Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 108: Queen's place factor Rong

     "Can you know men and women?" "Is this thing so powerful?"

   Li Longji and Wang Lu spoke at the same time. They were looking at the equipment in the room just now.

   gives them the feeling that it is too sci-fi in layman's terms.

   "Uncle asks you something, what should I do with the baby girl?" Queen Wang was nervous and said to Wang Lu.

   "The girl is a girl, there is a kid and a girl in my family, and more girls are better." Wang Lu said indifferently.

   "Boy, look, look here." Li Yi asked three people to look at the screen. There was a child on the screen, and then there was a...

   "Is it visible across the belly?" Li Longji was surprised, and then said: "If there is a bug in the belly, don't you know it?"

   "Some of them can indeed be seen." Li Yi admitted, continuing to scan to see the child's physical development. If it is deformed, he will treat it humanely.

   Otherwise, giving birth and raising a deformed child is not only financial pressure, but also other people's gossip.

   Take a closer look, Li Yi said to Wang Lu: "Wang Gong, the child is fine. Wipe the sister-in-law."

   Li Yi handed over the raw paper, and Wang Lu naturally understood how to do it.

  Wait for Wang Lin to arrange his clothes, and Li Yi sent it out.

  The Queen looked at the bed, breathing faster.

   Li Longji comforted her instead: "It's good to be able to give birth, and I can regenerate in the future."

   He is also under pressure, the queen has no children...

   "The third brother and the sister-in-law, the days are short, you may not be able to tell, unless the child is in the belly... Congratulations to the third brother and the sister-in-law, they are a boy, I will look elsewhere."

   Li Yi knows how much the royal relatives value boys, especially the third brother and other women, and other women have children.

  Sister-in-law is always with the third brother. If you change to the palace, it will be the emperor and the queen.

   I had no children before, and my sister-in-law’s status was worrying. The girl reluctantly accepted it, proving that she can give birth and can continue to work hard.

   So looking directly at the key parts, the posture of the fetus is also good.

  '噌' Queen Queen sat up: "Let me see, I see."

   "Sister-in-law lie down, I will turn this around and show her." The image on the screen was chaotic, and Li Yi said quickly.

   The Queen lay back with an expression of disbelief, Li Longji urged: "Lie down quickly, don't move the place."

   Looking again, Li Longji looked at it first, and looked at it with joy: "Not bad, very delicate."

   Li Yi turned the screen to face the Queen.

  The queen smiled at her, smiled and smiled, tears streaming out, she wanted to cry, but she was afraid of affecting the child.

   So she raised her hand and wiped her tears: "I want to be happy, happy, uncle great kindness..."

   "Sister-in-law, don’t want to say that. I am a doctor. I am not good at learning skills. It is Tianxing who can solve the worries of the third brother and the sister-in-law. The third brother’s sister-in-law is Hong Fu Qitian."


 Li Yi was equally happy, but he was humble.

   It doesn’t matter if he or she is outside, he doesn’t even tell each other, just to see if the baby is healthy.

   "Brother Yi, when you get married, do you want a boy or a girl?" Li Longji relaxed and suddenly asked Li Yi a question.

   "They want it, I want a few children too, the fate of the first child, and the fate of the second child, if I have to have a boy, I will get a boy alone."

   Li Yi gave an answer. He felt that in another ten years, he would study with such a desperate attitude.

   and the countless video teaching support of the system, he can achieve the kind of technical level of choosing the fetal gender.

   "Brother Yi, can you say that you give birth to a boy?" Li Longji's hair began to burst.

   "It's not working now, alas! I'm ashamed of so many... masters." Li Yi looked unbearable to look back.

   Li Longji took a breath, so many masters?

   "Uncle, where are your masters?" Queen Wang asked naturally. The young apprentices are so powerful, how strong are the masters.

   "It's gone, it's all gone." Li Yi shook his head.

   "Oh!" Li Longji and his wife sighed together.

   "Sister-in-law must take care of her body, every other month..." Li Yi changed the subject.

   Without waiting for him to finish, Li Longji said: "Once every three days, by the way, let your sister-in-law see if there is any poisoning."

   "Hmm!" Queen Wang agreed, the child is no longer the child's problem.

   She was under too much pressure, countless people were staring at her, and some even said in private that she should be abandoned.

   If a woman doesn’t come out, she can take a break, let alone after a country.

   "Uncle, I'm going to eat hot pot tonight. I won't go tonight. It's cold outside."

  The Queen and King decided to stay steady and stay on Zhuangzi's safest place.

   She wished to live in Zhuangzi until the child was born, and then put the child on Zhuangzi.

   "Live." Li Longji promised, boy, Yi brother's medical skills, no child can make you have a child, and you will know men and women before you have a child.

   Evening hot pot, the whole Zhuangzi eats hot pot, and Li Yi is happy for his third brother and sister-in-law.

   Li Chengqi and Prime Minister Zhang have come, and they just met on the road.

   Then Li Chengqi went into the yard. He heard that Queen Wang had a boy, and he was so happy that he would be drunk.

   Zhang said that he didn't go into the yard, and was so angry that he had to go to the cafeteria, and he had to stay at night.

   Pei Yaoqing, who also wanted to stay to observe the situation of Zhuangzi at night, saw Zhang said.

   "Zaifu, why are you here?" Pei Yaoqing sat across from Zhang Shuo and asked in a low voice like a thief.

   "Allow you to come or not to allow me to come? Why don't you, Chang'an Ling, come to Zhuangzi if he doesn't sit in the mansion?"

   Zhang said that he finally met a man who was younger than himself, and he quickly questioned him to get a feel for it.

   "If you return to Jaifu, there are too many people from outside seeking a living, gathered here, I am worried..."


#   "Tell the truth." Zhang said interrupting Pei Yaoqing.

   "They have a better life than the place I manage. I came to learn ~ and finally saw your majesty and the queen." Pei Yaoqing bowed his head.

   "You are not as good as Li Yi, otherwise, why don't your majesty and queen go to your house, but Li Yi Zhuangzi?" Zhang said that he could understand Pei Yaoqing's distress.

   "The minister has learned a lot, and he must do a good job of calming the people in winter when he goes back." Pei Yaoqing looked like he was ready.

   "Oh!" Zhang said and shook his head: "If you can see Li Yi tomorrow, ask for advice in person, how to arrange the people from outside and Chang'an in winter."

   "Need to ask more?" Pei Yaoqing thought she had learned it.

   "Huanzhi, you only see the shape, but you don't know the god. This method is available for Zhuangzi, but you can't order it in Chang'an. Otherwise, why did you come here with the original image?"

   Zhang said Pei Yaoqing's words to show closeness, and persuaded the other party to ask Li Yi well and don't mess around.

   "Yes, I will ask tomorrow, why did Zaifu come?" Pei Yaoqing couldn't help but wonder.

   "How to quickly build roads in the winter snowy days, and the filth of the latrines in the latrines is frozen, there is a way to better clean it up." Zhang said two questions.

   He didn't want to ask Pei Yaoqing at all, knowing that the other party couldn't answer it.

   Pei Yaoqing suddenly felt a little sick, thinking about the toilet, the feces quickly froze hard after they came out in winter, and then went on top, unable to squat down.

   Then I can only use an iron drill to knock down the frozen bunch.

   As for road construction in snowy days... Is this a question that people can think of?

   "Zaifu, you come to ask Li Yi, can he give a way?" Pei Yaoqing was surprised.

   "Otherwise? A few days ago, Yao Xiang asked how to drive on ice and snow. Didn't you see a car with a rocker? Li Yizhimou is immeasurable."

   Zhang talked about picking up a piece of meat and boiling it in the hot pot.

   Pei Yaoqing was stunned.


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