Blooming America

Chapter 569: The Soviets' moon landing plan

Brezhnev has gone to rest.

Andro bō looked at the Soviet manned aviation project that was handed over to Brezhnev...


Brezhnev did not turn at all.

In other words, Brezhnev is checking information about rockets through the Internet.

But... there is still a difference between the two.

The level of confidentiality of the Internet is lower than that of the document, which means that a lot of content can only be seen in this paper document, but there is nothing in the online document.

But Brezhnev doesn't seem to think so. He regards the Internet as the best way for him to obtain information. He likes to stay on the Internet to search for information instead of listening to other people's reports.

At this time, many people just took what they wanted and sent their reports directly to Brezhnev through a special channel, allowing him to read these "secret reports" by himself.

"Next year will begin..." Andro bōfu muttered to himself.

In 1 concave year, the research and development of... was carried out in his Korolev Design Bureau under the leadership of Sergey Korolev. The original plan was to use a nuclear engine in the upper stage of the rocket to enable it to launch a payload of blade ton for the launch of military space stations and manned Martian spacecraft. Among them...the largest rocket size: PS2 is slightly smaller, P

The Americans are preparing to build a lunar base, but the Soviets will certainly not agree.

But when faced with the Americans, the Soviets had nothing to do with it.

The only way the Soviets could contend with the Americans was to build a lunar base before the Americans or destroy the Americans' lunar base.

Although some people have raised objections—they believe that there is no important strategic significance on the moon, but the vast majority of Soviet leaders still feel that they should not lag behind the United States.

Although the Soviet Union paid little attention to civilian technology, the Soviets did not want to lag behind the Americans in military industry.

And if the Americans build a nuclear bomb silo on the moon, it will be even more dangerous, which is also not allowed by the Soviet Union.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviet Union suffered a big loss. Part of the reason was that Kennedy had known that the Soviets had run out of nuclear bombs, and it was impossible to face a real threat. Therefore, the United States acted tough at the time. attitude.

The Soviets have already suffered. If the Americans were to have a nuclear bomb silo in a place that the Soviets could not hit, they could launch ballistic missiles unconsciously to strike the world!

Yes, the Americans can punish the whole world, but no one in this world can stop them, even the Soviet Union cannot.

In this case, it is also a major challenge to the authority of the Soviets in the world.

It’s just that Brezhnev himself didn’t seem to be aware of this. Many times, he was immersed in self-righteous joy, watching those who make small moves and speculate on their own interests and show him what he wants. Some "secret stories" that have arrived.

Although Andros bōfu can be regarded as Brezhnev's person, but if it is a confidant, there is still a slight gap.

…The launch vehicle will take on Soviet missions to the moon after being optimized.

The Soviet Union used two-person astronauts for the launch, which is different from the American three-person crew. One astronaut, the commander, landed on the moon: the other astronaut, the flight engineer, flew around the moon in the Lunar Soyuz. And when the commander returns on the orbit.

The Soviet launch relied on a series of steps. The three-stage rocket sent the lunar launch crew into low-Earth orbit. This is a group of six cabins in total. Safe flight requires a series of complicated processes. The required propulsion is used to balance the launch vehicle and the lunar launch group.

The upper part of the launch group is the Lunar Soyuz spacecraft, where the astronauts spend most of the entire launch process. At the top of the Lunar Soyuz spacecraft is a worm-shaped attitude maneuvering control cabin. Above the attitude control module on the top of the Lunar Soyuz is an escape tower. When a launch failure occurs, the escape tower needs to be separated from the rocket. Take the astronaut to escape.

The "Soyuz" spacecraft is a multi-seat spacecraft with a command cabin and a cabin for scientific experiments and astronauts to rest. The first launch of the "Soyuz" took place in the first half of the year. The purpose of the flight was to practice the working conditions of the various systems of this new spacecraft.

The Soviet Union's moon landing required a new type of spacecraft.

The new Soyuz will become a magic weapon for the Soviets to land on the moon.

Similar to other Soyuz spacecraft, the structure of the Soyuz spacecraft is composed of the uppermost spherical orbital module, the earth return module in the middle, and the service module below: the difference is that the Soyuz spacecraft replaces the Soyuz with a larger service module. The instrument and propulsion compartment of the spacecraft. The spacecraft uses storage-resistant propellant unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide, which can be ignited by contact. Once the landing module landed on the moon, the service module maneuvered the spacecraft and brought the spacecraft back to earth orbit.

Below the service module is a small one-and-a-half-stage lunar module, which uses storable propellant as fuel, which is the same as the two-pole lunar module in the United States. Below the lunar module are two power plants powered by liquid oxygen and kerosene. Once it enters the earth orbit and begins to enter the lunar orbit, the "worm"-shaped control module will be thrown away.

At the original time, many Soviet scientists seemed to have a pessimistic attitude towards the N1 launch vehicle.

But many people are studying Americans...

In fact, after Catherine's Ontee and Microsoft, they thought of a good way to control the coordination of the rocket by using a numerical control program.

The 30 first-stage engines of the N1 rocket will be fully operated by a numerical control system. In this way, these designs can reduce the error, but they are all inspired by Ontee's microcomputer chip. The software part must refer to Microsoft.

On the other hand, although the designer Korolev did not like unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, he could only change the design due to pressure from the upper level.

Everything nowadays is based on the premise that "the Soviet Union can win a victory or defeat with the US military on the moon." Everything must make way for this.

Many people have regarded this matter as a matter of vital importance to the life and death of the Soviet Union, and they cannot tolerate any little tricks.

The xìngzi thing appeared.

Even so, this strange attitude of Brezhnev at this time is puzzling. Is there anything more important than the Soviets landing on the moon? Is the attraction of the Internet really that great?

Andros Bōv didn’t know what Brezhnev wanted to do, but he vaguely felt that..., his own opportunity came...

The Albert Fisher incident first caused a sensation in San Francisco.

The reason is that in addition to a serial homicide in San Francisco, this "Zodiac" incident is causing a lot of trouble here.

In many people, this murderer of the Zodiac is similar to Albert Fisher.

Many people think this guy deserves to die, so Albert Fisher, who killed the little girl, deserves to die.

So, is that person who dared to intercede for this beech, a murderous demon?

The public's attention quickly gathered.

At this time, under the reminder of someone with a heart, the matter of this respected Mr. Frederick Wittham's defense for Albert Fisher was pulled out.

Asking for a plea for a maddened death row prisoner? What is this!

People quickly became angry, and Wittheim became a target of public criticism for a while.

At this time, a public opinion appeared again.

It started with a post on the Internet on "How to Escape the Sanctions of the Law". This post explains in detail how to obtain "freedom" through psychologists. There are even many black cases in this area.

This post was reprinted everywhere and became popular on the Internet.

One Catherine certainly won't let people delete posts.

In the Internet age, it is a simple matter to criticize one person. Although the current Internet penetration rate is not high, there is already a cloud system, and people are becoming more and more aware of the Internet. The number of cloud systems used today It has already exceeded 3 million, and the growth rate is alarming. I am afraid it will exceed the terrifying number of 5 million within this year.

Of course, there are probably a lot of people who buy soy sauce. After all, there is at most one iTV in a family, so in fact, the sales of iTV are only one-third of this, which is already good.

Catherine's move was very effective, and Wittham became a target of public criticism for a while.

Only very quickly, another incident attracted the attention of the public, which was considered a temporary advantage to Wittheim.

——On April 30, 1970, Nixon announced that he had sent American combat troops to Cambodia to destroy the military refuge there.

Upon hearing this news, stocks continued to fall, and among the universities, complaints continued one after another.

On Friday, May 1st, at 12 noon, a group of history graduate students from the University of Kent organized an anti-war rally. Approximately 500 faculty and students attended. They believe that Nixon’s decision, ignoring the constitution’s restrictions on the president’s power, ignoring that the power to declare war belongs to Congress, and going to war against another sovereign country without the consent of Congress is actually tantamount to murdering the U.S. Constitution. As a symbol, the participants decided to bury a constitution and mourn the death of the constitution.

On May 4, 1970, the rally of various universities initiated by Shenkent University became popular. University students held large-scale rallies on campus to protest the US military invasion of Cambodia.

Among them, the University of Kent is the strongest.

At this time in Mou, the government naturally sent troops to maintain law and order, but the students relied on the fact that the troops would not attack and provoke them crazily.

And disaster... happened. @.

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