
"You ignorant guys don't know the seriousness of the problem at all! [Mereus] They have come back. They want to kill us all. We can't stay in this place anymore. Let me go! I don't want to be with you. Buried with him!" The ragged Argonian was carried away by the soldiers, and his shouting and struggling voices became smaller and smaller. ≒Zero﹤Seven﹤中文﹤文≒

"Brother, what is going on? Can you tell me more about it?"

Feeling that his shoulder was tapped, the Argonian turned around impatiently, his expression instantly brightened with joy after touching the shiny silver coin.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't hear clearly what you said just now. Can you repeat the question?" Ruo snake's tongue flicked his lips like a letter, and his two shining eyes followed the silver coin in Huo Lei's hand. - -change

There was a 360+ degree reversal in attitude in an instant, which caught people off guard and at the same time they were in admiration for the speed at which he could adapt to the wind.

The Argonian man rubbed his hands and spoke some awkward human language with a flattering face.

It’s true that having a nǎi is a mother.

"Brother, didn't you act very unhappy just now? I'm thinking that other people should have the patience to answer my questions. Anyway, you are definitely not the only one who knows about this."

"Hey, sir, what you said is wrong. In terms of good information, I, the Blue-tailed Snake, am the first here and no one dares to be the second! If you don't believe me, you can ask outsiders." Argonian Full of confidence and vows.

"Oh, well, do you know the detailed inside story?" Huo Lei lowered his voice very wisely, and intentionally or unintentionally turned his attention to the direction where the crazy Argonian was dragged by the guards.

"Of course, no one knows these gossips better than me. I can guarantee that most Argonians only know a vague outline. You have found the right person when you find me.

"Oh? I hope, brother, you are not an Argonian on the street who likes to use magnified guns." Huo Lei seemed to know the temperament of the Argonians very well, and his tone was just right with suspicion.

"Of course, every penny is divided into goods. My Blue Tail Snake charge may be a bit expensive, but it is definitely worth the money! It is impossible to sell false information to my customers, otherwise there will be no so-called repeat customers. "The sharp-mouthed Argonian man rubbed his fingers, and his eyes became the shape of banknotes.

"Hey! Thank you for your generous man. As far as I know, the lunatic who was escorted off by the guards just now was an explorer sent by King Yalong to the Lost Continent. You should know something about this ghost place. Did you hear that? ?It's so evil." The Argonian said matter-of-factly

"It is said that none of the foreign expedition team or the Argonian expedition team that was originally sent came back. The only one who came back, you just saw it, went crazy. And according to my gossip, this guy is very good. Maybe he’s pretending to be crazy!”

"Oh? Why."

Ji Baike'er also walked up.

Just when the curiosity of the three of them was aroused, the Argonian laughed and pointedly raised his fingers.

But at the most critical moment, this Argonian is cunning enough.

Huo Lei threw him another silver coin carelessly.

"Hey, thank you!" After getting another big silver coin, the arc of the Argonian's smile widened a bit.

"I bribed the guards in the prison. According to the information they revealed to me, the crazy explorer was normal when he was locked up. Not only could he eat and drink without any problems, but he would also provide information to the guards in a special capacity. request, but secretly he is constantly looking for opportunities for the jailers to release him and take the opportunity to escape. ☆ Zero = 淒中文☆'

"This kind of thing is not uncommon. Every once in three days, he will find a way to escape from prison, and then be arrested by the Argonian guards on the street. The cycle is endless.

The guy was relentless about it.

"King of the Argonians?"

"Yes, we Argonians also have the concept of an emperor, but the impact of the emperor on us is almost negligible. As long as we don't talk about it, there is no problem in theory.

"What is [Melvus] that lunatic is shouting about?" Ji Bai asked the focus of his attention.

"Oh, this little brother - it seems that he is new here. He doesn't understand our Argonian language very well. This is understandable. The word [Melvus] is a taboo in our Argonian culture." Here, the flattering tone contained a hint of solemnity and fear.

"This word in our Yalong language represents c culturally invented creatures. They are extremely evil and possess powerful spells.

Ji Bai almost blurted out that the last line was describing the Yalong people.

"In our culture, they are powerful and extremely evil. They cannot coexist with us. They also exist in the legends and fabrications of you humans and trolls. They are----dragons.

"Dragon?" Dragons, creatures that only exist in fabricated myths, are common in the cultures of different races. Some flock to them and regard them as gods, while some hate them so much that they even feel fear. They are totems symbolizing demon gods. .

As if by coincidence, it is very likely that this kind of creature really existed.

Where is the extremely arrogant Dragon Clan now that looks down on the world? Did they perish together with the Shilan Clan, the Spirit Clan, the Wing Clan, and others following the invasion of the Sin Lord, or did they go straight into the void and escape to an alien plane.

As for this question, perhaps only the person involved understands it.

Ji Bai knew very well that dragons were not simple fabrications, but real creatures, and they were just like the ones in the legend.

Can call upon the wind and rain everywhere

Even too much is not enough.

Known as the powerful creatures closest to [gods], it is not difficult to understand that some weak races believe in them as gods.

The reason why I am convinced is that in the memory of the unknown warrior, he not only saw a dragon, but also killed a dragon, and even peeled off the dragon skin and made it into armor and a spear.

Then the Sin Lord invaded the main plane. No one knew whether the dragon clan was extinct or fled elsewhere. The unknown warrior had nothing to do with it.

At the beginning of the Second Era, the dragon clan once dominated the continent. It seemed that the civil strife within the clan led to a rapid decline in strength. Then the blood elves, also known as the ancient blood clan, rose up. After the blood elves fell, the dragon clan retired to the mountains and forests for unknown reasons, and there was no news after that. , it is impossible to confirm whether there is a connection between the two things.

"What did he mean they were back?"

"Alas, he's just a madman. He went crazy as soon as he came back from a trip to the Forsaken Continent. He spread various rumors about [Melvus]'s return on the streets, which made the hearts of the people in Black Swamp... Panic, but what happened next? ? After so many years, everything is still peaceful." The blue-tailed snake sneered at this. In his opinion, the explorer was either a lunatic who went crazy due to stimulation, or he was in the Lost Continent. When you discover some secret and want to keep it for yourself, you pretend to be crazy and act like a fool.

"In your culture, were the Argonians ever ruled by Melvus?" Ji Bai asked after thinking briefly.

"Who knows, these are just legends. There is even a Shenhua story that states that the Dragon Clan was exterminated due to the curse of a dead Dragon Clan princess. There are also some rumors that directly name us as being of the same branch as the Dragon Clan. , have common ancestors, who knows, just listen to it as a joke, they are all unofficial history without rigorous evidence." The blue-tailed snake spread its hands and was not impressed by these unfounded myths.

I'm afraid the Argonians do have something to do with it, but even the mercenary Argonians would wink at those words.

As for the dead dragon princess who destroyed the dragon clan, this is just a supernatural story, and it is very nonsensical.

“Do you have a library or something like that here?

"Are you talking about the Codex Room? Of course there is one. We Yagonians have a long history of existence, but if you want to refer to the history of the mainland from the documents here, you have come to the wrong place.

"What do you mean? Did you Argonians develop writing relatively late?

"No, in fact our language system appeared relatively early, but you have to understand that most Argonians are unwilling to step out of the Black Swamp in their lives, so we know nothing about the outside world. , I’m not using your year-keeping method." Blue-tailed Snake explained.

Ji Bai almost understood that tracing back the history of the Yalong people might be longer than that of the blood clan. However, they only recorded what happened in their own few acres of land, which was almost incompatible with the historical facts outside. .

"The history of our Argonians is wonderful. See the wooden building with sharp corners at the corner. Almost all the recorded books are inside. If you want to know anything, you can go there to find the answer. After all, I am not specialized in this. - lumpy."

In response to the generosity of the rich man Huo Lei, Blue-tailed Snake thanked him profusely, and left holding the three silver coins he had just received as happily as if he had eaten honey.

Ji Bai and others went to the pointed room to check the relevant information.

Kerr opened the books wrapped in kraft paper with great interest. She seemed to be very interested in these historical and mythological stories, and Huo Lei was also very interested. Well, he just fell asleep wrapping the books.

You must be completely prepared before setting off.

If you encounter danger or an unseen plague, you must return immediately.

He and Huo Lei, two big men, didn't worry much about these innocuous problems, but they also brought a kitten with them along the way.

Her frail appearance made people worry that she would never survive the baptism of being abandoned in the desert.

After all, demi-cat people are also second-level species, so they shouldn't be so fragile - probably.

Ji Bai felt very unsure now.

Most of the history of the Argonians records some normal and boring historical facts, such as several tribes fighting for power, the change of dynasties, etc.

Except for the fabricated parts, there is really nothing remarkable about these stories. They are very ordinary, compared to the fishy atmosphere in mainland China at the same time. For Xue Yu, this little fuss is too childish.

The only interesting places are probably some incomprehensible poems and ancient myths.

Yalong people are very good at business, and they actually translated the history in the bookstore into various languages, and displayed the translations in different languages. Of course, they can't be seen for free, as the translated versions have to be paid for.

I can't read the poetry of the Argonians, but I can barely understand the meaning of the mythical stories.

After reading several chapters, Ji Bai found that these articles, obviously written by different authors, were very subtle in expressing the social background of the time.

The Argonians seem to be ruled by some creature and have no human rights at all. j" said

These mythological stories are all too obscure, as if they are deliberately avoiding taboos and letting future generations know about this period of history in a subtle way. This word will appear in the words. It seems that the Argonians have a special liking for this word. Or does it have a different emotion or color?

Ji Bai quickly flipped through several fairy tales, but could not find any information about the Lost Continent.

He took off his iron helmet and rubbed his sore and swollen temples. His eyes quickly scanned ten lines and he was dazzled.

As expected, the job of looking at flowers in Zhongwen should not be given to someone like him who can only swing a sword.

The gunman is a big boss.

"Mr. Ji Bai, Mr. Ji Bai~" Ke'er held up a book and jumped up and down in front of him excitedly.

"What's up.

"Have you noticed that the authors of these fairy tales have a special liking for the word "curse"? Kerr always sees this word in these books.

"Yes, maybe it has something to do with some kind of ritual in ancient times." Ji Bai felt a pain in his head and casually expressed his guess.

"This myth mentioned that there is a forest next to the Black Swamp, and it also states that it is a forbidden and extremely evil place.

Kerr pointed to a passage in a certain line.

"Oh, maybe it refers to the big forest next to it. There is only that one forest around the Black Swamp.

"But, these fairy tales are obviously avoiding something." Ke'er tilted her head. "Since you are avoiding something, the original era must have been in the ancient times, that is, at the beginning of the Second Era, or maybe even earlier.

"It's so strange. Since there have been documents since ancient times, why don't we record historical facts instead of writing some nonsensical mythological stories?" Ke'er scratched his little head in distress.

Ji Bai suddenly became enlightened.

There is no historical data at all in the ancient times. There is only one reason. The rulers at that time did not allow any documents to be left behind. Therefore, the historical data exist in the form of myths and stories.

Jing Ke'er raised the point, and Ji Bai also reacted. After thousands of years of changes, is this forest still a forest today? Could it have already transformed into other forms?

The forest refers to the Forsaken Continent? Was the original Forgotten Desert a forest?

A place of extreme evil, so whose home was that place? ?Why have they disappeared now?

Are the Argonians ruled by their own people, or by someone else?

If the joke is not nonsense, it cannot be said without any basis. Even though he had a vague answer in his heart, Ji Bai was still not in a hurry to confirm it.

Looking at the cover background of the mythical story in his hand, he remained silent.

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