Blessed To Have Each Other In This Life

Chapter 567: Children who died one after another

Everyone went crazy after drinking.

Yu Yang also drank some. Under the influence of alcohol, rigorous people will become presumptuous, and introverted people will become lively.

Yu Yang has never said much about the case in front of outsiders, but the atmosphere is rarely so good, and the case has not been formally filed, and there is no need to deliberately keep it secret.

"Do you know Duan Yuhui?" Yu Yang raised his glass and asked them with a smile.

Jiang Zhinuan and Zhuang Jia were at a loss, while the remaining Jiang Ci, Qu Mingjun and others showed their expressions clearly.

This person, Mu Zi, is also very familiar. It can be said that as long as he is dealing with the judicial system, it is impossible not to know Duan Yuhui, because he is the only judge in Qingjiang City.

There are nine justices in the Huaya Empire. They are the leaders of the imperial judicial department, in charge of the Supreme Procuratorate, and are also a symbol of the highest legal authority.

"Duan Yuhui committed a crime?" Mu Zi woke up a bit immediately, frowning at Yu Yang.

If the judge committed the crime, the nature of the case is not trivial. As a prosecutor, Yu Yang should be cautious in his words and deeds and should not discuss it in public.

Yu Yang seemed to see what Mu Zi was thinking, and smiled and said, "It's not him, but something strange happened in his family. I'm preparing to open a case for investigation."

"What's the strange thing?" someone asked aloud at the dinner table.

"Last week, Duan Yuhui's wife called the police and said that someone wanted to kill her child. The police officer went to Duan's house to find out the situation, but was told that Mrs. Duan was a little gibberish because of postpartum depression."

Following Yu Yang's narration, the laughing dinner table couldn't help quieting.

"...The police officer went to see Mrs. Duan, but the door was locked and could not enter. Finally, through the glass window, he saw that Mrs. Duan and the baby in her arms were all safe and sound. The police officer asked the servant again for questioning, but found no abnormalities. , So I took the team back... As a result, two days later, Mrs. Duan called the police again, claiming that someone wanted to kill her child."

Yu Yang's voice was very calm and his tone was calm, but somehow, several girls heard a sense of horror.

Yu Yang looked around at the crowd and smiled slightly, "The police officer went to Duan's house again, but returned without success. Mrs. Duan and the baby are very safe and healthy..."

"Why did the lady lie during that period?" Zhuang Jia couldn't help but ask aloud, "She really is depressed after giving birth?"

"No, she is in a good state of mind." Yu Yang shook her head. "I went to see it in person. Although she did have postpartum depression, at least when I went there, I didn't see any depression tendency."

"Have you ever had it?" Mu Zi keenly captured the key. "She had children before?"

"After she married Duan Yuhui, she had three children. The first two children died unexpectedly less than half a year after they were born. She was hit hard, so she had depression." Yu Yang replied.

Zhuang Jia and Jiang Zhinuan leaned together nervously, "...someone in the Duan family killed her child?"

"Normal people would think so. After all, it is a coincidence that two children died unexpectedly one after another." Yu Yang said, "but Duan Yuhui insisted that it was his wife who had conjectures because of depression. Suspicious, always feel that someone in the family has harmed her child."

The people at the dinner table looked at each other.

"How about it, strange?" Qu Mingjun triumphantly, "If this is someone else, maybe the judge will fool it, but Prosecutor Yu Yang is not an ordinary person! You can see what's wrong at a glance! "

"What's wrong?" Everyone was curious and looked at Yu Yang.

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