Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 599 Delaying the Formation of the Bomb

Bambietta's muttered question made Hongjiang stunned. Is this another form of surrender? No, he knew that of course it couldn't be counted. The member of the Knights of the Star Cross must be in chaos at this moment, but this would never be related to their hostile status. But maybe his sharp tongue really confused his opponent? Why is there an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in my heart? Of course, Hong Jiang's somewhat arrogant attitude did not appear on his face. He still looked somewhat at ease, as if he had a chance to win. "I can't give you an exact answer to this question, but I think the ability you possess is not simply to turn the things you touch into bombs, but to maximize the spiritual reaction inside the things you touch, thus Release its energy as much as possible in the form of an explosion. "This is not Hongjiang's secret. The delayed explosion was originally used by Nirvana in his previous life when he faced Bambietta with the spiritual tools he developed. realized. Hong Jiang had no idea what theory Nirvana was originally based on, but after thinking about it for a moment, he came up with two ideas. The first is to completely seize control of the bomb created by Bambietta's critical attack. Intuitively, it is like adding a starting device to the originally uncontrollable bomb. The second is to delay the formation of the bomb. Although it still detonates immediately, it is equivalent to installing a fixed timer on it. Both of these ideas are theoretically possible, but Hong Jiang himself has to consider whether he can implement this aspect. After all, he is not Nirvana, and he is better at solving problems with his own strength. . Then the first idea is difficult to realize, although according to theory, Hongjiang's delicate control of spiritual power is the most likely to complete the change of control. However, according to Hongjiang's observation, Bambietta's ability is more about destroying the structure of spirit particles or causing reactions between spirit particles to rapidly release energy. At the level of the spirit son, even he can only rely on spiritual power to interfere, and cannot control it delicately, let alone control the violent and rapid changes of the spirit son like an explosion. This is not a good thing for him. It's completely impossible. Then there is only the second idea that can be tried, which means that he does not interfere with the fact that the bomb created by the critical strike explodes immediately, but instead delays the formation of the bomb. To put it more vividly, it is necessary to apply time-slowing magic to the hands making the bomb, so that its movements can be as slow as possible. "Remember what I said, if we just talk about the concept of contact, the first thing your light bomb touches is the air, and the reason why the air does not turn into a bomb is due to your lack of ability." "And Shun Shun. If you continue to think about this, there will be another question, what exactly caused your lack of ability, in other words, why has air become something that can escape your ability?" Hong Jiang asked, but it was more like asking himself. : "Is the concentration of spiritual particles in the air too thin? Or is it too unstable and loose in structure, allowing it to escape the limits of your ability?" Then he answered himself: "I think there are both factors. , To be honest, the concentration of spirit particles in the air here is already quite strong, but we cannot deny that no matter how dense the concentration of spirit particles is, the air cannot bind us like a rock. ""At the same time, it is unstable. A loose structure that can be disrupted with a wave of your hand cannot form a harmful explosion unless its structure is fixed and condensed before reacting. ""In other words, if your ability is compared to. A pair of hands, such trivial and scattered parts as the air, these hands cannot, or rather are too lazy to assemble into a bomb. "Does it make people too lazy to assemble trivial and scattered parts? Bambietta thought about these words, and her eyes suddenly brightened up. She seemed to understand what Hong Jiang was going to do, no, it should be said that she had successfully dealt with her own critical attack.

Since those hands are too lazy, then just give it some acceptable parts to assemble the bomb. However, these parts are still relatively trivial and messy. Compared with regular, fixed module-like parts, trivial things are more Assembling the finished product will definitely take more time. In other words, what the other party wants to find is the true limit of her ability! "Is that fog the limit that you think can trigger my holy writing ability?" Bambietta asked through gritted teeth. Hong Jiang shook his head: "Maybe it's not the limit, but for me, it's enough to trigger your ability while delaying the formation of the bomb. It's not particularly important where the real limit is." Then he raised his eyebrow again. He shook his finger and said, "And I want to correct you a mistake. The ghost path I just released is not a 'ball' of fog. Although it looks similar, it is actually made up of very fine small fog balls." , in order to trigger each of your light bombs as much as possible. "To trigger the critical strike of Bambietta, it is definitely not possible to use something with a loose spirit substructure like air. It needs to be as loose as possible but yet. There is a fixed structure. If the fog is really an undivided whole, then a light bomb may detonate it. Mist cage Mist cage is a mist but also a cage with gaps. This is the true face of Hongjiang's temporary use of Kidō, and it is also the embodiment of his ultimate spiritual control. By this point, Bambietta had completely understood. There was relief on her face that the mystery had been solved, but more importantly, she was still lonely, knowing that her opponent had completely seen through. Hongjiang slowly drew out the Zanpakutō from his waist, and thick white mist poured out from his sleeves and even his skin, wrapping him completely. "You should understand by now, as I said at the beginning, you are not my opponent, and you have also lost the best opportunity to escape." The thick fog obscured his face and made his voice It seemed mysterious and unpredictable, as irresistible as a fable: "Tell me where Lloyd and Lloyd are now, and I can spare your life for the time being." Unexpectedly, Bambietta laughed instead, "Even if I accept my defeat, but I will not make an ugly move like surrendering to you." She spread her wings and said loudly: "Come on, Death! It's not sure who is the loser. Maybe you really are. You know my abilities better than me, but you might be the one who is shattered in the end!" After saying that, a rain of light that was more brilliant than every time before poured down, and flew out from Bambietta's wings into a pair of wings. Another dense line. At this moment, she is really an angel blooming with infinite light! (

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