramids proves that there are many soldiers under his command.

Then choose him, you have dozens of pyramids, it doesn't matter if you have one less, right?

The priestess told everyone that the second prince's name is Duscaza, which is amazing, but many of his brothers fought against him, and the eldest wanted to inherit the throne.

This situation shows that the royal family is unstable.

The boss is obviously not Li Chengqi. Li Chengqi knows Li Jianye, so he is not the prince. Don't cheat on me.

Maya, the boss of the biggest city-state force, doesn't understand, so let it go!

The helicopter arrived first, the speed of the airship was not enough, and the wind had a greater impact.

The people on the ground could hear the movement from a distance, and the helicopter could not eliminate the sound.

Li Yi looked at the wind, began to adjust his posture and circled, and slowly lowered the height, 200 meters, but stopped, if you have weapons and throw rocks up, where do you go to touch up the paint?

The people on the pyramid began to run down. They wouldn't go up and wait to attack. The opponent could throw a stone down and hit them.

Guo Ziyi threw things down, brought a small parachute, not necessarily where to float, anyway, within a range.

What he threw away was packaged jade jewelry, mainly necklaces, and glutinous rice candies, small glutinous rice candies in the shape of corn, and glutinous rice paper on the outside, that is, rice paper.

The glutinous rice soup contains corn paste, which tastes corny, which is suitable for the local people's taste.

Throwing things down, the helicopter pulled up, Li Yiyi shouted, "Rent this pyramid and see if it's enough? Exchange this pyramid for things, we will take it."

The people below understood, no matter how scared they were, the prince's people had to pick up things.

The second prince does not live here, so they ran to find the second prince.

Li Yi continued to shout, "Let's get out first, we'll all leave, let's go, if we can't, we'll change places and talk to your people first."

He was distressed about the oil, and now there is no need to exchange it, so he should save it.

The man in the pyramid ran away, it was so scary, how could he fly in the sky?

A large package was delivered to Duschaza, the second prince of the royal family. The prince was more cautious and avoided himself.

Others opened it, and there were words inside, explaining the situation, and using this pyramid to exchange things.

Candy can be eaten, and canned chestnut chicken can be eaten. If you are afraid of death, you can give it to others. Are these gemstone jewelry enough to rent a pyramid?

Duschaza obviously wouldn't eat it directly, he was also afraid of death, he didn't know the problem of poison, he was just instinctively afraid.

Did Neolithic people use poison? Of course, if the corn is not handled properly, it will be poisoned.

For example, the soup in the northeast was frozen, and then everyone ate it, poisoning several to death.

Normal Northeastern people eat sour soup by fermenting cornmeal in the morning and then making it at noon. It is impossible to freeze it, because there was no such technology before.

Freezing requires compressors and air compressors. When there is no refrigerator, it is generally fermented at night, eaten in the morning, fermented in the morning and eaten at noon, and fermented at noon and eaten at night.

Ask people in the Northeast why people who eat sour soup, many people do not know, anyway, it is passed down from generation to generation ~ ~ can not eat overnight.

Just like people eating crabs by the sea, the crabs made in the morning and at noon are guaranteed not to be eaten the next day.

Crabs eaten at night must be steamed the next morning.

Many people do not know the scientific theory, which is passed down by the ancestors at the cost of their lives.

Duszaza watched others eat part of it, and he was so thirsty that he was confused, should he eat or not?

It's not just about whether you will get sick or die after eating, but also about courage.

Eat, the second prince made a life decision.

Eat a piece of glutinous rice candy first, oh my! It tastes effortless, corny, and sweet.

Look at the canned chestnut chicken, pour it out, what is this box made of?

He ate it with his hands. There was very little soup in it. It was all dry food, canned food from the military.

It's not that there are various things in it, including cans of agar, and any solids greater than or equal to 55% or 70%.

Military products are generally more than 95%. What kind of soup do you eat? Soldiers can't drink water themselves?

Send a can of 40% soup to the border crossing all the way?

Datang military industry does not exist, all are good meat, most of the canned braised pork is lean meat.

What lacks oily smell, you have to eat fat. If you don't give it, it's lean meat and supplement protein, but there is sugar, and braised sugar is too much.

The frontier soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were used to it. Lean meat is good, and after eating it, you have the strength.

Duscaza didn't know so many things. He grabbed the chestnut chicken and ate three cans in a row. He was full.

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