Bold Evildoer, Poor Monk Fahai

Chapter 8: Reinforce the seal of Leifeng Tower

Chapter 8 Reinforce the Seal of Leifeng Tower

"Would you like to take refuge in my Buddha and be with the blue lantern?"

Fahai did not directly agree, but asked aloud.

The Son of the Demon Buddha hurriedly nodded, "I, I am willing, I only ask the mage to spare the little demon's parents."

"it is good!"

Fahai nodded, "This time the poor monk spared their lives, but if there is another time, the poor monk will never show mercy."

"Thank you Master, thank you Master."

The Son of the Demon Buddha is grateful and Dade.

"That's great."

Fa Hai smiled slightly, "You are here, and the poor monk will take you away after strengthening the seal of Leifeng Pagoda."

The demon Buddha Shengzi nodded his head firmly.

With a wave of Fahai's arm, the soft Buddha light lingered on the two scorpion spirits, and the places burned by the Buddha light immediately returned to their original state.

The moment the mother scorpion spirit opened her eyes, she saw the demon Buddha son.

She thought that Fahai was going to be against the demon Buddha Saint Son, and she no longer looked like ferocious before, kneeling on the ground begging bitterly.

Fahai said indifferently, "This time your husband and wife are able to survive, you should thank your son. If it weren't for him, the poor monk had already used his great magic power to drive you into the 18th hell.

The mother scorpion looked at her child blankly, "My child, what's going on?"

"Mother, the child promised the Master to convert to Buddhism and cultivate a righteous fruit as soon as possible."

The female scorpion spirit was confused and screamed, "My boy, you, you are a demon, how can a demon be able to cultivate a positive result?"

"Don't be fooled by the little monk, he must be uneasy and kind."


Fahai said coldly: "I am Buddha with compassion and all beings are equal. As long as I am willing to listen to my Buddhist teachings, there will be a day of cultivation and attainment."


"Bold! If you dare to blaspheme my Buddha, the poor monk town will kill you."

Fahai's eyes widened, power erupted.

The female scorpion shrank and shivered.

The demon Buddha Shengzi's eyes were firm, "Mother, the child has already decided."


The female scorpion's eyes looked terrified, and he stopped talking.

Fa Hai sneered, "If it weren't for your child, your husband and wife would have no chance to speak. If you don't want to be grateful, you dare to talk and bewitched. Do you really think the poor monk has a good temper?"

The female scorpion was silent, afraid to speak.

Fahai wanted to kill the scorpion sprites, and cut off the thoughts of the demon Buddha. Then I thought about it, this approach was too cruel and contrary to Buddhism.

"Think about it, don't say the poor monk didn't give you a chance."

Fahai turned and walked towards the seventh floor of Leifeng Tower.

Tearing the seventh seal, stepping forward, the figure disappeared from the eyes of the scorpion spirits.


Entering the seventh floor, Fahai's heart was shocked, and the demon he was imprisoned this time disappeared, and even the demon's energy disappeared completely.

Could it be that the seventh floor did not detain the evil spirits?


Fahai Gujing Bubo felt worried in his heart.

The evil spirits in the seventh layer may have escaped by tearing the seal barrier.

Before he could think about it, he jumped to the top of Leifeng Tower. Checking the Dharma seal carefully, a crack was found. There are mottled blood stains and residual evil spirits at the cracks.

Sure enough, no wrong guess, the evil spirits on the seventh floor did escape.

Being imprisoned on the seventh floor is definitely not good.

However, the abrupt escape of the torn seal should have suffered serious injuries.

Fahai silently recites the meditation mantra, calms down his worries, sits cross-legged, hands clasped together, the Qingtian stick is placed between his thumb and index finger.

"The motes, such as non-motes, are named motes. If they are talking about the world, they are named worlds. For example, when talking about thirty-two phases, they are non-phases, they are thirty-two phases..."

Buddha Yinlang Lang, the light of the Buddha diffused down the body of Fahai, gradually covering the entire Leifeng Pagoda.

When the disciples of Jinshan Temple heard the sound of Lang Lang Buddha, they couldn't help but look up and cast awe at Fahai. Then sit on the spot and recite the sutras. In an instant, the Buddha sounded all over the world.

The Buddha's light is overwhelming and sacred.

Fahai stood up and jumped up, gathering the Buddha's light, forming a golden seal in his palm.

"Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna King Kong, Feng!"

Fahai's palm turned down, the golden seal fell, and the dazzling golden light spread suddenly, and the vast Fuli Taigu poured down like an initiation, covering the entire Leifeng Pagoda.

The power of the weakened seal quickly strengthened.

Fakong stopped and raised his head, exclaiming: "It took a very long time for Master to get to the top of Leifeng Tower, and it took only half a month to chant at the top of Leifeng Tower before he had enough strength to strengthen the seal."

"Senior Brother Fahai reached the top of Leifeng Pagoda so easily, and under chanting, gathered the monks' belief in Buddhism to strengthen the seal."

"He is extremely talented, he is humble, and his future is limitless. Blessed is Jinshan Temple."

After Fakong sighed with emotion, he walked away.


At this moment, Leifeng Pagoda trembled suddenly, and a shocking demon gas rushed into the sky.

this is?

The monks in Jinshan Temple were startled.

Fa Hai snorted coldly. He naturally knew that this was the unwillingness of the evil spirits on the lower two floors of Leifeng Pagoda.

"Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth Tibetan, Vajra Buddhas, seal!"


Fahai removed his upper body monk robe, the dragon pattern appeared, spiritual power was transmitted, and the dragon pattern raised his head. The majestic Longwei came, and the shaking Leifeng Tower quickly quieted down.

Fahai's palm pierced out of the void and twisted, directly gathering Longwei, condensing it into a dragon-shaped mark with Dharma and power, and imprinting it on Leifeng Pagoda.

After doing all this, Fahai breathed out a suffocating breath, put on a monk robe, grabbed the Qingtian Zen stick and jumped down. When he passed the sixth floor, his palm came out and he grabbed it suddenly, "Holy Son of Demon Buddha, no come out?"

The seal was distorted, and the demon Buddha Shengzi flashed out.

Vaguely, two scorpion spirits could still hear the grieving roar.

Fahai held the Demon Buddha Saint Son with his big hands and sent him to the ground, slapped his palms into the void, his body stopped, and once again grabbed towards Leifeng Pagoda. The broom spirit on the third floor also got rid of Leifeng Pagoda.

The fifth floor of Leifeng Tower.

Although the crane could not see everything that happened outside, he could clearly perceive it.

The seal of Leifeng Pagoda is as solid as soup, and it is blessed by the power of Heavenly Dragon, which is difficult to break.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and felt that he underestimated Fahai even more.

"Auntie finally came out."

The broom spirit cried with joy and couldn't help shouting.

"Little monk, you can really talk about your credibility. If you say you bring me out, you will bring me out."

"Hey, who is this kid?"

The broom spirit noticed the demon Buddha Shengzi and stretched out his hand curiously.


The demon Buddha Shengzi burst out of Buddha's light, and the broom spirit suddenly screamed, his eyes filled with terror.

Fahai glanced at her, "If you touch him again, you will die."

The broomstick's face paled with fright.

"Junior Brother Fahai!"

At this time, Fakong's voice came from behind.

"Brother Fakong."

The demon Buddha Saint Son and the broom spirit obediently talked to Fakong, and Fakong asked strangely: "Master Fahai, who are they?"

"Senior Brother Fakong, this little girl is a broomstick, and her Taoism is not weak. She has a Buddha nature, and my brother took her out of the Leifeng Pagoda and often accompanied me to practice Buddhahood."

Fa Kong nodded slightly, but Fahai caught a touch of worry in his eyes. Fa Hai chuckled, pinching the Jue with one hand, and a Buddha light imprint was condensed on the brow's eyebrows.

"Little monk...what are you doing?"

"Erase all your past and give you a Buddha seal today. This is a seal and an opportunity. If you are a disaster in the future, this Buddha seal will refine you. If you concentrate on practicing and listen to the Buddha's will, this Buddha seal can help you Cultivation becomes a true fruit."

After speaking, Fahai said to Fakong: "Brother, she will leave it to you. Starting tomorrow, the Jinshan Temple will be cleaned by her."

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