Liu Bin and the others looked at Lin Xiuyuan, who had completely frozen the row of stone bricks on the city wall from top to bottom in an instant. There were six stone bricks there!

He did it so quickly!

"I take the liberty to ask, what level of ice element are you?"

Another man next to Liu Bin couldn't help asking.

"Level Six"

Lin Xiu replied and continued. The city wall here is not very high, so it is actually not as difficult as he imagined. Besides, Su Jin, who is next to him, has already wrapped wood vines under his sleeve. On his wrist, although the added ability is not as fast as his consumption, it is still very useful.


Su Jin swung the vine around a wind-type mutant zombie that flew up, and then pierced its head with the tip of the vine directly in front of everyone.


A burst of camera flashes caught the family's attention from behind.

"I can see such a wood-type ability in my lifetime, it's shocking!"

Chi Wenhua got carried away, such wood-type abilities are too rare, and they are simply too valuable for research!

A tall figure stood in front of Chi Wenhua, and the man said coldly, "Bring the camera here."

Lu Hao is very angry, what is this middle-aged man with white hair trying to do? No matter what the purpose is, no one can shoot Su Jin!

"Why, why! I didn't shoot you, I just think her wood-type abilities are too valuable for research..."

Before Chi Wenhua's words were finished, the camera in his hand was forcibly twisted into shape by a burst of force, making bursts of cracking sounds.

"In the future, the E City base is not allowed to have any form of research, let alone humans or power users as experimental subjects!"

Lian Jiyue walked over while talking. He destroyed the camera with his gold-type ability. As for this person...

"What right do you have to stop me, science is great, without experimental research, where would the technological progress come from!"

Chi Wenhua was irritated by Ji Yue's words, what does it mean that research is not allowed, and if that's the case, what value do these researchers without abilities have!

"The progress of science and technology is a good thing, but which thing you do is based on science? You are clearly doing something unscrupulous to harm others in the name of satisfying your own selfish desires!"

Even Zongren came over and pointed at Chi Wenhua and cursed.

"How can you laymen understand? You are preventing the progress of mankind!"

Chi Wenhua did not give in at all. He was also a well-known expert and scholar before the end of the world. Naturally, he had his own arrogance. How could these people slander him in front of so many people?

"You want to study me?"

Su Jin walked over from the crowd and asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, your wood-type ability is the most special and powerful wood-type ability I have ever seen. Trust me, it is really worth researching!"

Chi Wenhua looked at Su Jin excitedly and said, this little girl not only looks iconic, but also has such a sweet smile, if...

In the next second, Chi Wenhua felt a strong entanglement around his waist, what was this thing as thick as a snake!

Su Jin held Chi Wenhua high in the air, and said with a smile, "Since you are so curious, why not let you experience the real wood-type power?"

So in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Chi Wenhua was led by the wooden woman's vines to the outside of the city wall full of zombies. He looked in horror at the zombie tide with bloody mouths under his feet, and suddenly screamed.

As if Su Jin was deliberately teasing him, she specially threw him to the place closest to the zombies, and then yanked him into the air, she said in a slow voice:

"The powers in this world are all born for the end of the world. Their born duty is to take humans to destroy zombies one after another, not to become the object of your research."

"If you really want to do research, why don't you study those zombies that eat people? Why don't you study ways to fight zombies? Why do you dissect people's brains and turn living people into zombies against the wishes of others? Since you are so If you want to contribute to mankind, then I will first teach you to recognize the zombies in front of you!"

After he finished speaking, Chi Wenhua was thrown down again. He had never seen so many zombies, and had never been so close to a zombie. What he was more afraid of was Su Jin's words, she was going to kill him. Sent to feed the zombies? !

Many power users in the E city base have heard Su Jin's words, who is this woman? How did she know what their base research institute was doing?

But! What she said was what each of them wanted to say!

It's not that they have been dominated by the base research institute for a long time. It's just that after a few days, people will find that those who resisted before are slowly disappearing from the base.

But today someone stood up and said these words out loud!

"That's right! The research institute itself has no meaning to exist!"

"Why don't you do experiments on yourself?!"

"Will Lian Jiyue really ban the research of the institute? His mother and elder brother..."

Some people don't believe what Lian Jiyue said. After all, Han Wan, Han Yizhou and Lian Jiyue are also relatives.

"Please believe me again, I came back this time to destroy the research institute! But before that, I hope everyone will defend this base with me!"

Lian Ji said loudly.

He never intended to speak out about the fact that he was going to destroy the institute in front of so many people. The previous plan only included Lu Hao's family, but now, he felt that he had to speak out.

The crowd discussed for a while, but someone stood up and shouted:

"Sir, I believe in you! All of our brothers were rescued by you!"

"I believe too"

"must believe"


Seeing everyone's reaction, although Lian Jiyue was excited, he just nodded, no matter what, he must completely destroy that place this time.

Su Jin didn't throw Chi Wenhua into the zombie group, but pulled him up when he felt that the time was almost up.

"Is wood-type abilities fun?"

Su Jin walked beside Chi Wenhua who was already paralyzed on the ground and asked.

Along with a stinky smell, everyone found that Chi Wenhua had peeed his pants at this moment, and he was shivering with straight eyes, and probably didn't even hear Su Jin's words. .

"I think he's probably useless"

someone said.

Su Jin shook his head and walked to the side of the family again.

It's not that she is soft-hearted, she is currently pregnant, seeing blood or something is unlucky, and besides, she thinks that if there is no research institute in the E city base, the situation of those researchers in the past should become more fun, right?

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