Blooming America

Chapter 753: Coming to the Pentagon again

To be honest, Catherine didn’t like the design of the Pentagon. In Catherine’s view, the building form of the Pentagon seemed to be very attractive from a distance, but at a close distance... it seemed to be that way.

I've been to the Pentagon many times, and Catherine doesn't think there is anything

"Here we are"

When we get here, the inspection will be much stricter.

Catherine took the papers and got out of the car

At this time, there are already people in the conference room

Catherine walked in and looked at these people who looked at her with curious eyes

Catherine was a little surprised. She didn't even think that so many people were interested in her plan.

She didn’t understand that what these people were interested in was actually not only Catherine’s own plan, but also Catherine herself.

Especially the latter

"Gentlemen and ladies, good morning everyone"

Catherine greeted these people

Someone greeted her slightly

For these people in the Pentagon, Catherine is indeed amazing, and the closer to her, the deeper the investigation, the more mysterious and strange feeling Catherine has.

What kind of magical power is it that makes a girl in her twenties so magical?

The main battle tank of the far M70A1 will not be mentioned. Isn't the recent ground-effect aircraft also designed by Catherine?

Although the Soviets had designed designs for a long time, their designs were only a little ahead of Catherine, and as far as the Soviets’ current attitudes are concerned, even their research has not yielded results from Catherine’s side.

"I think you all have an understanding of my plan, so I will make a long story short here."

Catherine did not want to delay this explanation too long

"In simple terms, the school district I plan is to build the entire Eureka into an independent elite education institution. In this place, every student and every professor will It is an elite among the elites. This is a specialized machine for cultivating high-end talents. It will become the heart of our American talents and provide us with a steady stream of outstanding and high-level talents."

Catherine's plan is indeed tempting

In fact, when Catherine delivered the plan, she went through various channels, and other people had heard of the plan.

For example... Rockefeller, Morgan

As far as the consortium is concerned, they actually welcome this model. They will select pure elites instead of coaching those mediocre guys. These people can create enough profits for them and bring more benefits.

Moreover, if such a school district can be in its own hands, that would be great.

However, the Federal Government is unlikely to allow these consortia to eat alone. There are ten major consortia in the United States, but there are countless large and small consortia. For these people, if the majority of them are given to one person, it is still What do we need to do?

The secret of political governance lies in compromise. For the consortium, this is a big cake. How could the politicians at their front desk not call for them?

But on the other hand, for the consortium, this is also a hot potato. No one knows, who will be injured by that time.

Even Rockefeller, he would be afraid of being thrown into the well, and then rammed the earth to fill it...

The strange thing is that it seems that Catherine herself is not gaining much in this area, which makes Catherine’s plan get the default of these people. If the plan proposed is one of the top ten consortia, then the feasibility of the plan is much smaller.

Besides, although the Federal Government is the endorsement of the consortium, they also restrict the balance between each other. Such a plan seems to be beneficial to the United States at all times, and it seems that there is no actual interest entanglement. Not for it? This is not Obama's medical reform

The talents that Catherine plans to cultivate cover all aspects of society, each of which is a talent that may have a huge impact on the United States in the future

In addition to the art school district added later, Catherine’s plan is very targeted

It's just that... none of this has much to do with Catherine herself

They did not know that Catherine actually wanted to influence these students from the cultural and consciousness level. The talents Catherine cultivated existed according to Catherine’s will.

"This plan is very good, and we have all seen similar existence before"

Someone said so

"Similar existence"-Catherine knows what this is talking about. A long time ago, Catherine listed the original "School City" plan in her design, and she also kept a copy of the Pentagon

"This is a perfect plan"

You can’t let go at this time, Catherine knows this.

"But will such a place be infiltrated?" Some people expressed concern about this.

"Please don't worry about this" Catherine said: "Our school district will adopt a fully enclosed construction. In the city, there are small communities and cities belonging to the students. The students can have various entertainments here. And life, this is enough for the students. If you think it is necessary, we can also add some necessary elements."

This is Catherine's answer

"If it is purely a student, will there be all kinds of vicious incidents? The student is always hard to control."

This is one of the biggest concerns of the Pentagon, or the Federal Government

If this problem can be solved, Catherine’s plan can be said to satisfy them.

Catherine smiled slightly, and then published her document

"Regarding this problem, I have already planned and solved the plan. Our plan is for the elite students. For the elite students themselves, their quality is already high enough and they are divided by various gangs. The possibility of sub-penetration is unlikely"

She noticed that everyone was looking at the documents she had prepared, so Catherine paused, and then continued: "So, I got an association with the Umbrella Corporation not long ago, and they have already responded to our request."

"This is the plan for the garrison team? Why is it not the garrison or something?"

Some people are a little confused

"Because our garrison is trained in accordance with the requirements of the squadron, and please note that in the garrison, more than 60% of the selections are women. Compared with men, women tend to be less violent. Therefore, trained women are more suitable for public security management in the body of students with weak anti-resistance ability than men.”

American police’s a bit ugly, they treat everyone as a potential enemy. There are so many oolong cases brought out by American police investigators.

Another feature of the US police is that after firing the gun, it will inevitably choose to shoot all the bullets, and if one does not remain, even after confirming that the opponent is dead, it will still have to make up two shots, fearing that the opponent will continue to jump. Rise up against

The news that an innocent person was shot more than a hundred shots because of a small rebellion is not two incidents in the United States.

"At the same time, in this elite school district, we adopt a fully enclosed management. Guns are not allowed to be carried. Once discovered, they will be expelled from the school district immediately, and their information will be transferred to others. Universities and various professional departments...there are very few people who can make fun of their future."

This can be regarded as Katherine’s resignation. If the umbrella is allowed to come over as the security team, it will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for development.

Catherine’s plan was very convincing, and these people discussed it again.

"...So, how to solve the problem of public opinion? If it is only an elite school district, the public will be dissatisfied with such differentiated education?"

Indeed, Catherine hesitated a little

Anti-intellectualism is now popular in the United States. Such a mechanism will indeed make some people feel disgusted. If these people are allowed to walk on the street, the problem will be serious.

But Catherine immediately thought of a countermeasure: “We don’t have to say in a strict sense,'we only recruit the elite'”

As long as they can afford high tuition fees and endure fully enclosed education, these people can also enter the school district. Our fourth to sixth school districts play such a role."

Catherine immediately thought of herself as the second step from District 4 to District 6.

Problem solved smoothly

Then Catherine continued to add: "What we have established is a comprehensive social school, where not only ordinary educational institutions, but also everything that a modern city should This is a small In the city, we can cultivate various abilities of the students through various roles in the city. We can even let the students become the mayor... Maybe it should be called the president of the Student Association... …"

Is this the president of the most domineering student council in the world?

Catherine secretly wiped her sweat, but she didn't expect that the other party was actually a bit strong

"But what about our input?"

This is also a very important question, it is related to the budget

"Investment is a long-term process. Our school district can only be planned slowly rather than done overnight. My plan is to use 20 years to build the school district into a technology that is 10 to 20 years more advanced than the outside world. An exclusive school district...This is a world that is two years ahead of the outside world in science and technology. It is also the world after students graduate and adapt to life. At that time, they can become the backbone of our society. —Dangqi is the kind of training that we have used enough life experience for our students' adaptability. It can be said to be one of the things that our school district needs to do the most..."


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