Black Iron Crown

Chapter 468 Encirclement

Reiner forced a smile and said: "I'm sorry dear father-in-law, my territory is too far away from here, please forgive me for not coming in time!"

"No, no, don't say that, my dear son-in-law, you came very timely. If it weren't for your arrival, those people would have demolished my old bone control panel!"

Earl Creek looked at Rainer with a very kind expression.

"Stop standing here son-in-law, let's go into the city to talk, I should hold a banquet for you!"

Rainer winked at Earl Leyland, and he hurried to the soldiers who were camping.

Leiner felt that the group of enemy troops should only retreat temporarily, and they might make a comeback at any time, so the soldiers' camps must be durable.

Therefore, Earl Ryland had to watch over the soldiers as an overseer.

Entering Fort Creek, the scene inside couldn't help but make Reiner speechless.

"Heh..." Looking at Rainer's expression, Earl Creek couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "Hey... I made you laugh, it's a last resort during the war, I asked the people below to bring in all the livestock!"

At this time, Fort Creek is like a big pigsty. Wild boars, cattle, draft horses, sheep, and many chickens that seem to have not been fully domesticated are all in the castle.

This is much more lively than the zoo.

Reiner remembered what the former northern lords did in the winter invasion of the Klades, and the scene in front of him was exactly the same.

"Haha... This is also human nature..." Although Reiner said this, his face was still slightly stiff.

Because he felt that his feet were sticky and smelled so bad, Reiner only felt as if he was in a septic tank. This kind of stench was no longer unbearable.

Earl Creek's expression became more and more embarrassing, and the smell dissipated a lot after entering the main castle.

Reiner rubbed his thick-soled combat boots on the stone steps, looking at the foul-smelling lump, Reiner's face twisted a bit.

To be honest, it was the first time he encountered such a situation in the nearly four years since he came to this world.

When I was in the north,

He couldn't guarantee the hygiene of other people, but his own castle and his personal hygiene were absolutely clean.

As he had heard in his previous life, the Middle Ages were all dirty things like feces and diseases, but such things as aggregates almost never happened in his territory.

"I'm sorry my dear son-in-law, I didn't entertain you well!" Earl Crick said apologetically, it seemed that what happened today really made him very embarrassed.

That night, in order to make up for what happened during the day, Earl Creek prepared a sumptuous banquet for Reiner.

That's right, this time the banquet is really rich.

The meat of all kinds of rare birds and beasts is deliciously cooked, and the aroma is tangy after being sprinkled with various spices.

Lena couldn't help being dumbfounded.

It is true that the northern border is not rich in products, but at least it is backed by cold zone forests and a large number of woods, and there is absolutely no shortage of all kinds of meat.

But now, at least half of the Meat Reiner on the table does not know each other.

It was only now that he finally understood how rich the products in the south were, and how luxurious the life of the southern lords was.

A group of northern lords represented by Leiner lived a real medieval life. In terms of the quality of life of these lords in the south, Leiner felt that they had already developed into the Renaissance.

Sure enough, people are more popular than people.

During the banquet, Earl Crick mentioned Sir Contans in the dungeon, and told Reiner what Sir Contans said at that time.

Now tell Leiner that it is impossible for him to bring thousands of troops back to the north again.

And after telling him, it was also a reminder for him to make preparations in advance so that he would not be caught off guard.

"Although he said that, I'm not sure if his words are true!"

Hearing what Earl Creek said, Reiner frowned slightly, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly. He gave Earl Creek a meaningful look, and then said nothing.

Reiner has already noticed this little trick of the team doctor, and too many things can be deduced from the news that Sir Contans got.

If it was just to get himself killed in the south, there was no need to conduct official exchanges with great fanfare. He only needed to occasionally reveal that he didn't care about the chaos in the south, which instead attracted Logan's attention.

The only explanation is that they have one thing to do, and it's obvious that it's about to happen.

Leiner guessed right. As soon as Leiner left the territory of the upstarts and entered Fort Creek, the upstarts immediately assembled a large number of troops and marched mightily towards the imperial capital.

In the imperial capital, the queen was already very excited. Looking at the Earl Redmara in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

"Seven years! We... We finally waited for this day!" Although her eyes were red, a beautiful smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth.

She had been waiting for this day for far too long.

At the beginning, he was just a little girl who was married to a distant foreign country from his homeland.

Although her husband is one of the greatest men in the world, the fact that he is already an old man cannot be changed anyway.

But she is just a girl who knows nothing about the world.

Earl Redmara was also so excited that he couldn't help himself. He endured it for many years, and finally saw the dawn of hope today.

"Soon, they have already brought the army to the north, we just need to wait for their arrival, and we can completely end all this!"

Fort Creek.

After listening to the other party's words, Reiner considered for a while, and after sorting out his thoughts, he immediately stood up from the chair.

"I'm sorry dear father-in-law, I'm afraid I can't stay here any longer, there is danger in the north! Great danger!"

"But, what if those people make a comeback? No, they will definitely make a comeback, so what shall we do!" Earl Creek also stood up from his chair and said anxiously.

He didn't expect Reiner to be so decisive, and quickly made a decision.

"I can't help it, Earl Creek. If I don't go back, not only some of the royal lords, but even Farland, and even the entire Merland family will suffer disaster. I have to go back!"

However, even though Reiner said so, what happened next obviously deviated from his expectations.

A soldier rushed into the banquet hall and said out of breath: "My lord, more enemies have assembled outside the city. They haven't approached for the time being, but they have already formed an encirclement circle to encircle the army of Grand Duke Reiner." Living!"

"What!" Reiner was startled suddenly, he wanted to leave as soon as possible because he heard what Earl Creek said.

However, he did not expect the enemy to come so quickly.

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