Born Tech Mad

Chapter [188] Light Source Converter

At a time when countries were having a hard time trying to wipe out the terrorists, Huaxia's leaders stood up and claimed that Huaxia was willing to send troops to wipe out the terrorists and achieve the goal of eradicating them. :6d

The speeches of the leaders of Huaxia shocked the heads of state.

President Brown reminded: "The army casualties are too great, Mr. Chairman, those terrorists bought many powerful weapons from the United States and Russia on the black market, which is quite dangerous."

The British Prime Minister also nodded: "President Brown is right. Although China has a very powerful army, no matter how powerful the army is, it is difficult to deal with the ubiquitous terrorists. Those guys may hide among the civilians. When you are not prepared Launch an attack that makes people hard to guard against."

The supreme leader smiled: "Our Major General Luo will soon produce a super tank. Even if those terrorists have all kinds of missiles and rockets provided by the United States, they will not be able to destroy the defense of the super tank."

The heads of state were a little bit mixed when they heard the words. The power of Huaxia's super tanks had already made them terrified. It was good news for them that Huaxia dispatched this powerful weapon to counter terrorism.

However, China's advanced weapons are not exported. For all countries, super tanks are also a big threat to them.

Countries continue to discuss and formulate combat plans, intending to send air forces to the Middle East in a week's time to strike violently at the terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

The Paris meeting was finally over. With 1,000 pieces of ceramic cultural relics and orders for one ton of special fuel from 69 countries, Ross followed the leaders on a special plane and flew to China.

Twelve hours later, the plane arrived at Huaxia Capital Airport.

After Ross ran off the special plane, he boarded a helicopter and flew to Huaxia.

Ross doesn't have time to take those 1,000 cultural relics now, so he will send them to the Beijing Museum first, and let them take them for exhibition, and come back to pick them up anytime he needs them.

69 tons of special fuel orders. Not a small amount, Ross must go back to Yuta Company to let the soldiers do a good job of this batch of products.

This trip to Europe, 69 tons of special fuel, can make Ross earn tens of billions of RMB. Rose suddenly felt that wherever he went, he seemed to be able to earn money.

Of course Ross is happy to be able to develop various technologies with money.

As for anti-terrorism! To defeat those eighteen terrorists who threatened to destroy him, for Rose. It is a good way to maintain long-term stability.

In a good mood, Ross fell asleep on the plane.

After a few hours. The helicopter returned to Yuta Corporation.

A feeling of familiarity that made Rose comfortable.

Ross, who had had enough sleep on the plane, ran down refreshed and began to inspect his company.

The newly built factories of Yuta Company have been renovated, and all kinds of machines and equipment inside have been installed and are being debugged.

Soon the 'Light Source Converter' and 'Oilized Glass' will be produced. As for the more advanced "atomic carbonizing agent", patience and time are required, and foreigners are very professional. Efforts are underway to create a particle acceleration track.

Ross immediately ran to the newly built 'light source conversion factory', where dozens of production lines have been assembled.

These production lines are designed and manufactured according to the drawings provided by Ross, and each production line is equipped with hundreds of machines.

The function of these machines is to manufacture various photosensitive materials, reflective materials, refractive materials, and light-filtering materials... and finally, after hundreds of processes, they are manufactured into an instrument similar to a camera.

This instrument has a long handle like a stick. It can be inserted. In the soil, there is something similar to a camera on the top, which is the crystallization of the light source converter.

This instrument can rotate 360 ​​degrees and has a very strong ability to convert light. An instrument can filter or transform light in a radius of 100 meters. They contain 25 smart chips that work with 146 light sensors. It is very sensitive to light.

After it is equipped with a high-energy storage battery, it can convert light or filter light 24 hours a day.

Once it is put into agriculture, two light source conversion devices can be used for each mu of field, so that the plants can provide light 24 hours a day, and use ultraviolet rays and infrared rays to kill various poisonous insects that harm plants.

Because this light only kills all kinds of tiny bugs. It is harmless to humans and large organisms and does not harm humans.

Each light source conversion instrument is very expensive due to the advanced materials, and the manufacturing cost has reached 500 yuan.

Its effect is very strong, under sufficient sunlight, the growth rate of plants is increased by 5 times, and there is no damage from insect diseases. Taking grain as an example, the yield may reach about 400 catties per mu, although the yield is now only about one-third of the grain produced with chemical fertilizers.

But it can be planted from March to October, one season matures in one month, and seven seasons can be planted. It is equivalent to producing 2,800 catties of grain a year, which is almost three times the current grain output.

Moreover, the food grown is pure natural, pollution-free, tastes better, and is healthy to eat.

The selling price of this kind of grain is in the country. In order to benefit the common people, it can be calculated at the regular price. But for export, it is almost 5 to 10 times the price in euros.

A farmer with one mu of land grows 2,800 catties of grain a year, eats 800 catties, and exports 2,000 catties of grain at 2 euros per catty. Excluding 10% tax, he will earn 13,500 yuan per mu.

Even if there are at least three farmers in each household, the annual net income of a farmer should be at least RMB 40,000.

This is more than 5 times the net income of farmers before, and farmers in Huaxia will become rich because of this.

The increase in farmers' income will allow many farmers to return to their hometowns to work in agriculture, leaving a large number of jobs for urban youth. Due to the large number of vacancies in cities, companies will inevitably increase wages in order to recruit employees, and the income of urban population will inevitably increase.

If Ross develops bio-oil and allows farmers to use various barren lands and vacant fields to grow various types of fast-growing vegetation, then the income of farmers will double again, and it is possible that the income of farmers will reach an annual salary of 10 Ten thousand. Farming will be an enviable profession.

The effect brought by the light source converter is so miraculous, the price is naturally expensive. In order to benefit the people, Ross does not intend to make much money from the light source converter. Decided to make small profits but sell quickly, cost 500, sell 3,000 a piece, ship first, wait for the farmers to grow the grain, and after the money is sold, it will not be too late to collect the money.

Anyway, now that the social network is developed, almost every household in the countryside has a network, and I have business contacts with Ma Yun, so it is not a problem to use the Taobao channel to sell these products.

For the sake of a strong agricultural country, farmers are rich. Ross couldn't stay idle right now. In the light source converter factory, he guided the electro-optic experts and taught them how to make various materials that reflect, refract, filter, and convert light.

After a whole day of work, with 30 production lines, one of them finally started working. Ross supervised the production on site and solved various problems in the production process.

After staying up until about 10 o'clock in the evening, the first light source converter was finally produced.

Ross ordered experts to test this instrument carefully, and if it is qualified, mass production will begin.

Ross, who has a weak heart, returned to Yuta Company and fell asleep. You are welcome)

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