
"What kind of dead girl? There isn't one." Huo Lei looked at Ji Bai with a strange expression on his face. "I didn't dream about any dead girl. It was still the familiar castle, the familiar sight, but the difference was that the person outside the castle door came closer to the door, but her face couldn't be seen clearly at all.

"Didn't that forest appear in your dreams?

Ji Bai's question made Ke'er and Huo Lei look at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"In the forest, there is a young girl who died unjustly buried next to an old castle?" The cat's ears swayed, and its furry tail waggled behind her. Ke'er seemed to have something that he couldn't figure out.

"Only Mr. Ji Bai's dream is so strange. Did that girl say anything to you?"

"She said she wanted me to be buried with her." Ji Bai spoke concisely and straightforwardly, expressing the girl's euphemistic expression of wanting to kill her.

"Ke'er's face was full of suspicion. He had experienced too many supernatural phenomena and couldn't help but take every detail too seriously.

Three people had the same dream for five days in a row, and it directly reflected reality. This speaks volumes.

The unknown is often the main source of depression.

"I have to sigh for a moment. Mr. Ji Bai is so charming. He can attract any female ghost buried in the soil." Ke'er pursed her lips with a slightly evil expression.

Ji Bai did not comment on this.

There are various indications that this cat is slightly black when cut.

"Why do sister Ke'er and I dream completely different from Ji Bai?" Huo Lei was still struggling with this issue. You say that I am young, in my prime, in my prime, with toned and plump muscles, a standard inverted triangle figure, and I look, well, I look okay. Why haven’t the female ghosts set their sights on me? 039

"Alas, masculine and handsome guys have really become the dust of history.

Huo Lei's distressed and melancholy questions and answers made the cat next to him remain silent.

It's probably a good thing that you can joke in a cheerful tone at this juncture. If you are overcome by fear before you even see the enemy, do you still expect to be able to get out of the desert safely?

As for strange dreams, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and for a boat to reach the bridge. There will definitely be a solution when the time comes, so don't get too entangled.

If there is really no other way, then there is no choice.

"Is there something wrong?" After the incident was revealed, the silent Iron Helmet suddenly spoke.

"Yeah." Ke'er's wicked expression returned to calmness. "-The Crooked Black Castle that was approaching us has disappeared."

"Oh, let me tell you what's going on with this sudden sense of disobedience." Huo Lei patted his head and looked around. "Hehe! This Black Castle has always been close and close, and now it suddenly disappeared. I'm still a little uncomfortable with it, hahaha."

It should be said that trolls have an optimistic nature in life. They just sleep with dark circles under their eyes and a very poor life experience.

"This is not a good sign." Ke'er looked solemn.

Ji Bai glanced at the brows on her tender cheeks. Ever since this kitten came into contact with him 24 hours a day and night, it had exposed more and more problems.

As time goes by, people's hearts will be revealed. No matter how exquisite and flawless the disguise is, the fox's tail will show up.

Ji Bai admitted that his reactions were slow in some aspects, but his sensitivity was not inferior to anyone else's. This was an intuition forged through hard work on the battlefield.

The reason why Ji Bai believed in her as always was that he didn't feel any malice in her. As for the reason why deep down in his heart, even he felt unbelievable, only he knew.

When you are in the desert, you will feel your own insignificance even more, as if you are swimming in an unfathomable sea. Even if you try your best to imagine, you can't figure out its whole picture, just like a mayfly looking at the mountains.

How could I, like a drop in the ocean, find that hidden way of survival in this vast desert?

After some repairs, the three people who searched around to no avail had to set up tents for repairs.

In the past few days, the strange black castle that had been moving towards them disappeared. Ji Bai felt something more or less, and his intuition seemed to want to remind him of something. The strong feeling never disappeared.

The blood-red twilight dyed half of the blank sky red, symbolizing that the sky had also come to an end.

The stereotype used to record the time when we entered the desert has long been abandoned.

How many days has it been, twenty days, a month, or even two months? I don’t know. Ji Bai only knows that Zi Er has completely adapted to life in the desert. It can be said that he is used to this feeling.

Running out of food and water reserves wasn't the worst thing. He didn't have many blood bags in his hand, and they could only last for three days at most. This was the urgent need right now.

The longer he went into the desert, the worse it became for him.

He vaguely felt that the flow of time in the desert was completely different from that in the outside world. Perhaps this had something to do with the Lost Continent and the abuse of space spells.

The flow of time here is very fast, quite fast, almost two or three times that of the outside world, causing the speed of your own metabolism to change.

Naturally, the frequency of drinking blood bags became more and more frequent, and the blood had to be replenished almost every day and a half, otherwise there was no guarantee that the hemophilia would corrode one's nerve center.

The impact of the accelerated flow of time on yourself is not just that.

In the tent, Ji Bai took off his armor and looked through the bronze mirror.

The bloodshot threads spreading from the chest to the surrounding organs are like sharp heads.

They continue to extend to their internal organs

, and finally take root in it, absorb nutrients, and completely suck yourself dry.

Unfortunately, they are only one step away from their own hearts. Tomorrow at the latest, they will take root in their hearts.

It means that I have reached the end of my rope.

It happened to be at this critical moment that something went wrong. It was just a twist of fate.

Ji Bai forgot when he fell into a deep sleep. In a daze, he fell on the bed and slept soundly. His physiological reactions seemed to be interfered with by something.

Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and the quiet sky was dull, like the calm before the storm.

The yin wind was biting, like an invisible cold hand reaching into his collar. The cold air made Ji Bai tremble all over.

After waking up from the hazy consciousness, the first thing to bear the brunt was the heartbreaking pain that stimulated the nerves.

It was as if his internal organs had been pierced by red-hot silver needles, and he felt so painful that he broke into a cold sweat.

He felt that his body could move, but the dark and familiar brick walls around him told him that he was not inside a tent.

This is the interior of the Skewed Black Castle

This is the first time that I am in the Black Castle. I am not bound by the mysterious power and can move freely.

Has the dream returned to this old castle of Jijiu again?

No, this is not a dream at all

The bloody disease has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and organs. The feeling of bone erosion is so real that it absolutely cannot be false.

Have you entered the castle in your dream? ?

Ji Bai reluctantly looked around. Except for the lack of a gate, the structure of this black castle was exactly the same as the crooked castle in his dream.

The sacrificial platform in front was dark, and there seemed to be something similar to a statue of a god. On the stone platforms on both sides were candles that flickered on and off. Know which direction the wind is blowing from.

Ji Bai pulled out the [Silver Throne] that was tied to his waist. Cold sweat ran down his back, which distracted him to a certain extent.

"Bang bang!" The inner door next to the altar was blown down by the strong wind, and the old door shaft made a grinding creaking sound. The whole door flew upside down and hit the cracked brick wall.

Just when the alarm bells in Ji Bai's heart were ringing, a familiar rough and angry shout came with a gust of wind: "Magical girl is flying!

The old door frame cracked into large irregular holes, and the plump green flesh tightened. Along with a strong gust of wind, green light flashed, and he came out of the room in a furious manner.

"Brother Ji Bai?!" Huo Lei, whose eyes were bloodshot, found the familiar armored figure in the faint firelight.

No need for him to say it, anyone who is not blind can see it.

The figure rushing out from the inner room was not only Huo Lei, but also a tall transparent white shadow vaguely followed behind him.

Before Ji Bai could speak, the white figures also noticed Ji Bai, as if they could hear the trembling sound of sex in the air.

The white figures had transparent bodies, and when they stepped on them, the low stone platform used as a support rubbed against the ground, making an unpleasant and weird sound.

They are using these low stone platforms to move slowly on their own!

"I don't know, but I just heard the sound of a stool being thrown upstairs!"

"Oops." Ji Bai leaned on the long sword, with murderous intent in his eyes. He ignored the heartbreaking pain coming from his internal organs and moved toward the first floor of the castle.

He was running up the stairs to the second floor of the castle. As soon as he took one step, he noticed a low stone platform placed on the steps, with a transparent and strange white face smiling ferociously at him.

These are the so-called people standing on stools who scare the most dangerous people out of their minds.

"Go away." Ji Bai's eyes were cold and he walked straight in.

I encountered all kinds of weird demon species. Creatures of this level were not enough to make a knight who came out of the war timid.

However, Ji Bai ignored one point. He should not mistakenly use the skills and techniques used to deal with humans to deal with monsters that cannot be understood by common sense.

"Brother Ji Bai, don't go, you can't hurt them!" Huo Lei's shout was still too late after all.

Facing the enemy, the knight followed the ancient etiquette and drew his sword to stab the enemy, but he saw a triumphant smile on the strange enemy's face that should not have appeared.

The tip of the sword sank into the transparent body of the monster, as if it was stuck in an extremely sticky swamp mire, unable to be pulled out.

When the sword is submerged in the prey and cannot be retrieved, the long sword should be discarded as soon as possible and replaced with a handy secondary weapon, such as a short sword or dagger.

But the humanoid white figure who had not left the short stone platform smiled sinisterly, put his hands on Ji Bai's shoulders, and left his feet on the stone steps.

He planned to step on Ji Bai's shoulders

"Whoever steps on the other person's shoulder first, I, win, hey hey hey

Not knowing what happened, Ji Bai only felt that the short stone platform that originally belonged to Bai Ying was attracted to him. ’

The platform, wanting to imprison his soul on it.

Ji Bai thought of something in an instant - could these white figures imprisoned on the low stone platform include members of the previous expedition?

”of 小游

Before he had time to think, one of Bai Ying's feet had already left the short stone platform and stepped on Ji Bai's shoulder. Then Bai Ying completely broke away from the shackles of the short stone platform.

, he only has one last step left to escape from the dark place.

The blood threads rooted in the organs are constantly absorbing the blood and nutrients, -

-To a certain extent, it took away a lot of Ji Bai's energy.

Unable to struggle, he was about to lose control of his body, his body began to get cold, and the temperature quickly drained from his body.

Just as he was about to take off his hair, a rough and huge palm firmly grabbed his arm, causing him to quickly recover from his daze.

"No!!" Bai Ying roared unwillingly. Under the drag of that thick and powerful arm, Ji Bai rolled down the stairs like a wheel.

Bai Ying, who lost his support, wanted to step off the stone platform and catch him back, but was sucked back by the short stone platform again.

"Damn it, you are nosy! No one of you can even think of walking out of here today!" Bai Ying's angry roar spread throughout the city.

"Brother, you seem to be in a bad state. Are you really okay?" Huo Lei frowned as he looked at Ji Bai's difficult movements.

"It's okay, I can't hold you back." Ji Bai shook his head. He was at the end of his strength, both physically and mentally. He was close to the limit. He looked at the surrounding people who were gradually surrounding him, and saw the greed of human nature. Ji Bai Understand, this may be your end.

However, even if he dies, he doesn't want to become such a monster that is neither human nor ghost. If it comes to the last moment, committing suicide is undoubtedly the best option.

Before that, I need to do my best to send irrelevant companions out of this place of right and wrong.

"Mr. Ji Bai! Before Ji Bai could react where the voice came from, a pink cat ball flew down from the steps of the castle and hit him to the ground, who was already weak.

Although the white shadows were surprised, they naturally would not miss the opportunity to gain freedom.

"The dragon crosses the river! The crow spreads its wings!" The angry shouts, accompanied by the rich repairing energy in the air, made the white shadows feel a little afraid and stopped their approach.

"Ah? Where is Mr. Ji Bai?" Ke'er slowly opened her eyes in fear and looked around with three question marks on her head.

"Under you. 039

"Ugh, are Mr. Ji Bai okay? ?" Only then did Ke'er notice the armored man pressing against his waist.

"For now, I can't die." Probably.

(They say I am writing suspense(a aThere is no such thing at all((00一δa)This is not the type of story about a certain Death God elementary school student, it will be a plot gāocháo starting tomorrow)

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