Born Tech Mad

Chapter [334] Castration of Japan

Japan voluntarily returned the Diaoyu Islands, dismantled the Yasukuni Shrine, and acknowledged the history of the war of aggression against China. A series of apologies did not satisfy China. Japan was restless, and their fate was already in China's hands.

In a hurry, Prime Minister Kameda submitted an application to Huaxia to visit China, hoping to resolve China's dissatisfaction through bilateral talks. The Huaxia government did not want the relationship between the two countries to become tense, and the government quickly agreed to Japan's application.

Prime Minister Kameda immediately decided to lead important Japanese personnel to visit China the next day.

This stubborn donkey from Japan has finally given in, which is good news for Huaxia. How to permanently tie down this wild wolf of Japan and let them cut off their ambitions to harm China is a question that must be carefully considered by Huaxia.

Japan is capricious. Now under the pressure of survival, it is willing to surrender to China, but no one can guarantee whether it will bite China back in the future.

In Yuta Company, Ross received a call from the top leader. During the phone call, the top leader urgently invited Ross to come to the rights center to discuss the issue of Sino-Japanese negotiations.

Ross naturally understood that the leader must be seeking his own opinion for the sake of the relationship between China and Japan, so Ross immediately agreed to participate in the negotiations.

Half an hour later, Ross quickly flew to Huaxia wearing an upgraded version of Yuta-1.

In the center of power, the top leaders warmly welcomed Ross. Taking advantage of the arrival of the Japanese prime minister tomorrow, Ross and all the central leaders gathered together to discuss negotiations with Japan.

"Major General Luo, long time no see!"

In the conference hall. l Ross saw the grey-haired and energetic General Xu. Admiral Xu was very happy to see Ross again.

"Grandpa Xu, I'm really happy to see you so healthy."

Ross hugged General Xu enthusiastically. Since General Xu took those gene potions, the effects of nuclear radiation on him have disappeared. All cancerous cells were repaired by Ross. Admiral Xu in front of him looked as if he was ten years younger, and he looked like a dragon and a tiger, which made Ross very pleased.

Admiral Xu laughed: "Thanks to you, kid. I walked around the gate of hell, but you got it back."

"Grandpa General, you are very polite. Rose will never forget everything you have done to me. It is the blessing of the motherland and the people that you can live healthy."

"Major General Luo. Thank you for helping me realize my dream. I thought I would never see the day when super engines were equipped with domestic aircraft. How could I know that now not only engines are mass-produced, but my country's aircraft manufacturing industry actually uses a lot of smart phones. Robots, the production capacity is beyond my imagination. Everything is incredible, it is like a dream.”

The two generals hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they had such a happy conversation that they left all the other leaders aside.

The top leader smiled: "General Xu, Major General Luo. The Japanese Prime Minister will lead a visit tomorrow. Let's talk about the key points first."

Admiral Xu sat down with a smile: "Leader, the Japanese have always been capricious and ambitious. They are a group of beasts who never know what gratitude is. Their characters are learned from our country, and all aspects of their culture are from China. , but they have invaded China more than once in history, and they must not be lenient when dealing with Japan. Once they bite back, they are more dangerous than the United States. Because the Americans are afraid of death, the Japanese are not.”

The top leader nodded and smiled: "General Xu is almost eighty years old. He is a veteran of the Five Dynasties of our country. He has dealt with Japan for many years and has rich experience. Tell me, how can we prevent future troubles forever and prevent Japan from harming China again."

Admiral Xu said coldly: "When World War II was defeated, various countries formulated a peace constitution for Japan. This constitution stipulated that Japan could not have an army, but a few years ago, Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan revised the constitution to allow Japan to have an army. This absolutely No, once the little Japan goes crazy, it will bite people at any time. Japan must restore the peaceful constitution before World War II, and must not have an army, otherwise, if it wants to talk about peace with our country, talk about it."

The top leader nodded: "General Xu is right, let's talk about other things."

Admiral Xu went on to say: "Japan was defeated that year. Originally, the international community demanded that my country and the United States station troops in Japan to prevent the resurgence of Japanese imperialism. Later, due to some reasons, Jiang Guangtou did not agree to station troops in Japan. As a result, the Americans stationed troops in Japan, and Japan took the opportunity Embracing the thigh of the United States has caused a lot of damage to our country over the years. I think that if Japan really wants to never fight with China again, in order to prevent them from biting us again, the best way is to station troops in Japan together with the United States .Once there is a garrison, if there is any trouble in Japan, even if there is a war, the war will be fought in Japan first, and it will not threaten our country."

Ross smiled and held out his thumb: "Admiral Xu said it well. Once Japan is stationed in Japan, Japan will be castrated by our country and will never be able to straighten up. If you want to station troops in Japan, I am willing to provide military technical support. It doesn’t take much to produce all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment for the country. Just one division is enough. I guarantee that the combat power of this division is enough to level the entire Japan in one day. strangle it."

The top leader smiled and said: "It's a good idea, but I don't know if Japan will accept this condition for re-garrisoning troops. The U.S. garrison has already dissatisfied many people in Japan. If my country re-garrisons, there will definitely be voices of dissatisfaction in Japan."

Ross said: "If Japan agrees, I will give them bio-oil. If they don't agree, let them go bankrupt slowly. Japan has no way out. If they don't accept the conditions, they will be as poor as Africa."

"Well! Tomorrow I will discuss these conditions with Prime Minister Kameda, Major General Luo, do you have any opinions?"

"Leader! As long as Japan abolishes the current constitution, restores the peaceful constitution, does not have an army, and then allows our country to garrison troops, with our current strength, Japan will never dare to make mistakes. Other things! I have no opinion , Bio-oil exported to Japan is 3,000 RMB per ton, and green grain is 22 RMB per kilogram. Various products will be 1/10 more expensive than other countries.

The Japanese invaded our country back then and caused huge economic losses to our country. It was so unfair that they didn't even pay a penny of war reparations. I want to get back the war compensation for those dead heroes. I export goods to Japan, and I earn 10% more from the price increase. Yuta Company will not ask for a cent. I will compensate the descendants and families of those dead heroes. , I asked Japan for war compensation on their behalf. "

The supreme leader was very moved: "Major General Luo, I thank you for the descendants of those heroes and martyrs. From personality to ability, you have reached the most perfect state. It is a blessing for the whole country to have you in China."

"The leader has said that I don't want to mention other conditions. I export goods to Japan to earn Japanese money for the Chinese and Yuta. If I want to export technology to Japan, I am willing to export second-rate products for money. Give them the technology, anyway, I know how to control Japan. You can bring up other conditions yourself, I don’t want to get involved in political matters.”

Admiral Xu and Ross’s proposal satisfied the leaders. Now the leaders are discussing other ways to control Japan. Ross flew back to Yuta Company and planned to meet the Japanese Prime Minister tomorrow. Anyway, there is Yuta-1, and he will go back and forth. The capital is only an hour away, so there is not much time wasted. (To be continued.)


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