Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 788 It’s time to unite

Electrocution, this contains the extremely angry blow of Jadis, and it can also be called her strongest move.

After using his own thunder power to attract the spirits in the space, he then rains down a huge amount of thunder and lightning like divine punishment, which is enough to turn everything it touches into charcoal.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, and a large crater was blasted out of the originally flat ground. Jadis stepped forward to check, and saw a charred Zaragi half-kneeling in it.

Did he finally fall? This monster.

Just when the anger in Jadis's heart subsided and she finally breathed a sigh of relief at defeating this difficult guy like Kenpachi Zaraki, the figure in the pit actually moved again.

Zaragi stood up tremblingly. Originally, he wanted to slash the lightning bolt with his sword, but when he swung the sword, his body became uncontrollable again, so he could only bear the electric torture from Jadis.

There is always a limit to the human body. The battle with Gremy already caused him to suffer a lot of external and internal injuries. After the battle with Jadis, the forced use of spiritual pressure undoubtedly continued to increase the burden on his body.

If it had been any other person, he would have been extremely reluctant to stand even after suffering such an injury, that is, Zaraki would still be able to continue fighting against the two members of the Star Cross Knights.

Looking at Zaragi who slowly stood up, his eyes still sharp, Jadis couldn't help but widen her eyes and was so surprised that she couldn't even speak.

Li Toto calmly expressed what Jadis was thinking at the moment, "It's such a monster that you can still stand up after being like this."

Yes, they all could see that Zaragi was at the end of his rope, but how could anyone who was about to die still stand so stubbornly and maintain a firm fighting spirit?

They can somewhat understand Gremy's mood. Although their reason keeps telling them that the person in front of them will fall if they touch it lightly, the mental pressure keeps denying their rational judgment, forcing them to have no choice but to Consider a question - what if this guy can still fight?

For a moment, neither Jadis nor Litoto took any action. They all stared at the tall figure in the pit. Although they didn't want to admit it, they hoped that the figure would fall on its own.

Zaragi glanced around, "What, are you too scared to step forward?" Although he wanted to say this, he opened his mouth and found that he could no longer make a sound. It was enough to show how far he had reached at this moment. Dilemma.

All this fell into Li Toto's eyes. She, who was relatively rational, shouted to Jadis: "Hey, don't you want to deal with him alone? This guy is already at the end of his fight, why don't you take action? ?”

"You don't need to remind me!" Jadis pretended to be tough. She didn't want to show her timidity in front of this guy Li Toto.

Li Toto did not expose her, and continued feebly: "Then hurry up, we still need to find that guy Giselle, otherwise no one can save Minina."

"I know, I know!" Jadis said angrily, "It's really Rory!"

Only then did she raise her hand to gather the electric light, and a figure suddenly passed over her head and headed straight for Zaraki Kenpachi in the pit.

Zaragi wanted to raise his knife to resist, but his body was as stiff as a stone at the moment. He was obviously just a guy with average speed, but he still let him step on his chest.

Zaragi's body fell down, and the foot on his chest continued to exert force. A mouthful of blood poured out uncontrollably from his throat, making Zaragi cough repeatedly.

"Zaraki Kenpachi, one of the special combat powers? That's all." The visitor said contemptuously, but it immediately aroused Jadis's dissatisfaction, "What do you mean, Najakup?! "

Yes, the person who came was none other than Najakup. He showed his ugly black and white teeth without any apology at all, "I just looked at your mother-in-law, so I couldn't help but take action. After all, under my observation, he has already There is no resistance left.”

Li Toto couldn't help but frown when she saw Najakup. She didn't like this guy very much, "To put it bluntly, he just came to grab credit, and it was as if we were in trouble. It's really hypocritical, Najakup. "

"It is such an honor to be able to deal with a special agent. If you are hesitant, of course I will do it for you." Najakup said and stepped on Zaragi again, who spat out another mouthful of blood. , "Of course, if I meet someone like Kurosaki Ichigo, I don't mind fighting him. As long as you give me enough observation time, no one can escape my punishment!"

Li Toto directly poured a basin of cold water on him, "Then why don't you go fight with Diezuka Hongjiang? You must have been observing him for long enough, right?"

Hearing this, Najakup's expression suddenly changed. Although Ichigo Kurosaki, Kenpachi Zaraki and Hiroe Choizuka are all special combat powers, his abilities have almost no effect against Hiroe Choizuka. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to watch the other party kill people from a distance after he was sucked into the invisible empire.

Li Toto did not continue to tear Najakup's wound, after all, it was her and theirs' wound too.

She turned to look at the new person beside her and asked curiously: "So, are you here to take credit too, Robert?"

The person next to her was Robert, who had white hair and an old face. He shook his head and said, "Gremy died in the battle."

Li Totuo spread her hands, "Who doesn't know about this kind of thing? What does it have to do with you?"

Robert's face was not very good, and he continued: "You can't contact Giselle either. She must have either died in the battle or fallen into the hands of death."

"That guy is not someone who dies so easily." Li Tuotuo mumbled and continued to ask, "You still haven't said the reason why you came here."

"Don't you understand yet?" Robert asked back: "We may be the only surviving members of the Star Cross Knights who are still in Seireitei."

"And that guy Buzby." Najakup suddenly interjected: "It's just that he seems to be addicted to playing with an Arrancar, and he didn't even pay attention to a guy with such an alluring special memory power."

"Can you shut up, Najakup!" Li Toto finally couldn't help but scolded, and then turned to look at Robert, "If you have anything else to say, just say it in one breath. "

Robert took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, "His Majesty has already gone to the Soul King Palace, and there are only a few of us left. Therefore, at this moment, we need and must unite to remove all the people in the Seireitei as quickly as possible. The enemy will be dealt with."

Robert's words were sincere, but Jadis didn't understand why the other party was so anxious, so she said: "Kenpachi Zaraki has been captured by us, and the guy Choiezuka Hiroe seems to have followed His Majesty to the Soul King Palace. Although There are still four special forces left, but I don't think they will be more difficult to deal with than Zaraki Kenpachi. Although there are only a few of us left, it is only a matter of time before we want to wipe out the Seireitei. Why is it so heavy? ?”

"You don't understand." Robert shook his head, "We were kept here by His Majesty. The reason is not clear. It may be that we are required to sweep away the Seireitei, or maybe..."

He paused for a moment, as if what he said next would hurt him, "In short, we cannot let His Majesty down, and we must let His Majesty see our value. Now is not the time to grab credit. We must sweep away the Seireitei as soon as possible. This is The value of our existence as the Knights of the Star Cross, otherwise, we have no value of existence.”

"If we don't have the value of existence, you should all know what the consequences will be, right?"

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