Blooming America

Chapter 693: When the plan is in progress

"Mass Effect" is definitely a good story, at least that's how Catherine sees it.

Although the audience of the game is limited, if it becomes a novel, there may be more people who like it. This is how Catherine sees it.

The reason why these people came to write, in fact, is not just Catherine who wants to write this story.

With the Milky Way as the background of Mass Effect, what Catherine wanted to portray was a huge, vast world and the story surrounding this world.

Although in the game, the story revolves around Shepard, in the novel, what can be played is different.

The story depicted in the novel, at least in Catherine's view, should be much bigger than the game.

Therefore, Catherine needs these people to help.

Not just a main story, but also a plot surrounding the entire galaxy.

"As for such an extra plot, I hope you can complete it yourself. All you have to do is to narrate this story within the framework of my setting. ,

After telling the story of the main story, Catherine began to make demands of these people.

""You take the liberty to ask, is this an official fan? ,"

Because Catherine held an exhibition, the so-called "family," concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at this time. Although most people may not know it, it has indeed become what people talk about in the literary world.

Fan fiction does not need very good writing, no distribution channels or personal connections, etc., it just needs to send the article to Catherine, and then it can be published after it is approved.

As long as the writing is plausible, you will have the opportunity to have your own publication.

Although not very popular, some works are indeed very popular.

For a good story, the writing itself is sometimes not so important. What is important is the development and plot of the story.

"In a certain sense, you can say that, but it shouldn't be said that this guilty remark should appear as a supplement to the original world. ,"

Catherine's meaning made these people understand that Catherine not only wants to complete a story, she also needs to set up a galactic worldview, and the stories that happen on this worldview are the essence of it.

""What I want to set up is a whole world, not just a small story. ,"

Catherine told these people this way.

These people nodded, seeming to understand.

And Catherine shook her head secretly. It seemed that it was impossible to get this done so quickly. It seemed that after letting these people write the story first, it would be better for them to prescribe the right medicine based on the conditions of these people.

Because Apple and Microsoft and Blizzard have established separate headquarters, there are many free offices in the Noah Building, and Catherine arranged a building as their office.

But after letting them leave, a group of people came in again, they were painters.

Half of them were the same people Catherine brought over from Japan. Of course, the number of these people is only one-third of the previous ones. Some people have been poached by other companies, some have returned to Japan, and some have contributed articles specifically to become cartoonists. So one-third of the people can be here, which is actually pretty good.

It is undeniable that the Japanese painting wet and the American program ape are two magical creatures. If both types of people are used properly, something strange will happen.

""Look at this first. ,"

Catherine posted her script again.

""I am finishing Lou's novel. I hope you can make some illustrations according to my requirements. , The most able to convey the whole story is not the words, but the pictures.

Although the power of words is great, the things it depicts are limited. This is why some people say that the influence of comics is ten times that of novels, and the influence of film and television works is ten times that of comics. .

If your product is really so popular, you will continue to do it.

The painters didn't have any problems, but this time, Catherine spent more time. She needs to explain one by one the pictures she hopes these people will make.

The Milky Way, the Castle of God, Shepard’s Normandy, and a series of characters are all necessary.

When the account is over, it's noon.

It is now July, and at noon, the temperature is exceptionally uncomfortable.

Back in her office, Catherine poured a glass of ice water in one breath.

""The weather is really uncomfortable. ,

Although there is air conditioning, Catherine does not feel good.

""Probably it's going to rain, right? ," Elsa said as she was sorting out the questionnaire reports.

""Well. ,

Catherine looked out the window, everything was clear.

However, such sultry weather does make people feel like it is going to rain.

""When will I be able to see that um, the story of Mass Effect?" ,

Elsa asked.

""I'm afraid it will take a long time. , Catherine shrugged: "I still need them to run in with each other, and to become familiar with this way of writing. ,...

Catherine didn't just prepare this script originally. Many scripts are still on Catherine's desk. Some are already developed outlines, and others are creations that Catherine thinks may be useful.

Such as Saint Seiya

""This is only the first batch. In fact, I hope to recruit about three batches of people and let them work together to complete my story. ,

Catherine was just trying it now, she was not sure whether she was doing the right thing, so Catherine could only try it for the time being.

If this trick really works, Catherine will take her second script to this script, which is the script called "Warcraft".

Catherine herself does not hate certain stories, such as "Warcraft" and "World of Warcraft"

But Catherine was very upset with the thinking of some Americans.

Betrayed human beings for the alien race...Avatar: Betrayed his own planet Transformers for the United States.

All in all, this kind of plot, especially this kind of plot, actually sold a lot, which made Catherine very upset.

What's more, the Americans are more of the European one's aesthetic, er, to be honest, they couldn't accept it many times at the beginning.

Catherine prefers to look at cute boy papers to the hairy apes. "Why not consider making them into anime?" ,... Elsa continued to ask, ""A real-life script is also okay? ,

""It is impossible to adapt every novel into an anime or a movie," Catherine took another sip of ice water, and then said: "And in the future, I expect to produce a lot of works at the same time. In that case, time is also scheduled. But come...

Indeed, the production capacity of DreamWorks is limited, and the style of animation that Catherine now imagines seems to be gradually expressed by DreamWorks.

""And if it keeps losing money, my TV station's reputation will be destroyed...,"

Catherine also has some practical considerations.

If it is adapted into anime or a movie, this is purely a money-burning move. If you can't get back to the original, a film loses 10 million yuan, Catherine will also feel heartache.

Elsa sighed, ""It's a pity. ,

""But it's not without the opportunity. If everyone's response is good, I can shoot some animations or movies, as well as TV series. ,

""What about the other works? ," Elsa continued to ask.

""Then they can only look at the illustrations and chat to masturbate. ," Catherine said.

""You can only look at the illustrations,

""Don't underestimate an illustration, it's also money! A whole book would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars! ,

Elsa looked at Catherine with contempt.

That meaning is obvious.

One do you still care about these hundreds of thousands of dollars? !

"But it's not impossible to become something else," Catherine sat on the sofa.

""E.g? ,

"You see, if "Mass Effect" is made into a game, it will probably be good, right? Also, if it's fata, it's not bad to become a galgame, right? ,

Not right. A novel version of his own fate. It doesn't seem to be suitable for making a galgame. The plot has all been messed up. If you unfold the plot in the form of the protagonist. Is not suitable.

""What is galgame," Elsa asked strangely.

Catherine was stunned for two seconds, she suddenly thought, it seems that there is no such thing as hovering now, right?

And that stuff seems to be popular only in China and Japan. Although there is in Europe and America, except for some famous works, most of the others are niche.

"...Well, you can understand it as a visual novel with pictures behind and text in front, with background and music, and then the text gradually expands on the screen.

Catherine said so.

""So it's the same as the game? , Eldor glanced at his computer, and the picture above was the game of "The Wizarding World". Elsa kept hanging her character on it.

""Well, I used a computer to see it. It's not possible for the time being. I'll try it out in the future. ,

""Oh. ," Elsa nodded.

Although such electronic novels do not have any requirements for the system, for the current computer, it is really luxurious and high-configuration. At least the computer in Catherine's office cannot play the game.

Changed the mechanical keyboard, and the typing speed is now higher!

The red axis is full of races, and the speed is super fast! .

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