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Chapter 156 Competing and Competing

"Lanxiang? It seems to be a martial arts academy that ranks around forty in the country. Why did you stand up in such a hurry?" Song Xiang wondered.

"Normally, in this kind of exchange match, the martial arts students who are ranked lower will be the first to appear first, which can be regarded as warming up the atmosphere of the competition."

"After all, if we showed up early, most of them would have to be hanged unilaterally. This is also a customary rule, which not only avoids the embarrassment of being hanged, but also gives other martial arts students a chance to perform. "

As someone who has experienced it, Ling Liangtang explained to the group of juniors who were participating in the competition for the first time.

Soon, another student from another martial arts academy walked into the central competition field and said loudly, "Xichuan martial arts academy, Fang Maoshan."

"If I remember correctly, it seems that the students from these two martial arts schools also competed in the last exchange match. It seems that there is a festival." Duan Yang recalled the situation of the competition last year and said.

"Well, it's a martial arts school in the same area, and the rankings are similar, so it should be a competition relationship." Ling Liangtang said.

Several people spoke, and the battle in the field immediately started.

Both of them are Qi and blood warriors, so the offensive was very fierce when they came up, looking like they were fighting each other.

"They have all reached the Qi and blood realm, which is pretty good. They should be the leaders of their academy." Zhan Xiaoxiao said.

Qin Ming looked at it for a while, and soon lost interest. Although the strength of the two students is not weak, they are much worse than him or the people around them.

Qin Ming, who was used to seeing big scenes and spending money on battles, couldn't be satisfied at all.

Looking at the guest seats, many celebrities who appeared at the party yesterday gathered here. Some of them crossed their arms and looked at the two students who were competing in the arena. Their brows were slightly furrowed, as if they were measuring their strength. Is talent worth wooing after the game.

There were also those who focused their attention on the side academy area, and many of them turned their attention to Gulan Academy where Qin Ming was.

What they want to see is not these pioneering martial arts schools, but to assess the talent and strength of the students of the top martial arts schools this year.

But now there is no movement from the four major martial arts schools, so they can only wait quietly.

"Lanxiang Martial Arts Academy, Wang Xi won."

After a few minutes,

In the end, the student who entered the stage first won. Sure enough, he didn't have any real skills and didn't dare to show up first.

Afterwards, the names of the winner's martial arts school and the names of the students flashed on several large screens, and broadcasted on the radio, letting everyone in the hall know the result.

Seeing the bright smile on the winner's face, it was obvious that he was very excited to win in front of so many family forces and college teachers and students, full of honor.

The other loser withdrew sadly, this result was extremely bad for him.

At the same time, some actions gradually took place in the guest seats. Those who are interested in the two students who are about to graduate will write it down and try to contact and communicate after the game.

As soon as the field on the other side was emptied, other academy students walked out.

Most of the people who can take the initiative to stand up are those who are confident in their own strength. They have various purposes and are eager to gain popularity in this competition.

"Golden Lion Academy, Jiang Yongwen, dare to fight!" The person who came up directly called a student by name and challenged a student from another academy.

Although this exchange match is based on the slogan of friendship first, competition second.

But in fact, except for some of the top martial arts schools, the competition among other schools is still very fierce.

Coupled with the fact that there are not too many competition restrictions, this way of specifying challengers is also allowed.

And the students whose names are called will usually fight. If there is a huge gap in strength and the opponent is too shameless, other students of the academy can also take the top.

However, there will be no situation of avoiding and not fighting. After all, if you are cowardly, not only the students themselves, but even the martial arts academy will also lose face.

On the other side, the students of the Golden Lion Academy who had been named suddenly became overwhelmed, each and every one of them wanted to take the initiative to invite Ying to play, full of hatred.

"Xiao Jiang, is there any problem?" The teacher who led the team looked quite serious, as if greeting a boxer who was about to enter the ring.

"No problem." The student named Jiang Yongwen walked out in a row.

"Come on, kick that guy's ass!"

"Fuck him!"

The same is the Golden Lion Academy, one is prosperous and the other is damaged, and the other students are also throwing punches fiercely at the side.

With the beginning of this named challenge, the scene of the competition gradually escalated.

People who eat melons like to eat melons with wonderful stories, and the audience also likes to watch battles with grievances and hatred.

Even the guests who were not very interested could not help watching the competition a few more times, looking very interested.

In the end, the fight was also very dramatic. The challenger, who thought he was a surefire winner, was beaten to the ground by the student from the Golden Lion Academy, which caused a lot of laughter.

There are always accidents, maybe the opponent's strength has been calculated before, but there is no guarantee that the opponent will not have a breakthrough in cultivation before the exchange match.

In this way, the challenger shot himself in the foot like lifting a rock, and by the way, let the opponent enter everyone's sight.

Afterwards, the competition continued, and each game was more exciting and intense.

Over time, more than two dozen rounds were carried out in no time.

At this moment, a student with a Lieyang emblem printed on his chest walked out slowly.

With his appearance, the eyes of the people in the VIP seats lit up and they began to whisper.

"Oh?" Ling Liangtang gave a little surprise when he saw this student appearing, and said, "I never thought that Shangyang Academy would be unable to sit still so soon this year."

"Probably want to avenge last year's exchange competition. After all, their performance last year was mediocre, and most of the students they brought in suffered defeat." Duan Yang said.

Zhan Xiaoxiao turned her head and said to Qin Ming and the others: "You have to be prepared, this time the other party is likely to come after us."

The ranking of Shangyang College in China is also quite high, and it has been stable within the top ten.

Last year, their school wanted to try to go one step further, and the goal was the four top academies that have always been as stable as Mount Tai.

First of all, he tried to challenge the fourth-ranked Gulan College in the inter-school competition, but the result was not very satisfactory, and he was beaten by Zhan Xiaoxiao and his group quite badly.

This year, maybe the opponent hasn't given up the idea of ​​challenging the top martial arts academy.

Sure enough, after standing still in the field, this person slowly turned to the area of ​​Gulan Academy, with a firm gaze, "Shangyang Academy, Gao Yanlang, please enlighten me from Gulan Martial Arts Academy!"

This time the other party did not call names, but only said that they challenged the Gulan Martial Academy.

"Which one of you wins, if you lose this round, you will lose 50 credits when you go back." Meng Ran said lightly, but the implication was already very clear, this round cannot be lost.

"Fifty points is too much, teacher..." Xu Fei complained in a low voice.

"So you think you will lose?" Meng Ran's rhetorical question immediately held Xu Fei back.

"I never heard that points will be deducted if you lose." Qin Ming said in a low voice.

"Well, the teacher added it temporarily." Duan Yang gloated.

Qin Ming shook his head. The teacher obviously didn't care about it before, but at this moment he still doesn't want to lose.

Thinking about going to work in the morning and evening, he prepared to volunteer.

"Uncle Meng, I'm going, I'm going, it's so boring to stay here." Gu Tao was the first to raise his hand to signal.

"Okay, let's go Gu Tao, remember to be safe." Uncle Meng smiled and responded to Gu Tao.

He naturally knew Gu Tao's identity, after all, she was Gu Qing's youngest daughter, and she often came to the academy with Gu Qing to play around when she was a child. Basically, several senior teachers in Gulan Academy recognized this little girl.

"Okay." Gu Tao nodded with a grin, and started the first match of the Gulan Martial Arts Academy with brisk steps.

"Here we come! Gulan Martial Arts Academy!" The eyes of several group executives became bright.

"I don't know how the students of this year's Gulan Martial Academy are. I remember that last year they were no worse than Xia Huang and other three top martial arts academies."

"This Shangyang Academy is not bad, but it should still be inferior compared to Gulan Martial Arts Academy."

"However, the students who dare to challenge the Gu Lan Martial Academy must at least have the courage."

Gao Yanlang frowned slightly, the Gu Tao who walked out looked young, even underage, which made him a little upset, feeling slighted.

The big screen above recorded the basic information of the two contestants.

Gao Yanlang is a student in the fourth grade of Shangyang, and also the president of the Yunling Society of their college. His cultivation base shows that he has quite impressive strength in the late stage of Yunling Realm.

On the other side, after Gu Tao's basic information came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the field.

Whether it was the VIP seats or the teachers and students of the major martial arts schools, they all looked sideways, a little surprised.

"Hey, he's actually a first grader? Sixteen years old?"

Although everyone thought that Gu Tao who came out looked young, but they didn't expect that he was really only sixteen years old, and he was still a freshman this year.

"Sixteen years old, with a cultivation level in the middle stage of the Forging Realm, this level of talent..." The representative of one party clicked his tongue.

"Don't think about it, Gu Lan Academy's student named Gu Tao, who else is there besides Mr. Gu's child?"

"No wonder, it turned out to be Mr. Gu's child..."

After seeing Gu Tao's name, many people in the guest seat looked stunned.

Gao Yanlang didn't know Gu Tao's details, he just felt that if he lost this competition, he would really lose face.

After all, no matter how talented the opponent is, she is only a sixteen-year-old girl.

At the beginning of the competition, Gao Yanlang stretched out his hand and released his mental power, locking onto Gu Tao's figure in an instant.

Then, he made a bow with both hands, and an arrow completely condensed by flames appeared between his hands.

Opening the bow and nodding the arrow, the flaming arrow shot straight at Gu Tao on the opposite side.

"This Gao Yanlang has a unique skill of devouring flame arrows. I didn't expect to show his cards this time." Duan Yang said.

Obviously, the other side attaches great importance to this competition, and there is a posture that it is certain to win.

Gu Tao on the other side was not panicked, and steadily summoned the Supreme Golden Cauldron, and placed it in front of him.

When the Yanyan arrow shot at this supreme golden tripod, it melted like ice and snow, and it seemed to be absorbed by this tripod in one gulp.

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