Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 691: Live interview

Every presidential candidate, in order to gain more support among the people, will propose many policies to benefit the people.

For example, improving welfare policies, supporting legal immigration, supporting **** marriage, and free medical care and social security are all very appropriate entry points.

Of course, they are all good wishes, and even if they can achieve half of them during the tenure, they are considered a big success.

Situ Yan's promise to voters is to increase education funding and strengthen judicial reform.

During his tenure as a senator, he has been committed to the optimization of judicial talent selection, and the small improvement of the judicial examination format is one of the results of his efforts over the years.

So the host will specifically ask him this question.

"Of course, I saw the news." Situ Yan sat on the coffee sofa with calm eyes and a gentle smile. "She is indeed very beautiful. I am honored that I grew up a little like this most beautiful exam."

A little humor will make people feel that he is approachable and close the distance between voters in front of the TV. These are little tricks in the election.

The host laughed: "Yes, Mr. Situ, you are indeed very handsome!"

Situ Yan also smiled, and after laughing, he gave a formal answer: "I am very pleased to receive her praise. This shows that our restructuring is successful, the direction of our efforts is correct, and the judicial circle needs to inject freshness. Blood, and these young people have given me hope. I believe that the vitality of these young people will help the future judicial environment become more transparent and fair."

The talk show is a live broadcast and appeared on TV that evening.

Situ Yan's wife, Chen Cailing, did not miss this interview show. Seeing her husband's performance in front of the camera was natural and sincere, she showed a slight smile on her face, becoming more demure and dignified.

At present, her husband’s support rate is very advantageous. She believes that after this program is broadcast, the support rate will continue to rise.

Situ Yan's election is the biggest event of the Situ family, and everyone in the family is paying attention.

What occasions Situ Yan attended, what programs he participated in, how to promote his opinions, how to win public opinion...everything, they would carefully study and consider repeatedly.

Chen Cailing has compiled a list of TV episodes so that her husband can watch it when she comes back, and then analyze the shortcomings together with the operation team.

During the recording, Ning Yuewei came back and happened to see Mu Zi's face on the TV screen.

Because the host mentioned the most beautiful judicial examinee, when talking about this paragraph, the director included this short video of Mu Zi.

Ning Yuewei showed disgust in her eyes and asked subconsciously, "Auntie, why are you looking at this?"

Her tone was faint, Chen Cailing didn't hear the disgust in it, and smiled and replied: "I was watching your uncle's interview just now. Look, this girl really looks a bit like him."

"Is there? I don't think it looks like it." Ning Yuewei frowned and said, "This person is hot, right."

Chen Cailing sensed Ning Yuewei's displeasure and turned to look at her strangely, "What's wrong? Yuewei, do you know this girl?"

"I saw a few people when I went to Qingjiang." Ning Yuewei said harshly, "In order to curry favor with the dignitaries, she introduced lawyers to lawsuits, and was stumbling around. Recently, she helped a prostitute beat a prostitute because she was greedy for compensation. The lawsuit, accusing the other party of **** is really disgusting."

Chen Cailing widened her eyes in shock, "There is such a thing..."

"Yes." Ning Yuewei thought of those experiences in Qingjiang City, feeling irritated, and went upstairs to her room.

Chen Cailing looked back on TV, always feeling unbelievable.

Mu Zi on TV has clear and bright eyes, full of confidence and vigor.

Aiwu and Wu, Mu Zi and her husband look a bit similar, so Chen Cailing's first impression of Mu Zi is actually very good. I didn't expect Ning Yuewei to have such a comment.

Chen Cailing was puzzled: If it is for money, why bother to file a lawsuit with a prostitute? Wouldn't it be easier to fight for the rich?

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