Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 596 An out-of-control explosion

"The so-called explosion is a process of releasing energy, and the basis of the destructive effect is that there is high-pressure gas in the explosion system or the gas of high temperature and high pressure is instantly generated." Ye Yi was a little puzzled: "Isn't that still the same as Is spiritual pressure related? After all, it is still the process of energy release." Pu Principle shook his head and said seriously: "It is related, but it does not mean that only strong enough spiritual pressure can produce a sufficient explosion." Jian Yeyi still didn't understand. He went on to explain: "Take the example of existence in this world. Human beings rely on the reaction of two or several substances to create powerful explosive products. But if these substances are distinguished, they It seems that each one has limited energy. "..."Of course, it's not that they really don't have energy. The key to the explosion is how to activate the energy instantly. ""It's the same in our world. Energy. It doesn’t just refer to spiritual pressure, everything in our world is composed of wandering spirits, and if the stable spirit structure can be highly condensed and then collapsed in an instant, theoretically even a stone can produce a decent explosion." Ye Yiruo. She nodded thoughtfully. Although she didn't fully understand what Urahara meant, she still roughly understood it. "In other words, the opponent that Dead Fish Eyes is facing has the ability to produce a huge explosion with a small amount of spiritual pressure?" "It is most likely so." "Isn't that very bad? Just relying on a small amount of spiritual pressure can It can cause decent damage. Such a tug-of-war would be too detrimental to Dead Fish Eyes." "But fortunately, Hongjiang only uses less spiritual pressure to detonate these bombs than his opponent, so we don't need to be too aggressive in his battle. Worry." Urahara comforted with a smile. "But it's not good news to be trapped in such a protracted war. The longer the time drags on, the more likely reinforcements from the Star Cross Knights will arrive." Yoichi still insisted on his opinion: "At this time, it is best to fight quickly. What on earth is this guy thinking?" Urahara rarely denied Yoruichi this time. He looked at the direction of Hongjiang's battle from a distance and seemed to be saying to himself: "That can only mean that he has to fight a protracted war. The opponent seems to be quite difficult..." It can only be said that Urahara's words are true, Hongjiang's situation at the moment is indeed not very good. Judging from the scene, Bambietta completely took the initiative. She was condescending, her wings trembled slightly, and blue light bullets poured down like a shower. Hong Jiang will naturally not let these 'restless' things get close to him. The snow-white Zanpakuto has been sheathed, and the sharpest blade seems to have no effect at this time. He was seen dancing with his hands crossed, and white thin lines composed of spiritual power flew out from his fingers, intertwining into a huge airtight net in the air, catching all the flying light bullets. The loud roaring sound kept hitting his eardrums, and the strong wind mixed with a little hot breath slapped the ground like a big slap, raising high dust and making Hong Jiang look a little sloppy. Just like Yoruichi said, an offensive that can cause a huge explosion with just a small amount of spiritual pressure will not only have an absolute advantage in the battle, but it will definitely be the most destructive. Even if Hongjiang intercepted him far away from the center of the explosion, just the aftermath of the explosion made him look a little embarrassed and shaky. It's just that her opponent's disgraced look didn't seem to satisfy Bambietta. She wanted more than that, and she wanted to see more than just the opponent's appearance of being embarrassed but actually not having much impact. At this moment, Hongjiang should be the one who should decide the outcome with one strike and resolve the battle as quickly as possible, but the one who longs to finish off his opponent in one go is Bambietta who has the upper hand. She was very puzzled. Her ability was extremely confusing. Why did the god of death in front of her seem to know how to deal with it from the beginning? Could it be that he has some kind of prophetic ability? No, this is absolutely impossible. If they had this ability, the other party would not need to find Lloyd and Lloyd.

It's so troublesome. After getting rid of the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Bambietta taunted Hong Jiang with some irritability: "Didn't you say that I alone am not your opponent? The way you are in such a mess now is not as impressive as you said, Die Zhong. Hong Jiang! "Whoever laughs last will laugh best, maybe the situation will be reversed in the next moment, what do you think?" Hong Jiang replied with a nonchalant smile. This appearance made Bambietta even more irritable. He raised his wings and blue light bullets continued to pour down like rain, as if he would not stop until the enemy in front of him was blown to pieces. The strange thing is that Hong Jiang did not use the net to block the pouring light bombs again this time. Instead, he waved his hand, and a thick white fog slowly rose. "Qingbudao, fog cage!" However, the thick fog could not stop the light bullets at all. The blue light bullets were like dizzy dots in the fog, and they looked much softer when they hit the ground. But then a terrible scene occurred. A series of explosions broke out around Hong Jiang, and the white mist that enveloped him was blown away by the violent blast wind. Hongjiang moved left and right, constantly moving around the edge of the center of the explosion. Unfortunately, the falling light bombs were too dense. One of them landed right at his feet, and the violent explosion blew him away in an instant. At this moment, within a radius of at least 500 meters with Hongjiang as the center, the ground seemed to be boiling. The earth was turned over side by side. The gravel and dust were scurrying in the air like mindless flies, and then were sent away by the explosion in the air. Return to the ground. Hong Jiang's figure suddenly jumped out of the dangerous bombing zone. His black hair was now dyed pale by dust, and half of his left sleeve was missing. There were several burn marks on the exposed skin, and even He had to rely on his right hand to support the ground to stabilize his body. Seeing this scene, Bambietta temporarily stopped his crazy bombing, laughed and released his previous depression, and was even more proud when he saw a trace of blood hanging from the corner of Hong Jiang's mouth. "It seems that the situation will not be reversed, Death!" "No, no, no, from now on, the situation will be reversed, haven't you noticed yet?" Hong Jiang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had just been injured. , but it was not a serious injury. "Are you confused because my head was fried, or are you just a fool?" Bambietta said disdainfully. Hong Jiang shook his head with some regret, "It seems you haven't noticed it yet. It's obviously due to your own ability, but you didn't notice the abnormality just now. It's really careless." Hong Jiang straightened up and asked with a smile: "You didn't notice it? , many light bombs exploded before they hit the ground?"

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