Liang Jiuhui said that he didn't know what the specific task was. He would only know after a while. Anyway, it's been snowing in the past few days, and it's impossible to get out in the situation outside.

"When we went out to collect supplies, we met a pre-apocalyptic meteorologist. He said that there would be a blizzard soon, but I didn't expect it to happen."

Su Jin wanted to remind Liang Jiuhui.

"Really? Then what else did he say?"

Liang Jiuhui was really interested. In the S city base, there are no people who can observe the weather. He originally thought that the weather in the last days will change rapidly, but I didn't expect that there are still people who can see the current weather?

"He also said ... this blizzard is going to last a long, long time."

Su Jin said.

It seems that everyone thinks that the snow will stop in a few days, but this is a normal person's thinking, but if this blizzard really doesn't pay attention, the impact on all aspects will be chain reaction.

She could only try her best to remind Liang Jiuhui that, as the base director of a base, she should be able to take into account all possibilities that will happen in the future.

long time?

After listening to it, Liang Jiuhui really pondered. Although this was just what an unknown person said, since that person could see that the blizzard was coming, then the latter speculation would be somewhat correct.

"I see"

Liang Jiuhui said.

If so, then he really has to prepare everything.

When Su Jin and Lu Hao were walking back with Mao Qiqi and Lian Jiyue, they happened to meet Liang Jiuqing and Xing Taining.

Liang Jiuqing's height is not low, and walking beside Xing Taining, who also has the advantage of height, looks surprisingly matched.

The two who were still talking about something came over in surprise when they saw Su Jin and the others.

"Su Jin, long time no see"

Liang Jiuqing ran up to greet her happily. She knew that Su Jin was back, but she had been busy with other things, so she hadn't had time to see her.

"It's been a long time, I've become a lot more beautiful."

Su Jin said with a smile, probably because of the cloudy weather recently, Liang Jiuqing looked much whiter again.

"Hahaha, I don't know what beauty is, anyway, I already have someone who wants it"

Liang Jiuqing proudly pulled Xing Taining aside and said.

"Girls' family, it's better to be pretty, or your man will run away with someone else, and you will cry."

Liang Jiuhui's voice came from behind, making Liang Jiuqing, who was still happy, pouted.

"Brother, you are so vicious"

Liang Jiuqing complained.

"Don't worry, I'm not running"

Xing Taining launched dog food in public, which made Su Jin feel a little ignorant.

Only then did Liang Jiuqing glance at Liang Jiuhui with a satisfied and provocative look, and her vision would not be so bad.

"Su Jin, Lu Hao, I went to find you before, but you are not here"

Xing Taining walked over and said.

Only then did Liang Jiuhui and Liang Jiuqing know that Xing Taining actually knew Su Jin and the others.

"So you know each other?"

Liang Jiuqing was surprised that she had never heard Xing Taining talk about Su Jin and Lu Hao.

"When we were in City D, Captain Xing helped us once."

Su Jin said with a smile.

"What's the matter with Captain Xing looking for us?"

Lu Hao asked.

"I originally wanted to ask about my brother's base, but now there is a sudden blizzard, I'm afraid I won't be able to go even if I want to."

Xing Taining sighed.

Why does Xing Taining's brother also know Su Jin and Lu Hao?

Liang Jiuqing and Liang Jiuhui were even more surprised. As expected of the Xinyu team, they had been to enough places, and they knew everyone with a little ability.

"You all come to our house for dinner tomorrow, just in time for everyone to get together"

Su Jin said with a smile, standing in the corridor where people come and chatting, it's true that the rate of turning back is a bit high.

"Okay, okay, we'll be there tomorrow night."

Liang Jiuqing said excitedly that she liked going to Su Jin's house the most, not for food, but for the lively atmosphere of the family, which made the cold apocalypse feel a little more flamboyant.

After saying goodbye to Liang Jiuqing and the others, Su Jin walked out the door. Looking at the blizzard that was still falling outside, Lu Hao took out a folding umbrella from his pocket and carefully supported Su Jin first.

Lian Ji Yue simply picked up Mao Qiqi with one hand, held up an umbrella with the other hand and walked out.

The handsome appearance and upright posture of the two attracted a lot of envious eyes. Many bored people nestled at home and looked out the window, and happened to see this scene.

"I just want to fall in love"

"You can pull it down. Whoever has the heart to fall in love now is at most a teammate."

"Yes, and I heard that there are many couples who betray each other when killing zombies, and finally become enemies."

"Love and bread, you can only choose one"


In the afternoon, someone discovered that the mission center of the base had started to release missions.

Because of the snow in the past few days, the base does not encourage everyone to go out, so they stopped releasing tasks, but I didn't expect a new task to be released so soon.

It's just that when everyone glanced at the only task, they all walked away disappointed.

It turned out to be the task of clearing snow outside the base. As long as they participated in the snow clearing team, each person could get 10 crystal cores per day.

Only 10 nuclei?

At one time, some people thought that they were dazzling. If there were only 10 crystal cores a day, then who would want to go out and get cold? It's better to take a good rest these few days, and then go out after the snow stops.

However, there are still some people who have taken up this quest. Most of them are ordinary people without abilities. They will not miss any opportunity to earn crystal cores. With 10 crystal cores a day, they can work for two or three days. If you buy a pound of grain in a convenience store, why not do it?

Of course, there were also some power users who took up this quest, such as Jian Zongzheng and his group who were in a panic.

The task of clearing the snow is not the same as before. The task is not based on the team. Even if you are alone, you can take this task. The quota for the task is tentatively set at a maximum of 1000, and the ability users are treated the same as ordinary people. .

This idea came up after Liang Jiuhui convened a management meeting.

He had a hunch that maybe the snow would really last for a long, long time as the person Su Jin met said.

If this is the case, if the road outside the base is not cleaned, it will only become more and more difficult to walk. Not only will it be difficult for the survivors to reach it, but it will also greatly increase the number of zombies outside the base, so everyone came up with this method together.

"Originally, I thought that the thick snow outside would also restrict the movement of zombies, but what happened to Wei Junhao and several others also reminded me that although the movement of zombies will be restricted a little, it is still very small. The drones released today are shooting. The picture you arrive at shows this better.”

Liang Jiuhui opened a video on the screen while talking, and it was the zombies in the snow captured by the drone.

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