Blood Princess and the Knight

14 ~ Lacquered wood arch



"Parasite, stop leading the way. I suspect we have deviated from our destination. ÷san∫Let's read∫books÷" Looking at the howling wind and snow, Ji Bai took three steps at a time and caught up with the people ahead. Lin not far away.

"Don't leave, give me the map, I'll study it, and let's take a rest where we are.

Lin didn't speak, and Ren Jibai pulled the 'map' in his hand.

"Hey, these two ancestors have finally stopped. If we keep going like this, we will freeze to death if we don't exhaust ourselves!" The three green pì gǔ behind him were sitting in the snow. Before they could catch their breath, their faces became stiff. , - jumped up all of a sudden.

"It's so cold!

Is this map the work of an impressionist painter? There is nothing in the east, west or west, just a bunch of forked black lines?" Ji Bai turned over and over again, not understanding what the thing in his hand was.

"I must have told you this is a map?" Lin glanced at Ji Bai.

"This is not a map. Why are you looking at it for so long? Is it possible that you can see a flower? So, where is the map?"

Lin tilted her head slightly. "lost""

Lost it on the road..." Ji Bai looked at Lin who was slightly lowering her head, feeling very surprised and strange that this three-no vampire also had sloppy attributes.

"So, can you tell me what this is?" Ji Bai shook the yellow paper in his hand that was blown by the wind and snow.

"The route we have taken." 2 shots

Ji Bai looked at the intricate fresh black lines outlined above and was speechless.

“I’m glad you didn’t bring it up until the four of us had seen the ghost.

"Well, it's not that bad. Wandering blindly can bring us to the mountain. Not bad." The shameless Sanwu vampire in front of him apologized for the first time. Ji Bai didn't mean to ridicule and stuffed the note back to Lin. .

"It's getting late. Let's take a rest for the night and wait for the wind and snow to stop before we can think of a solution. Otherwise, those three dumbfounded men will be buried here." Ji Bai glanced at the three little frogs jumping around behind him.

"Everyone, please take out the tents and food, and nail the tents tightly. If you don't want to see yourself at the foot of the mountain the next day." Ji Bai's voice reached the ears of the three of them over the wind and snow.

"Oh my God! I finally stopped to rest. Uh-huh, this freeze-dried food tastes worse than the pancakes cooked by Mrs. Susan next door!

"Oh, dear Mr. Rebbia, stop your damn accent, or I'll hit you on the ass with Mr. Cooper's hard leather shoes.

Got it! ‘

As if they had been liberated, everyone took out their tents from their bags and ate dry food with the water in the kettle.

Lin sat some distance away from everyone, holding the two corners of the bag and chewing on the hardened blood clots, with a look of sadness on her expressionless face.

Have you seen enough?" There was some blood left in the corner of Lin's mouth, and she glanced at the armored man next to her who squatted down and propped her head up, blatantly observing her as if he was watching a joke.

If this cockroach took the initiative to find him, he would most likely want to ridicule him.

"This is the first time I have mixed rock candy with a blood bag. After drinking too much, it still tastes good to eat hard candy once in a while.

Lin turned her head back, intending to ignore Ji Bai's slightly mocking words.

"I'm thinking that most of vampires' food is liquid, so what does it feel like to have to eat solid food one day? Is it like how humans feel when they eat liquid food?" Ji Bai pretended to question.

Lin still ignored him, her expression: →_→

"Speaking of which, do you have good teeth? Vampires rely on their fangs to eat. Don't bite too hard or break them. That would be embarrassing. A female vampire with missing teeth cannot marry.

Lin still ignored him, her expression:

"Here, take it." Something flew towards her, Lin caught it, and the warm touch occupied her palm.

Hot water kettle?

Lin frowned slightly and turned to the side, only to find that Ji Bai had already turned around and left.

Ji Bai, who was about to take out his tent, suddenly stopped and looked around, finally turning his gaze to Lin who was closest to him.


"Parasite, are you okay? "0)

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"???" Lin turned her head slightly confused.

"Aren't you calling me?" Iron Helmet's eyes narrowed.

Lin, who was holding a hot water bottle in her hand and a blood bag in her mouth, shook her head.

Ji Bai turned his attention to the three little frogs that were jumping and chirping happily some distance away from him, and shook his head.

Was it because he was too tired that he had hallucinations? His physical fitness was really not as good as before.

Thinking like this, Ji Bai exhaled a breath of hot air and prepared to take out the tent from his backpack and set it up on the spot.

Ji Bai's movement of pulling the tent stopped, and he slowly put the tent back into his backpack and looked around.

The howling wind and snow blew past my ears, and the echoing sounds disappeared without a trace like water droplets submerged in the sea.

Ji Bai suddenly looked up, put on his backpack, and hurriedly stepped on the thick snow, running towards the direction where the wind and snow were raging.


"? ?" Lin was the first to notice Ji Bai's movements. She was stunned for a moment, put away the blood bag and hot water bottle, and quickly followed.

"Oh, my God, I finally put up the tent. I'm exhausted.

"Isn't that right? Hey, we're walking in a blizzard-hey.

?Why are the mentor and the god missing? ?" The hedgehog pointed blankly not far away, and the other two were also stunned.

"No way?! The three of us were left behind, right?

"There! I saw it!" Rabia took the lead in catching the small black dots running wildly one after another in the distance.

"Damn it! Where did we say we had a night's rest? ? Why did you get angry when you just disagreed? Yuan

"Still stunned? Follow me quickly, otherwise you will freeze to death here!"

"Yes, the tent has just been put up.

"But they've all disappeared! Hurry and tear down the tent!"

"Wait, wait for me!'

While adjusting her breathing, Lin tried her best to ensure that she followed Ji Bai's pace in front of her.

When she saw Ji Bai's sudden and possessed behavior, Lin decided to follow him without any hesitation. Perhaps it was just a subconscious move.

The physical strength of vampires is on the same level as that of humans. Even with the use of magical physical strength balance blessings, Lin still had some difficulty keeping up with Ji Bai's pace.

Finally, the figure running in front stopped.


Lin adjusted her breathing slightly, and did not ask Ji Bai for the specific reason. Following his gaze, she looked forward -

- Huge arched door frame made of lacquered wood.

It’s unknown how long it has been standing here, and the lacquer wood, which is known for its toughness, has shown signs of weathering.

Behind several huge lacquered wood arches is a convex open space.

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