Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 572: Taking the initiative to bear pressure

"We don't need synergy, or in other words, we don't need too much synergy."

"You mean to let the brats do whatever they want, and you and I will try our best to cooperate?" Ye Yi frowned as he listened to Hong Jiang's voice in his mind.

In order to collect intelligence as safely as possible, coordination such as timely retreat and long-distance reinforcement is essential, and Hongjiang cannot violate this principle.

Now, listening to the other party's intention means sacrificing a certain degree of safety, and only implementing planned coordination among the four of her, Hiroe, Urahara, and Inex. Among the four, the one with the most frequent activities and the heaviest burden is She and Hong Jiang.

To put it simply, when the little devils make a big noise, they must have the consciousness to wipe their butts for them.

"Isn't this too risky?"

"Risk-taking is a given. In fact, given the current situation, it is impossible to gain something without taking risks."

Hong Jiang expressed his thoughts to Yoruichi and Urahara: "And if things go well, the attention we attract by intercepting the enemy's reinforcements will not be inferior to that of the brats, and even more pressure will be on you and me at that time."

"You're taking a bit of a gamble." Yoruichi was silent for a while and continued: "And what if things don't go well? What if they suddenly fall into a dilemma of being besieged by the enemy? I'm not against collecting intelligence, but Wouldn't it be better to find them first?"

"Assuming that the enemy's top combat strength is thirty, it seems to me that this place is not smaller than the Seireitei. Wouldn't it be very inefficient to conduct a group search in such a vast space? I think the Quincy who will threaten our safety will also be relatively small. Even if they haven't taken action yet, they are waiting for our whereabouts to be exposed and then support them."

Yoruichi knew what Hiroe meant. Normally speaking, the top combat power of any force would be in the easiest position to support everyone during the manhunt. Just like when Ichigo and others broke into the Seireitei, the Gotei 13 The captain and even the vice-captain did this.

Now, even if the number of the enemy's top combat forces is twice that of the Gotei 13, the best way to find nine people in such a large area is to provide support based on intelligence.

However, the current situation is still different from that at the beginning. The first thing is to report it. Take Ichigo's exposure as an example. Under the same situation, it will be more difficult for Yoruichi to support than before, because she has a great influence on the city under her feet. Don't understand at all.

The second is the danger. This is not a matter of the enemy's combat strength, but the enemy's attitude towards them.

When she first broke into the Seireitei, Yoruichi didn't go to rescue Sadatari and Inoue because she knew the behavior of the Gotei 13th Division. Unless they were on the must-kill list, the 13th Division would not treat Traveling Fate in the capital. The priority is to capture, and the more power is under control, the more so.

But no one knows what the Quincy's behavior is now. Will they let humans like Sadat and Inoue go because they are not a threat or want to obtain information about other people? If not, then the lives of Sadatari, Inoue, and even Ichigo and Haiyan are bound to leave Yoruichi tied up.

Even if the other party would keep the prisoner alive, it would be different from how to rescue Lucia. How to rescue her would be a big problem.

And just when Ye Yi was about to raise these questions, Hong Jiang's voice appeared again: "Of course, I know it's okay to be calm for the time being. Once a battle breaks out on which side takes the lead, the situation will be ever-changing, and we may not be able to cope with it."


"So, one of you and I must be able to 'take the initiative' to bear the pressure." Hong Jiang said, with a hint of joking in his tone: "You said, if someone shows the behavior of approaching Yhwach, those who are destroyed will What will happen to the barbarians?"

"Decapitation operation?!" Ye Yi suddenly opened his eyes wide, "You can't do it alone, you damn fish eyes!"

"Don't worry." Hongjiang smiled and comforted: "I will only act as if I want to carry out a beheading operation. In this case, the pressure on Ichigo and you should be reduced to a minimum, right? Even if there is any accident, you and Eina will By taking care of him, we can get as much information as possible from the battle."

This arrangement somewhat means turning passivity into initiative. Once it is implemented, the Quincy who are now in the status of hunters will also be burdened with the identity of prey, regardless of whether they accept it or not.

They must allocate their strength for defense and cannot devote themselves wholeheartedly to the encirclement and suppression of the God of Death.

At the same time, depending on the amount of pressure Hongjiang puts, the Quincy must passively allocate combat power to deal with it. It can be said that this is the simplest and most effective way to create chaos.

Until Hongjiang, the source of chaos, is completely resolved, the Invisible Empire will be in a certain degree of chaos. Taking advantage of this chaos, Yoruichi and the others will be able to more easily collect intelligence through combat, and their actions will be relatively safer.

"This will indeed make it easier for us to move, but on your side..." Yoruichi was a little worried, "That's twice the combat power of the Gotei 13. If you're not careful..."

"That's why I will be careful and careful. Precisely because of the danger, I am the most suitable candidate. I am very afraid of death. I have been since I was a child, you know."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yoruichi still knew that Hongjiang was the most suitable person for this task.

Among the three, he is the strongest and has the most experience in frontal combat. He possesses two Zanpakutos that can be said to be both offensive and defensive. In addition, he is best at Kidō. Whether in theory or in practice, Hongjiang is very good at facing him. The person most likely to protect himself from the siege.

"Why don't you and I carry out a feint attack together? Urahara and Inex should be able to take care of the imps." Yoruichi suggested.

Hongjiang immediately vetoed: "Although you are Shunshen Yoichi, this frontal and ostentatious action mode is not suitable for you. Moreover, although we must be prepared for accidents at this point, I still hope that those brats will Protect them as much as possible, they carry the future we want, so your burden is very heavy. "

"but you……"

"Nothing will happen to me. Although it is said to be twice as powerful as the Gotei 13, there should always be good and bad. I won't know who will be unlucky if you meet me." Hongjiang said with a smile: "I am a butterfly mound." Hongjiang, if those guys are not qualified, I don’t mind removing some of Yhwach’s arms first!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Urahara's plain voice sounded: "I agree with Hong Jiang's idea. If I can't bring anything back, I will not forgive myself."

"Besides, don't you think he is very confident now? The confident Choizuka Hiroe has never failed before."

Urahara said solemnly: "We have to believe in him, and more importantly, we have to believe in ourselves, right, Yoruichi?"


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