Black Iron Crown

Chapter 681 Northern Reinforcements

King Sutli couldn't help being even more annoyed at what Rainer had said, and he cursed Rainer loudly, cursing him with all the ugly words.

And Reiner didn't care about him anymore, he was just a failed king, he couldn't play much role anymore, now his only function to Reiner was to keep the kingdom of Bookern in chaos, and All this has nothing to do with whether King Sutli is alive or not.

At this time, the battlefield had been cleaned up. In order to get rid of their encumbrance, the soldiers of the Bukden Kingdom threw all their armor and weapons on the ground, just to be faster when fleeing for their lives.

But obviously, although they beat the soldiers under Leiner's command in a short distance, when they ran for a kilometer or two, when they were panting and sighing that they had finally escaped, they found out in despair that all their The armed enemy has caught up.

The training that soldiers in the northern border often do is long-distance weight-bearing running. Whether it is chasing the enemy or retreating, it is the most important thing. It is an important item among the soldiers under Leiner's command after strength training.

They run with heavy loads all the year round, although their running speed is slightly inferior, they are much stronger than these people in terms of endurance. When the enemy army is panting, their spears and long swords are sent into the enemy's flesh.

After everything was over, only nearly 10,000 of the more than 28,000 soldiers escaped smoothly, and the remaining 18,000 people all stayed on the battlefield, either disabled or seriously injured or lost their lives.

The battlefield looks very disgusting...

Countless corpses, stumps, and broken arms, as well as the pulled internal organs became a paste on the ground. The strong smell of blood, feces, and internal organs permeated the air, drilling into the nose all the time.

What was even more disgusting was the cavalry battlefield. Although the cavalry on both sides were protected by thick armor, the battle did not look very bloody, but the horseshoes didn't matter so much.

Step on it once, and the juice will burst out like garlic...

The cavalry who fell under the horses all ended in a very uniform manner. They were all trampled into flesh by the horses. The flattened cans of luncheon meat are usually piled up on the ground in disorder, and the original appearance cannot be seen.

However, the soldiers of the Northern Frontier Army are already familiar with such a scene. The battlefield is always like this. Does the enemy have to take back things like severed hands and internal organs before they die?

It is very good to be able to win and survive, and to get rewards. Cleaning the battlefield is really nothing, not to mention that they have already become accustomed to it, except for some wars that have not been experienced. Other than the recruits, the veterans thought it was nothing. They even thought they could eat two sausages for dinner.

Gather those embarrassing new recruits who vomit on the battlefield and let them clean it up with their own hands, while the veterans leisurely and leisurely restrain the enemy's iron armor. Although steel is not very valuable in the northern border, it is still valuable for their class. A small windfall.

Since His Majesty himself did not lack iron, he would not take away any trophies such as iron armor and long swords on the battlefield. He only took away one or two pieces symbolically, and gave the rest to the soldiers to exchange for money.

After cleaning the battlefield, although the soldiers had worked very hard, there were still some hard-to-remove pieces of meat left on the ground, which could only be handed over to some scavengers in the wild.

The goshawk, which had been circling in the sky, immediately swooped happily after the soldiers of the northern border army left.

Although they didn't know what these upright apes were doing before, the strong smell of blood and food attracted them to feast on them.

At this time, the imperial capital city was already tense. Although it would not be said that people were panicked, many people were worried about whether their majesty the emperor would be able to win.

Because the soldiers were too tired after fighting for a long time, Reiner didn't take people back to the imperial capital immediately, but rewarded these soldiers generously, and they were not allowed to eat and drink casually. After such a big victory, they are not allowed to drink alcohol, which is really unreasonable.

Of course, Leiner will not take it lightly, and after leaving some people to guard the camp, the soldiers revel in peace of mind.

In addition, Reiner also promised his soldiers that when they return to the imperial capital, they must hire the most beautiful girls to let the fighting warriors vent their anger, but safety issues must be guaranteed.

After the all-night carnival, the leftovers were placed in the camp, and the soldiers returned to their tents to sleep soundly drunk.

Reiner woke up from the camp bed in the big tent, rubbed his slightly aching head, yesterday he drank more when celebrating with the vassals, the hangover made him dry mouth and headache .

Under the service of his subordinates, after taking a shower, Reiner's headache caused by hangover improved a lot. After drinking a glass of water, he walked out of his big tent.

At this time, the camp was already in full swing. The soldiers cleaned up the mess after the carnival, and the lords obviously hadn't woken up yet, otherwise they would definitely come back to see Reiner.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock at noon, after the lunch was over, that Reiner saw these lords, and they looked obviously a lot sluggish, without the bold look of last night.

After everything was ready, Leiner waved his hand and gave the order to return to the city.

The 35,000 army did not separate, so they walked towards the imperial capital in such a mighty manner. After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at the city wall of the imperial capital in the evening.

Their arrival caused a little panic at first, but when everyone saw the golden lion emblem flags on red backgrounds, they let go of their worries and became excited.

"Long live! His Majesty the Emperor is invincible!"

"Victory! Victory forever!"

The residents staying on the streets of the imperial capital cheered loudly, and their shouts attracted the attention of many citizens who were already at home, so the cheers became louder and louder, making this city appear to be in the dark because of the martial law. The quiet capital became more and more noisy.

Leiner and all the vassals rode on their horses with smiles on their faces and walked towards the Tesca Palace.

The soldiers also lined up to follow Lena to the Tesca Palace. There was a barracks in the imperial capital. After all, it was still an imperial capital, and there would definitely be no shortage of places for the defenders to rest.

At the same time, the reinforcements from the north had already left the scope of the Grand Duchy of the North, leaving only 600 kilometers away from the imperial capital.

In addition to more than 20,000 fully armed warriors, there are also more than 4,000 country gentry and self-cultivating farmers who are also very well equipped. Most of them are fighters who practice martial arts diligently, at least very skilled with swords.

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