The glasses man's words made the family couldn't help but look over, how famous are they? They really don't know!

"Hello, my name is Chen Yizhong, and I'm the vice-captain of the Starfire team in the B city base."

Looking at the reactions of these people, the man with glasses guessed that they must not know the influence he had brought.

"Hello, Chen Daming from the Dragon World"

Lu Hao also introduced himself.

"Dragon travels the world, it has spread to several nearby bases three months ago. At the beginning, we only knew that you found a batch of materials. Because you can't use it up, you got it at a low price. The F city base is for sale. During the period after you left the F city base, people passing by the F city base will come to inquire about your news from time to time, which is why you have so many people madly flocking to the F city without any publicity. The reason for the base"

Chen Yizhong glanced at the unremarkable people in front of him. He wanted to ask them where they collected so many materials, and why they often searched everywhere for sparks, but couldn't find them at all.

But he is still grateful from the bottom of his heart that this dragon travels the world can sell them so many materials, and it is not in vain for them to queue for two days.

"It turned out to be the case. We are still very happy to be able to sell the supplies to those in need."

Lu Hao said lightly, but presumably in this case, the Han family in City B might have noticed them. He remembered that Elder Russell said that the material storage in the Han family was not much.

It seems that we still need to remind everyone to be careful.

Lin Yunguo's flatbread is still very popular. The fluffy flatbread with a lot of eggs added often makes people who come in to buy supplies can't help but buy one to satisfy their cravings, and then serve it with the fragrant fried rice next to the flatbread. Together with oil and chili, it is simply delicious in the world.

And the canned fruit Su Jin made in the space in his spare time has been looted.

In addition to these, Lin Yunguo also launched single products such as mutant beef in sauce and mutant salted goose eggs. The taste and sales method are completely different from those in the S city base, but they are also popular. Almost everyone who comes in to buy supplies will bring them with them. Some.

Gradually, everyone knows that the food sold by Longxingtianxia is not unpalatable, and the price is not expensive. The old man who weighs the food is very real, and he will always weigh a little more, absolutely. There will be no suspicion of missing out.

"Grandpa, are you tired? Do you want me to rest for a while?"

After seeing the last wave of people leaving, Lin Xiuyuan took the opportunity to ask.

"I'm not tired or tired. I used to stand for more than ten hours when I was a chef. Why am I still sitting?"

Lin Yunguo was very invested in his sales, and he didn't feel tired at all. If he entered the space at night, he could rest in it for three or four days.

"Your grandpa, every time you hear that we are going to sell something, you have to be excited for a few days in advance, so don't disturb him Yaxing"

Lin Chengxiao saw that the next group of people who called the number had come in, and the family stopped chatting again and began to entertain the guests.

In an old alley in H City, after a burst of lightning and flint, all the hundreds of zombies that rushed over were paralyzed for a few seconds.

The girl with two ponytails took the opportunity to step on the chests of a row of zombies in front of her. After the wind passed by, she took the heads of more than a dozen zombies with one stroke.

Su Jin stood behind and looked at Su Xiangzhe and Mao Qiqi who cooperated very well, and sighed and used the wood-type vine ability to dig the crystal nucleus.

No way, Su Xiangzhe didn't let her kill zombies at all, and even reluctantly agreed to come out of the formation, she could only kill a few zombies secretly when the family was not paying attention, otherwise it would be like now In this way, dig out the crystal nucleus and clean up the corpse.

However, killing zombies in the alley is also very beneficial. At least the back of the alley is a dead end, and few zombies will come in from behind or from both sides. Su Xiangzhe and Mao Qiqi can only focus on dealing with the zombies in front of them.

"Okay, it's been two hours, it's time to rest, I'll wait for Nie Qing to come over"

Su Xiangzhe wiped the sweat from his forehead, why does the weather feel hotter and hotter.


Mao Qiqi obediently followed Su Xiangzhe and Su Jin back to their yard. After Su Xiangzhe returned, the two sisters rested in the yard and waited for the next person to come in to accompany the battle.

Su Jin took the opportunity to stand upstairs and use wood-type abilities to kill the zombies below.

"Xiao Jin, you are not obedient again"

As a fireball smashed into a wind-type mutant zombie that had just leaped to the second floor, Lu Hao's voice sounded behind Su Jin.

"I'm standing here, I'll be fine for a while"

Su Jin stuck out his tongue and said, what about Uncle Nie?

Lu Hao couldn't help rubbing the top of Su Jin's head, and looked at the zombie group below who raised their heads one after another. A few fireballs went down, and the zombie group in the narrow alley instantly burst into flames.

"Hey, when my brother-in-law comes, we won't be able to play anymore."

Mao Qiqi pouted as she smelled the burning smell outside.

"Okay, I'll protect you two, you can play to your heart's content"

Lu Hao led Su Jin down. Since Su Jin wants to have fun, it's okay for him to accompany her.


Su Jin's eyes lit up instantly, and without wasting any further time, he went outside with Mao Qiqi.

"It's true, but your canned fruit is sold out, so go in after you hit this one."

Lu Hao laughed from behind.


Su Jin controlled the wooden vines with one hand to stop the crowd of zombies behind Mao Qiqi, while the other hand controlled a sharp wooden thorn, piercing through the heads of zombies one after another, making canned fruit or something. Yes, there is no fun in killing zombies at all, right?

A seventh-level earth-type mutant zombie roared and ran to the front from its self-made earth wall. Lu Hao hurriedly threw a fireball at it, and successfully attracted its attention.

This earth-type zombie is very smart. When it attacks, it will automatically raise stairs or earth walls under its feet, trying to suppress Lu Hao from top to bottom.

However, Lu Hao didn't give it a chance at all. The moment it landed, a flame from below rushed up!

The earth-type zombies didn't have time to escape and fell directly into the flame.

The flame burned through the two legs of the earth zombie, and it struggled to jump out, but when it came out again, only the upper part of its body was left.

It actually cut off its lower body!

Lu Hao frowned, not because he felt that this zombie was difficult to deal with, but he vaguely felt that this zombie seemed to have the wisdom to fight, and could actually cut off its body like a gecko and find a way out for himself.

Is this also an instinct evolved by zombies?

The earth-type mutant zombies that lost their legs threw stone arrows at Lu Hao, and smashed all the stone bricks that could be used in the surrounding buildings at Lu Hao.

A coin-sized flame shot towards the earth-type mutant zombies on the ground.

The flames accurately passed through the brows of the earth zombie, and the roar stopped.

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